Technology Treasure King

Chapter 1001: Naval battle in the storm

> The new battleship of the Superman era is a development of military technology that spans at least 50 years, and it is the crystallization of comprehensive technology including military, materials, new science, and so on. M//Free e-book download www.//So it has epoch-making invincible combat power, ocean strike force, all the navies of the old age, only one is like it...The navy of World War II defeated a heyday state on the front The U.S. aircraft carrier battle group is just as incredible and even more absurd.

The new battleships are in the present world, not counting other open countries, especially a certain new overlord of the earth, before other ordinary countries, even before the invincible naval power of the United States once able to sweep the oceans of the old era:

Invincible firepower, overwhelming high-tech advantages, the most lethal mobility.

Therefore, He Ming knew that the North and South Smecta had only built a total of three, and South Korea had two new battleships with not huge differences.

However, even so, an invincible naval strike force can be formed. With the new global reconnaissance satellites, it can basically maintain the war transportation line; it effortlessly obtains the most important maritime power in modern warfare.

This invincible naval strike power is of course an important method that the elites of the two peninsulas have easily decided after taking genius medicine. Otherwise, without overwhelming naval power, would they dare to wage war with some superhuman power?

How are resources shipped back? How to send local personnel to mine resources?

What's more... Because of the budding forces of aggression, the two countries will not be able to extract resources, but they must acquire the vast territory that small countries dream of, and it is not enough to expand tenfold and become a large country with millions of square kilometers. But... a superpower of tens of millions of square kilometers!

However, He Ming did not expect that the two countries that were not unified and belong to the same nation would be so fast. Within a few days, it would be because of the interests and the self-inflating arrogance of the invincible sense of victory brought by the invincible military power.

Of course, there must be some accumulating grievances for many years... so that a great battle that quickly affects the situation of the war and even affects the fate of the country erupts.

I didn't expect it to become the laughing stock of the world very funny: the "powerful" navy prepared by the Western world stepped in at the end of the war and slashed the attributes of the tragic victor. Even Pudao is considered a lore.

Both guys are... finished.


He Ming smiled slightly and moved his fingers to check the information on the light screen. He estimated in his mind: It is estimated that the defeated North Smecta would not be grateful to others: South Korea's control of the sea in Southeast Asia is in the hands of the other party because of the relationship between the opponent and China. Friends of friends are their own friends, so they will not affect their own wars.

What about the Western world? That's it, transportation resources? dream. Especially fighting in maritime countries... everything... is about to enter the era of hard struggle-until a new battleship is created again.

And South Korea will encounter a fatal problem: the homeland is attacked.


What can He Ming say. All self-inflicted chants: Individuals or countries that like to use violence to solve problems will sooner or later encounter problems caused by violence.

"Well, I want to take a look at the virtual battlefield. There should be virtual simulations created by the Earth Administration for such important battles?"

On the warm beach, sip a large glass of ice-cold, unknown fruit drink that is absolutely "sweethearted"; continue to eat a portion of the same unknown, of course extremely delicious, made from a combination of seafood squid, lobster, and a little crystal caviar He Ming had a whim about the finished meal, and he used his thinking to focus on the central brain.

of course. All major events on the earth, such as the emperor’s ascension to the throne or the murder; or important wars, important political events, great artistic creations, etc., in the world of the dead, all have virtual scenes similar to "documentaries" so that you can experience that in person time.

He Ming already knew that all his life from birth to now has been made into virtual scenes. And it has quickly become the virtual scene with the highest attention in the history of Shanmeng. In the past, the "aliens" who paid attention to Tubulaji, and everything about the carbon-based monkeys that were born only a few years ago.

Four beauties? Kangxi Xiao Mazi? The great project, the birth of the monkey, the history of the earth, the Huns and the Han Dynasty, the Roman Empire, the John Bull that the sun never sets, the invincible emperor of the United States, the overlord of the New Oriental-who cares? In the eyes of the "aliens", it was just a boring and very low-level indigenous planetary civilization.

Of course, now... there is a **** named Abdomen.

"No problem. As you wish, I will arrange for you immediately."

Soon, He Ming lay peacefully on the super beautiful lap of his wife Zhou Qingyun, the central optical brain asked the robot to send the most advanced virtual device to He Ming’s head, and then processed thinking and so on to intervene in the virtual world. It didn’t take long. The sunny expanse of sandy beaches. A lot of beautiful bubbling bikini vixen. As well as the guests of a few planetary mansions, there are also Zhengtai and Loli army who run around happily, go to the beach stalls run by robots to eat and drink, and occasionally enter the bed in the sand cave and sleep a lot...

Everything becomes blurred. However... it seems as if I close my eyes and it gets dark, I feel the warm sunshine still in my body, but my thoughts drift into the distance.



