Technology, Overthrow Odin’s Rule

Chapter 208 The simple folk customs of Gotham City

Looking at the dazed expressions of several people, am I not good at this method?

Spreading his hands: "Can't you?

In terms of behavior, intervening in the psychology of this group of people, in fact, Bai Ye really thinks it is possible.

When people seek stimulation, they need feedback, and after getting no feedback once or twice, he will have other illusions about this behavior.

Will not change is not said, but he may go somewhere else - scourge.

Well, there are indeed some dogs.

"Then I have another way."

Wayne said with a dark face: "Don't do any more shocking methods."

Bai Ye raised his finger: "Easy crimes are brought about by unequal costs. You only need to amend the constitution and promulgate the death penalty."

Wayne was stunned again, to be honest, he could imagine Bai Ye was unreliable, but he didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

What's up buddy?

The West has always advertised freedom, but is it really free?

I'm afraid not necessarily. From another angle, what are these freedoms brought about? Or, what is freedom whitewashing?

This kind of thing is needed, necessary, and what you really have for society and individuals.

Put these things in Gotham City, and you will get the answer, everything is capital.

The result is naturally not so beautiful.

Wayne shook his head slowly, revising the constitution was not something he could do.

Even if he has the banknote ability, even if his relationship network spreads all over the world, it is difficult for him to interfere in political matters.

"Not yet?

Bai Ye's hand slowly rubbed his chin, San Xiao only took a small step back subconsciously after seeing this scene.

Wang, I'm ready to cheat again.

"Then I have another solution, but I don't know if Mr. Wayne can accept it," Bai Ye said slowly.

"tell me the story."

"I have an energy in my hand that can influence a person's choices, for example, when a criminal chooses to commit a crime."

"When this energy acts on him, he refuses to sin.

Wayne frowned. "You mean, control everyone with energy? It's impossible."

Seeing that Wayne was about to get up and leave, Bai Ye refused.

"Don't, just listen to my explanation first!"

This "energy will act on any life, but it will only affect your choices and will not do any harm to people."

We're not violating their human rights aren't we? As long as it's set, as long as they choose to sin, this energy will come into play.

"Let them think it's wrong.

"Are you sure?" Wayne looked suspicious.

He had never heard of such a thing, even if Bai Ye, who had overcome cancer, said it, he was a little reluctant to believe it.

"Definitely, I'm a good guy.

"Look, your Gotham style has always been to breed crime on the streets, get caught in Arkham, and then go crazy."

"Is this the process?"

Wayne nodded in confusion, summing up well.

"Then it's this group of lunatics who come to society with violent genes, and then bring harm, and then commit crimes, and you will catch them again."

"Is this the pattern?

Wayne's mouth twitched, is Gotham so messy?

This is an international metropolis, where not only criminals live, but also many philanthropists, ordinary people, and even more bad people.

Everything is still going in a good direction.

Seeing that Wayne didn't speak, Bai Ye felt that he could do it again.

"Look, that's the way it is, now we just give them a little bit of energy up front and stop them when they want to commit a crime.

"No one will be hurt, and nothing will be lost, the best of both worlds.

"Then what can you get?" Wayne looked up at Bai Ye.

To be honest, he felt as if he underestimated this newly-promoted rich man.

Bai Ye's face was smooth: "I just want to study and collect these data, definitely, not human research, just record their changes.

"You can all participate in this process."

In this case, it is not very difficult to accept, if I also participate, even if Bai Ye is doing something in it.

Any harm, you can stop it yourself.

Moreover, if it can really help Gotham City, I am afraid it will change in one fell swoop. This is an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Shen Sheng said, "I need to take a look."

With a snap, Bai Ye snapped his fingers.

"You will witness miracles.

The energy of the reader's mind is far from simple, and Bai Ye still wants to study something from it.

"The editor's hand is probably not the only way it works.

"However, you also know that if this thing is exposed, it may affect me, so we need to do it in secret."

...for flowers...

"You understand?" Bai Ye looked at Wayne with a bad smile.

Why does Wayne suddenly feel like he has stepped into someone else's trap? Are you not a good person, why do you have a bad smile?

"Cough cough. Mr. Bai Ye, since this energy is not harmful, why not let others participate?"

"If the government takes the lead in doing this, I am afraid the effect will be much better."

The Bald Eagle Government? The Bald Eagle in the DC world is a little better than Marvel's, but it can't change the bloodline of their politicians.

Besides, I just want to do some research, what's the fuss about?

Let that group of politicians born with paranoia of persecution know that there is an energy that can control people?

Don't make trouble, Bai Ye may be directly labeled as a terrorist at that time, and it is very likely that he will go to Arkham first and be studied by lunatics.

So, he gave the little bat a white eye, really big lantern.

The next day, Batman's housekeeper, Alfred, drove early to the Angel Manor.

"Mr. Bai Ye, it's nice to meet you, I'm here to pick you up, Mr. Wayne should have told you.

"Definitely, please excuse me."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, and if there is nothing else, then we're off?"

"Definitely can."

Taking Hong into the car, Bai Ye still has a good impression of Wayne's housekeeper and his other half.

You can imagine a man of his age still having to fuck Batman and take care of his funeral.

What a big heart.

"Hey, aren't we going to Wayne Manor?"

"No, Mr. Bai Ye, let's go directly to Arkham, Master Wayne has already made arrangements.

Well, the little bat looks urgent.

Outside Arkham Prison, there are ten steps, one post, five steps, one post, and it looks like a stern look. Just here, the lunatic inside has the ability to run out.

Gotham City is like a game venue for them and Batman, everyone has a tacit understanding, I go out, you bring me in.

Then I'll go out again, and you'll catch again.

Bai Ye wondered with disgust, does Batman have some kind of trembling attribute.

Isn't it okay to find guilt for himself? This Ability is the worst world he has ever seen.

Think Iron Man, people have a happy life. So

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