Bringing more than a dozen people to the temporary office, Xu Qing directly handed over the newly printed contract and asked everyone to check it out first.

"What is your name, Manager Xu? It makes everyone so nervous."

Pulling Chen Yuan outside, Xu Qing rolled her eyes at the other person and said helplessly.

Chen Yuan looked like he was about to praise me and said proudly:

"Hey! I'm not trying to make you more dignified. After all, we are all colleagues from now on, and we still need to have the respect we deserve, otherwise they will definitely not take you seriously."

"Okay, okay, please be thoughtful!"

Chen Yuan pointed to the area being renovated next to him and said with a puzzled look:

"The handsome man won't rent out the entire floor for us to work in, right?"

"Call Mr. Li, don't act rude every day."

"Okay, okay! Mr. Li, Mr. Li, the male god is yours. I can only call him Mr. Li!"

Regarding Chen Yuan being so immoral, Xu Qing could only shake her head and ignore her.

"Mr. Li just said that this floor will be divided into three parts from time to time. Most of it will be used by a live broadcast company, and a small part will be set aside for the company's legal department."

Chen Yuan was immediately surprised to hear that the company actually had a legal department.

Judging by the time, those people should have almost finished their discussion, before Xu Qing took Chen Yuan back to the conference room.

The originally noisy conference room immediately fell silent upon hearing the sound of the door opening.

"Everyone has finished reading it!"

"finish watching."

"Well, actually the boss said that in addition to the basic salary and benefits listed above.

The company will also distribute different amounts of money according to everyone's performance level, and there will be a substantial year-end bonus at the end of the year.

As long as you complete the tasks assigned by the company, I believe your final income will not be less than 10,000. "

After Xu Qing introduced the new company, twelve of the dozen or so people signed the contract on the spot.

As for a few others who said they wanted to go back and think about it, Xu Qing directly agreed with their ideas.

In the next few days, Li Yu first merged the store he owned into the company, and also injected a one-time capital of 100 million, allowing Xu Qing to officially start acquiring the stores in Yitian Shopping Plaza.

As for the supporting hotels and office buildings, they are currently owned by Yitian Real Estate Company. Li Yu plans to wait until the private property acquisitions are almost completed before contacting their company to discuss the acquisition of the remaining properties.

Chen Ting also acted quickly. After renting the office area, Li Yu directly invested 10 million in the company. She hired many operators from several live broadcast companies the next day.

And it also comes with several anchors whose current live broadcast career is not going well.

"Mr. Li, we have almost reached an agreement with several dealers. This is the final condition. Do you see any problems?"

Tiansheng Daily Chemical Company, President’s Office.

Li Yu, Chen Xiran, and Lu Yan were sitting on the sofa in the office discussing product sales.

Taking the document handed over by Lu Yan, Li Yu looked at it carefully.

The more he looked at Li Yu, the uglier his face became. Although he knew that he was a new company and his products had just entered the market, he was mentally prepared that dealers would be very demanding.

But looking at the conditions given by the dealer:

The payment was settled in three months, but he was still given a money order, and the acceptance period for the money order was three months later.

This means that the goods from Tiansheng Daily Chemical Company can only be paid after half a year. Isn’t this bullying?

If this alone was enough, the other party actually lowered the price to 45% of the selling price.

The most outrageous thing is that the other party actually asked Tiansheng Daily Chemical to be responsible for the salary of 100 salesmen each month, which is 5,000, which is 500,000.

You must know that these people are managed by the dealers, and Tiansheng Daily Chemical cannot decide whether they will work or whose products they will promote.

"If you don't sign, find a new dealer!"

It was impossible for Li Yu to agree to this contract. Even if everything went well and he would indeed make money, he chose dignity.

Lu Yan didn't expect Li Yu to refuse directly. Although the contract was indeed harsh, she knew that as a newcomer, she really didn't have many choices.

"Mr. Li, this contract is considered a good one based on our conditions. This is only after the dealer tried it out and found that our products are good, so he relaxed the conditions a little. Otherwise, normally the payment would be extended to one year."

After listening to Lu Yan's explanation, Li Yu realized that it was so difficult to do business. As expected, channels are king in this era.

Somewhere, a certain company has not made any social contribution through platform channels, but it has made more profits than manufacturers.

"In this case, we can bypass dealers and form our own sales team to connect with supermarkets and other retail stores."

Li Yu didn't believe it. He couldn't live without dealers.

Lu Yan did not expect that the young boss had such a strong personality and made this decision easily without any analysis.

She could only look up at Chen Xiran, hoping to persuade him to persuade Li Yu.

"Mr. Li, the company currently doesn't have much cash flow, so we can't afford it!"

Chen Xiran actually feels that Li Yu is a bit willful. She feels that the company's first priority is to survive.

"Okay, no need to persuade me, I have decided on this matter. As for the funds, I will inject 10 million tomorrow."

Seeing the coach Chen Xiran could not persuade him, and hearing that Li Yu wanted to inject capital, Lu Yan had no choice but to give up.

"Manager Lu!"

"Mr. Li?"

"Next, your sales department will immediately set up a new sales team and we will distribute the goods ourselves. I don't believe it. You can't live without the dealer."

Although she had given up, Lu Yan immediately told what she might encounter when entering the supermarket.

"Mr. Li, if your products want to be put into supermarkets now, the first step is to charge a display cabinet fee, and their fee is basically about 20%.

Of course, the most important thing is that the payment is basically settled every three months. "

Li Yu never expected that the conditions for his own distribution would be so harsh.

“Is this required for all products, or is it for new products, new customers?”

Li Yu asked.

Lu Yanyao Yaotou explained:

"Basically all are required. This has become an industry rule. Unless it is for big-name products, the conditions may be a little looser. The rest are basically exploited."

After explaining this, she returned these to Li Yu Puji and said:

“Zoufu, which went bankrupt recently, has troubled many dealers and manufacturers. Even though they have just cut off the supply of goods, in fact, they have owed dealers and manufacturers at least half a year of payment.

If they were not desperate, those dealers and manufacturers would not directly stop supplying the products. After all, the payment for the previous few months is still in the hands of the other party, and it is basically difficult to get it back if the supply is cut off. "

After listening to this, Li Yu felt uncomfortable everywhere. Only then did he realize that those small and medium-sized manufacturers were actually so weak.

“Since it is an industry rule, forget it and choose to distribute the goods yourself!

I hope our products will appear on supermarket shelves everywhere within half a month. "

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