The storm was like a snake, lightning and thunder.

He Ming's thinking appeared on the battleship of South Korea.

A hundred years ago, the violent storm that could wipe out any fleet in the name of "greatness" was just "drizzle" and the "breezes" of early summer before the huge new battleships in this world.

He Ming can use his mind to fly across the entire huge sea new steel battleship like a conscious light quickly, and he can move to the sky very quickly to see the whole picture with God's vision.

What's more interesting is that he can speed up the time at will.

It seems to be watching a movie under his control.

Of course, it cannot exceed the "movie" time plus movie scenes.

You can't go to areas where there are no movies. It's like dreaming about the clear face of someone you haven't seen before.

He glanced at the situation quickly. Even military idiots can't help but be surprised by this battleship and the next more spectacular new battleship: two real behemoths. They were named "I Sun-sin" and "King Sejong". For this reason, the ships of the same name in the former South Korean Navy have given up their names.

The shape is close to the battleship of the old age. But more lenient, so more domineering.

It has almost the same appearance, but a heavier and larger turret. All reveal the moving luster of new materials. The heavy rain cannot stay above.

Let He Ming happy, he knows that this type of fort North and South Smecta is not capable of manufacturing, and they are all provided by his new material manufacturing.

It weighs more than 15,000 tons and is basically one ship per ship. It is the main weapon of the new battleship.

And armed with other very important auxiliary weapons. Such as laser long-range locking, fierce laser net shelling, and the last air defense-laser sabotage missiles, and so on.

Although He Ming can swear, basically no one can defeat electromagnetic, rapid laser, and overwhelming air defense fire attacks from the old age.

Especially the electromagnetic network-future warfare will be electronic warfare. The missiles of the old age will fail when approaching the electromagnetic king, detonate in advance, and even more unfortunately... fall into the sea with a "thump". Millions of dollars have really hit a lot of water.

Oh, it should be a sea drift.


Of course, the peninsula and the two countries paid for the invincible naval force that suffocated the navy of the old age. The price it paid was comparable, and perhaps even more surpassed... In the old age, even if the sun did not set, the British Empire had to grit their teeth. The Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Army changed from good friends to enemies.

The fort provided by Guang Heming's new-style material manufacturing is a 550 billion yuan one that declined to bargain.

The peninsula navy and other open-hanging Chinese brothers and the Chinese alliance are all provided by this new material manufacturing with important and huge armaments-because the future high-tech development is almost endless, how can the Chinese government develop abdominal muscles and the money empire has developed Technology. Just use your own printed banknotes to buy it.

As far as He Ming knows various other important components, the two peninsula countries have used the power of feeding, crying and calling all resources from all major departments, including the most important resources. Genius brain pills.

It is estimated that... There was a period of time for the second wife of Peninsular to have a lot of genius medicine every day for this reason.

What could be more "distressed" than a piece of cake named..."the world", worth 10 million square kilometers of land, placed in front of you and you have the ability to eat it?

Therefore, as far as He Ming knows, North Smecta first developed a small number of people's livelihoods, which is to solve the two most basic problems of food and road construction. In order to quickly obtain the country's underground, extremely rich mineral resources that make the southern **** drool.

That's not the value of seven or eight trillion dollars in the old age. There are more undiscovered resources, and a large amount of scientific and technological added value is obtained through new technologies, so it is worthy... General Jin raised his eyebrows for this. Deeply sighed three thousand miles under my feet. Oh, now the 1,500-mile peninsula is really plump and rich.

Then, because of the huge military power, what was called ambition burned-the strong had the right... to mine first.

Then it is the introduction of the lowest-level machine factory that Huaxia eliminated a day, mainly serving military industry and mining...Through borrowing money to "buy medicine", the North Smecta elites such as General Jin with unimaginable intelligence immediately developed... After all, heavy industry, unimaginable horror, and highly efficient industrial system that you would never have dreamed of in the old age, but more than 90% are served by the military.

then. The main development of the navy that was tantamount to furnishings in the past-there is no way, the failure of the second peninsula war can only be resolved by peaceful means-how about you go to get the mistress of the abs? Sorry. They are... the leader of the South Korean government.

Therefore, if they are settled, the reunification problem will be solved peacefully. Of course, General Jin’s empathy is impossible: he will give up his name power. Is it only a little weaker than super power?

However, in order to manufacture new battleships, General Jin spent a few months to manufacture them. There were more than 8 million vehicles of various means of transportation, cheap cars, etc. in order to concentrate the resources of the country, and he gritted his teeth to buy precious metals from the China Alliance. , Of course, continue to borrow money.

Of course... it is impossible to borrow money indefinitely. The mineral resources paid out from this...God, it hurts to think of it. Must start a war to get it back.

