When Mo Jingchun found Baozi, Baozi was surrounded by a group of people pointing.

A group of people gathered under the shade of the curiosity tree, and Mo Jingchun came over.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the boss, the employees rushed away.

It's not time to get off work, everyone is here to watch the cat, the boss is coming, why don't you hurry up and leave, waiting to be dismissed.

On the grass under the shade of the tree, Baozisheng lay on the ground with his paws curled up, his appearance was pitiful.

Smelling the familiar smell, Baozi raised his head with blank eyes.

"Tsk tsk, it seems like someone bullied you."

Shaking his head, Mo Jingchun ignored Baozi and walked away.

Until a coincidence in the afternoon, when Mo Jingchun looked at Baozi running around and the BJM that came with it, Mo Jingchun finally understood why there were so many people watching Baozi in the morning.

It's so fresh to play music on the cat.


Candy, who has calmed down, does her homework seriously, and she can't compare with other students. She can't fool people with her summer homework.

Needless to say zero, you can tell at a glance whether the answer is correct.

My brother was a little bit, but only a little bit.

Hearing footsteps, Candy raised his head curiously.

"Brother, you are back."

"Yeah." Mo Jingchun put down the parasol in his hand, glanced at the math problem Candy was writing and nodded.

Originally, I was going to ask about the "audio" on Baozi's neck, but thought that Candy was still doing homework, so I gave up the idea of ​​asking.

It's not too late to ask again when I have time.

"Write slowly, don't rush."

Hearing this, Candy frowned, lowered her head and speeded up her homework.

Hmph~ I want to make sure that I fail to finish my summer homework on time, and then I have a reason not to take me rafting, so I won't be fooled——Candy thought in his heart.

Seeing Candy became more serious, Mo Jingchun fell into deep thought.

Candy entered the rebellious period at such a young age? Otherwise, why would you go against him today.

Forget it, willing to do homework is a good thing.

Sitting on the sofa, Mo Jingchun rubbed his sore neck, and slowly, feeling a little tired, he closed his eyes.


Mo Jingchun was having a sweet dream when he was suddenly awakened by a slap.

Opening his eyes, he saw that it was Zero who hit him. He was about to say that it was wrong to wake him up like this, but found that Zero's face was serious.

No need for Mo Jingchun to ask, Zero has already asked.

"Boss, a minute ago, at 16:21 Beijing time, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred in Sakura Country, and a tsunami is expected to form."

Mo Jingchun was stunned for a moment, before reacting, he said:

"That's it?"

"What does it have to do with us?"

After yawning, Mo Jingchun stood up and stretched.

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun thought that something serious had happened.

Putting aside prejudices, 7.6-magnitude earthquakes are also very common in Sakura Country. The earthquake is not small, but the casualties will not be too great.

It is estimated that there are only a few unlucky eggs.

Mo Jingchun didn't take two steps, but staggered, almost touching the ground with his hands, but fortunately he was quick and steady.

Looking back, Xiao Huihui, who was sleeping on the floor, looked at him innocently.

"Sorry, sorry, Xiao Huihui, I really didn't see it."

Bending down and rubbing Xiao Huihui's head, Mo Jingchun said with a smile:

"It's okay if you say it."

Under Tang Tang and Zero's astonished eyes, Mo Jingchun had already stood up straight.

"You don't say pull it down."

Candy was stunned by such an explosive operation.

It turns out that an apology can be like this.

Looking at Xiao Huihui's confused eyes, Candy felt distressed for three seconds.

Poor dog, who told you to be there.

On Friday, the sky is clear and the weather forecast suggests a minimum temperature of 28°C and a maximum temperature of 38°C.

Standing under the sun, Mo Jingchun couldn't believe that the temperature was only 38°.

The temperature of the coming heat wave is more than 38 degrees.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead with a tissue, Mo Jingchun, who was wearing a parasol, quickened his pace.

Inside and outside the door are completely two worlds.

The sudden temperature difference made Mo Jingchun's body tremble uncontrollably.

"Hello boss~"


Nodding to the staff at the front desk, Mo Jingchun strode into the elevator with the parasol under his armpits.

Before entering the office, Mo Jingchun heard laughter coming from the office.

Dare to laugh so arrogantly on this floor, there will be no one else except candy.

Unlike myself, who was so shy, and didn't laugh so arrogantly.

"Sister is not here, we both won seven consecutive victories, invincible."

At this time, Candy found that Zero looked up at the door at some point.

When I looked up, it was my brother who was back!

Candy put down his phone with joy and ran towards his brother.

"Brother, are you busy yet?"

"What's wrong?" Mo Jingchun looked at the candy differently, this kid, shouldn't be worried about being criticized for playing games.

"Hey, of course I want to take up a little bit of my brother's time."

Like Bi Xin, Candy gestured with his fingers.

"I'm fine today."

Hearing this, Candy's eyes lit up, and she dragged her brother towards the desk.

Pushed by Candy to sit down, Mo Jingchun realized that there was a pile of summer homework neatly placed on the computer.

"It's all done?" Mo Jingchun was a little surprised.


This speed is fine!

Mo Jingchun picked out a book at random and turned to the last page, and he really finished writing it.

Looking at Candy's expectant eyes, it was waiting for his approval.

Seeing this, Mo Jingchun carefully checked each book before he praised:


Candy rubbed her little hands happily, and asked with a smile:

"Brother, look, I finished my summer homework ahead of time, so what..."

"When will you take me drifting?"

Mo Jingchun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile:

"Then the day after tomorrow, Sunday, okay?"

"Okay!" Candy nodded impatiently, for fear that her brother would go back on his word.

Regret... Candy's dark eyes rolled around. suddenly asked:

"Brother, then I'll tell my sister and sister-in-law to go rafting the day after tomorrow."

Mo Jingchun couldn't help laughing, stretched out his right index finger and tapped Tangtang's forehead lightly.

"You're such a clever little ghost."

"Go, talk to your sister and sister-in-law."

Seeing the two small figures running fast without even taking their mobile phones, Mo Jingchun shook his head, got up and walked over.

"Yo~ It's really a seven-game winning streak, yes."

Mo Jingchun, who hadn't played games for a while, felt a little itchy, and couldn't help playing a game with Candy's phone.

"Kay, is it just your level to pay the national standard? Spend money to fight on your behalf."

Xia Xiaomin, who was working, raised her head and took a sneak peek, and saw the boss hastily lowered his head with a dark face, pretending that he didn't hear or see anything.

The voice belongs to teammates.

Coupled with the black face of the boss, Xia Xiaomin can deduce that the boss is just playing with Kai after a little association.

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