Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 832 Candy: Did you see the slight sadness on my face?

Learn to walk?

Li Wanning smiled, thinking that she was also looking forward to when the two precious daughters would walk.

Generally speaking, a little over one year old will be able to walk, although wobbly, but it is always gone.

If the development is later, the time to learn to walk will be later.

Having said that, children are the cutest when they are a few months old. Apart from eating and sleeping, they spend most of their time sleeping.

But when the child learns to walk, or even run, that is the beginning of the parents' nightmare.

"Ah, is Wen Jing hungry? Look at the little tongue sticking out."

Li Wanning glanced at it, said with a smile:

"No, I just fed you before you came."

"This kid just likes to stick out his tongue. I've been worrying about what to do recently."

Candy was puzzled, but Wen Jing's little tongue stretched out was obviously cuter, coupled with her cute big eyes, people couldn't help but want to pinch her cheeks.

"Sister Wanning, why are you bothered, the little sister is very cute~"

"You're still young, you don't understand. I'm worried that Wen Jing will get used to sticking out her tongue. When she grows up, she won't be able to speak clearly."

"Tell me, aren't we distressed?"

Candy couldn't speak clearly, Tang Tang looked back at Zero in confusion, only to see Zero nodded and said:

"There is indeed a high probability."

"Then what to do?"

"When you get older, just give him a pacifier. But you can't always eat a pacifier."

At this moment, Wen Jing, who was staring at her big eyes, shrunk her face and cried unhappily.

wow~ wow~

I don't have any toys, and I'm not happy if I stick out my tongue and play.

Wen Ru, who was on the side of the ear-piercing cry, frowned, as if thinking about whether she should also cry at this time, otherwise she would not seem to fit in well.

So... Li Wanning's most troublesome thing happened.

The two babies were crying, holding one in each of their left and right hands.

"Okay, okay, mom is here, don't cry."

Seeing the two little sisters crying loudly, Candy couldn't breathe.

Sure enough, taking care of children is the most tiring.

For a while, Tangtang regretted the Haikou boast some time ago, and said that he would play with his younger sisters in the future.

Candy couldn't help shivering at the thought of a group of milk babies crying behind her.

Ling Yi, who was standing behind Tang Tang, looked dazed, and couldn't understand why Tang Tang was so frightened.

After finally coaxing the two daughters to sleep and carefully placing them on the bed, Li Wanning realized that Candy and Ling had left at some point, but she didn't know it.

"Netizens sincerely do not deceive me, one pregnancy is stupid for three years."

Shaking her head, Li Wanning didn't recall when Candy and Zero opened the door and left.

The only thing that worries Li Wanning is returning to work in a few months. Can her rusty mind turn around?

After reading this, Li Wanning hesitated for a moment, then turned around and took out a cardboard box under the bed.

Opening the cardboard box, it was full of books.

At noon, Xu Pengfei, who came back with food, looked at an English book on the table in surprise.

"What's the matter with you? What are you planning to take?"

Li Wanning, who was breastfeeding her child, looked up at Xu Pengfei, and said with a sad face:

"After giving birth, I found that my brain was not working well. I was worried that I would not be able to do my job later, so I used my brain in advance."

The corner of Xu Pengfei's mouth twitched, but he didn't open his mouth to refute, not because he was worried about his wife's future work, but because he didn't want to sing against his wife.

Taking a step back, it is always a good thing to have more knowledge, which may be used someday.

On the other side, Tang Tang, who was sitting next to his brother, looked at the bowl of old hen soup in front of him for almost five minutes.

Mo Jingchun, who had finished eating, saw that the chicken soup hadn't taken a sip, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said:

"Why don't you drink it? It won't taste good when it's cold."

Hearing this, Tang Tang swallowed his saliva and smelled the chicken soup, and that disgusting feeling came back again, as if a worm kept surging upwards, trying to come out of his mouth.

In a moment, Candy, who had made a decision, pushed the chicken soup in front of his brother without hesitation.

The little head shook his head vigorously, "I won't drink!"

"It makes me want to vomit."

Mo Jingchun frowned, the most worrying thing still happened.

This is a sign of being tired.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let Candy drink chicken soup every now and then.

Sighing, Mo Jingchun picked up the bowl of chicken soup with tears in his eyes.


"Go, go to the back kitchen and tell the kitchen that I don't need to cook chicken soup for you in the future."

back kitchen.

When the head chef heard that he didn't need to make special chicken soup, he immediately accepted it.

It can be seen that the head chef is really happy from the bottom of his heart.

With the same salary, there is less work to do, and no one will be happy to change it.

For the next period of time, Candy lived the same life almost every day.

Only on Saturdays and Sundays, Mo Jingchun was free to go out with Candy.

Although it was a light bulb, Candy didn't care.

In early August, it was another Sunday.

In the evening, the sun had already set, but the temperature in the city did not drop rapidly because of the sun setting, but walking on the street was acceptable without the sunlight.

Holding the little sugar man in his hand, Candy was a little anxious.

too fast! It melts so fast that you can't eat it as fast as it melts.

Until a certain moment, Candy suddenly stopped in her tracks, with a slight sadness on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Turning around, Mo Jingchun looked at the shiny wooden stick in Candy's hand, and the torn sugar figurine that fell to the ground. Mo Jingchun instantly felt the sadness of Candy.

All right. Mo Jingchun actually wanted to laugh, but Mo Jingchun was worried that the candy would cry if he laughed, so he held back.

He took out a tissue and picked up the Tang people on the ground one by one and threw them into the trash can.

"Throw away the stick, too."

The pouting candy angrily threw the stick into the trash can.

"Okay, let's take you to buy toys."

After strolling around for more than ten minutes, Mo Jingchun and his group saw a toy store specializing in selling toys at the end of the street.

After walking around the toy store twice, Candy sighed, turned around and pulled his brother out of the toy store.

Outside the toy store, Mo Jingchun looked at the candy for some unknown reason.

"Why don't you buy it?"


"Brother, you didn't find the toys inside, can we have all of them at home?"

"I don't play the old one anymore, and I won't play it when I buy a new one."

Suddenly, Mo Jingchun realized that there are really a lot of candy toys.

There is a high probability that he won't need to spend money on toys after he has a child.

Seeing the slightly sad candy, Mo Jingchun smiled and said:

"Okay, don't you just want to drink milk tea, buy it!"

The little eyes kept sneaking glances at the milk tea shop across the road with dynamic music playing, and he almost said that he wanted to drink milk tea.

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