This is the only way for all small open countries.

Because the local area does not produce a lot of resources, other in the information age, who the **** would sell such precious strategic metals to countries that have obviously skyrocketed ambitions? Is it convenient for someone to build a ship to get you?

Of course, this kind of strategic metal is too expensive, because the China Alliance and the Abdominal Empire have long stopped selling primary resources, so the finished product... Think about the price of some strategic metals when new steel is sold at a price ten times more expensive than gold.

And the price of processed gold for military use is hundreds of times more than the gold "raw material." It's like the difference between gold and fine gold.

In the new era, trade is not that easy at all. It can be said that the WTO can go bankrupt, and there is no need for this thing. There is no trade between open countries and ordinary countries, unless the latter wants to become the former's cheap raw materials and expensive markets. provider.

And ordinary countries also beware of ordinary countries: there are still some ordinary trades, but about resources and so on... I am afraid that the other side will suddenly get other "advanced" technologies. Then you will suffer a big loss unintentionally-what should I do if someone makes an Apple phone and sells it to you?

The largest market in the world is China Alliance. The largest producer and the largest consumer.

Anything can be produced. As long as the goods on the earth can be found.

However, it is too expensive, and it is impossible to pour cheap goods to earn the most precious renminbi and foreign exchange—the machine factory does not need to pay wages, but pays for electricity. No matter how manpower is used, they can't play with others.

That's it. The two countries of the peninsula, the noodles, the cigars, and the Pakistani iron are all gritted their teeth and borrowing money from the boss, just like...the little devil who used to take refuge in father John and brother Citi. Selling chrysanthemums finally... became a civilized country in the uncivilized Far East, and it also showed itself "proudly": escaping from Asia to Europe, and fully Westernized-the original country is called godfather and godfather.

But the payoff...very charming. It is estimated that the construction cost is about...a simple monetary calculation is within 5,000 to 7,000 billion yuan.

The most "cheap" cost is of course South Korea. 5,000 can't afford a fort! But it’s okay, they have a... the mistress of Brother Abs, many things are free, a batch of gifts.

The most expensive is of course the country of cigars. The historic RMB 7000 billion is still the simplest preliminary budget.

The main reason is how could the U.S. Emperor tolerate his grandmother in the cigar country wanting to create a naval force sweeping the Caribbean Sea?

Of course force is not enough. But all kinds of sanctions, economic and trade blockades are good at it-so the cigar country has to borrow a lot of money from the China Alliance and the Abdominal Money Empire to make it... or a weakened version of the new battleship-behind it is a large number of national powers in the China Alliance The result of repeated struggles at the top.

After all, China has become the China Alliance. Many new bosses have a variety of ideas, and they don't accept that the cigar country actually overwhelmed the US in naval power. This is too... for the sake of other people's cigar country. After all, the U.S. has so many superhuman powers. If you engage in the other people's navy, you will destroy the country by airdropping superhuman power.

Therefore, the birth of new-style battleships in small countries is not what the China Alliance can do in one go. It's just a small problem of productivity and time, but... it's really very difficult. Unimaginable input. Just borrow money. All kinds of diplomatic treaties and benefit treaties are the big problems.

and so. He Ming who is on the "site" can't believe it. It's too ridiculous. Two countries... which are clearly in their hands, are still the same ethnicity, but because... they are fighting each other for territory. After all, North Smecta just swallowed one. The fat meat named Philippines saw that South Smecta unexpectedly... swallowed the super fat meat named Thousand Islands Country?

Damn, are you the protagonist or am I the protagonist?

How dare you do this?

So, just before my eyes, in the torrential rain, the North Smecta invincible navy, a new battleship with only one member, the "Golden Taejo" was dispatched, imitating the kid’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and wanted to give the main force of the South Korean navy. A Smecta hero and a king...go to death.

Afterwards, even if South Smecta was able to concentrate its resources to make a new battleship again.

However, according to the elite assessment... the most conservative assessment is impossible within two months.

It’s also unimaginable to lose two months of sea power during the war... People have eaten fat early and broke out, saying that they will not have swept Australia and occupied Southeast Asia, and become a great country with thousands of square kilometers in one fell swoop. Shine under the golden sun!

Of course now, everything has already come to fruition, no **** can go back in time and change... the history of ants.

In the rainstorm, He Ming smiled slightly, recovered his mind, and Quan watched a good show on the spot. A good show whose results have long been separated.

It was like an invisible soldier on this huge new steel battleship, witnessing such a huge and domineering thing towards its destiny.


"Boom——" A roar that was ten times stronger than thunder suddenly rose, and the next moment He Ming saw an orange flash violently hit in the storm ahead. Followed by a huge new cannonball tearing through the rainstorm. The area is as large as a long ordinary van. With an incredible murderous aura.

The scene is far clearer than reality. And in the real world, it is impossible to see such a scene that is like a movie and is slow-moving specifically for waiting for you.

Undoubtedly, once it hits, He Ming believes that this new type of projectile not only has a honeycomb detonation state of neutron bombs. There are also a lot of special materials that burn new-style steel-a capital naval gun in an important location for an ordinary aircraft carrier. Unsinkable also ignites a large fire that cannot be extinguished, and can basically withdraw from the battle.

"Attack! Fatal attack! It is the new battleship of North Smecta. They launched a surprise attack through heavy rain! The heavy rain put an end to our satellite reconnaissance!"

"Fight, fight!"

The intelligent defense mechanism saved the "Yi Sun-sin": it instantly blasted out an electromagnetic net with weird colors in the sky immediately after the rainstorm. The number is as large as a squid fleeing in the sea splashing invisible ink.

The electromagnetic net easily surrounded the huge cannonball, making it slow down and slightly twisted.

So He Ming saw an interesting scene: "Yi Sun-sin" Uehara was invincible in the world. The South Korean navy soldiers with extremely arrogant victors' faces burst into sweat. Many people crossed their chests and thanked God for having escaped the disaster-a huge shell hit behind the giant ship.

It exploded. The sea immediately burned, raging.

Because once hit, the super lives of other frigate warships are forgotten, they... are dead: the new battleship was launched three times during the war, and all three times razed an area the size of three blocks.

And it burned a fire that water could not extinguish. Burned at least 2 meters of ground soil. Not to mention all the buildings on the ground.

Humanity? Please refer to the death method of the demon army in the latest copy of the American emperor.

The power created immediately made the Western world "strongly protest". The resistance immediately disappeared without a trace.

However, they all knew that the naval gun attack came from a new rapid-fire cannon made of new materials from the abdominal muscles. All smart shooting, once fired, it will be...the same attack as the end.

Continuous rapid fire attack.

So both sides knew that they wanted to sink each other immediately.

Until now... either you die or I die. It's like a nuclear war, people throw atomic bombs to give you a taste; if you don't throw them, you will be gone.

"Fire, fire! Full attack. Let King Sejong go to the other side and fire on the enemy with mobility. Sink it at the fastest speed! Damn, our navy is the foundation of all wars, and we cannot be defeated!"

The naval battle determines the fate of the country. Just like the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.

Of course... the wars of the past seem to be drizzle now, and the children play house.

He Ming moved God's vision to high altitude. The scene immediately shrinks and becomes an interesting movie, but it is watched live. You can even feel the interesting experience of heavy rain and wind.

in this way. He quickly saw clearly... Sure enough, a large number of North Smecta commanders had taken genius brain pills, so the timing and location of the choice were excellent, nothing better than this.

As a result, the Northern Army stormed the "Yi Sun-sin" and released a total of five seconds in just one minute, which was enough to destroy a large city with a population of 5 million. The power far exceeds tactical nuclear weapons and is comparable to strategic nuclear weapons-of course the normal power of the old age. Power without exaggeration

It's a pity, despite the defenses. The bridge of the "Yi Sun-sin" was still under attack: He Ming immediately saw the extremely powerful new type of steel emit extremely terrible defensive strength, and the huge artillery shells even seemed to take out all the kinetic energy to enter. Embedded in... Then there was a big explosion, enough to sink an ordinary aircraft carrier, but it only blasted a big hole, exposing dense, chilling, weird wounds.

Closer is a raging fire.

"Yi Sun-sin" began to show interesting green data. Even if the storm is still very clear, and it is in Chinese, it must be the manufacturer who considered the viewing of many civilizations, especially the most important Chinese user in the earth's civilization.

He Mingyi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "It's really bad luck. One shot made the captain die forever. The dominance is not hero belches. It' is like a dream, so sigh."

The next step is to save a few super-lifes transformed from the superman's adventure clothes provided by the superman outfits provided by the tens of millions of yuan in the superman's adventure clothes provided by the South Korean superman uniforms, which are still worth tens of millions of RMB.

They are not afraid of flames that can melt steel and use special materials to immediately put out the fire.

"We were hit! The bridge was on fire and the captain died in battle!"

"Damn, damn! *! Immediately under the command of the deputy captain, quickly do evasive movements and attack with all his strength. You must kill the big steel guy!"

Interesting dialogue emerged from the data of the two battleships.

Not only that, it was very interesting, and the "Jin Taejo" also sent out various triumphant messages. Morale has skyrocketed, and most people think that as long as the "Yi Sun-sin" is killed, then... they think that the very weak South Korean army will be defeated.

Then... they will get all the bright future.

ps: The first one.

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