Technology Tycoon: From Real Estate Tycoon To Technology Overlord

Chapter 49 Failure To Settle In Zhongrun Wanjia

After more than an hour of court hearing, Lawyer Li finally questioned the amount of compensation.

Tiansheng Daily Chemical directly used the recent losses as a reference to demand compensation of 32.2 million from Fan Shuilian.

At this time, Lawyer Li came into play and directly raised questions, saying that although Fan Shuilian had indeed caused great reputational damage to Soft Care Shampoo.

After nearly two hours of court proceedings, the court adjourned for the afternoon and sentenced Fan Shuilian to compensate Tiansheng Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. for RMB 3.63 million.

After hearing this, Fan Shuilian initially requested an appeal, but unfortunately Li Yu would not give him this opportunity.

As soon as Fan Shuilian walked out of the court door, he saw a group of public servants approaching him.

"Fan Shuilian, right?" someone asked.

Fan Shuilian said blankly: "It's me."

"You are suspected of spreading rumors and causing great harm to the company. Now that the other party has reported the case, please give us a call!"

Fan Shuilian was so stupid that she didn't even react when she was handcuffed and taken to the car. She never expected that Tiansheng Rihua would be so heartless.

In the afternoon of the same day, the public relations department immediately took action and published two articles on the official accounts of Rouhu on all platforms.

"The Internet is not a lawless place. Spreading rumors will cost you money and you will go to jail."

"Rouhu is not afraid of challenges, please use product experience as a means, please don't be immoral!" 》

Two articles directly detonated the entire Internet.

“As one of the first users, I have always supported Rouhu.”

"Haha, that's funny. Is the official Rouhu mocking that giant company for being a dirty guy?"

"Upstairs, please understand that Guo Jie visited the thatched cottage three times and wants to acquire Tiansheng Daily Chemical, a soft care manufacturer. Who do you think he is mocking!"

"It's a pity that there are currently no soft care products for sale around us. I don't know what magic this product has, which directly makes the giants resort to dirty tricks."

"You can buy it online. Now my whole family only uses Roushu. Once I use it, I can't stop."

"It seems that Rouhu officially hired a bunch of junkies. I can't even look at this rubbish brand. If I buy one bottle, I lose."

In an instant, the entire Internet was discussing. After all, even if those manufacturers sued the rumor makers in the past, they would not make much noise.

But this time, Rouhu first detonated the live video industry with crazy marketing, and then was rumored by the big V Million UP to detonate Weibo and self-media circles.

Now there is a big reversal, and it is revealed that the person behind the scenes is likely to be a foreign-funded daily chemical giant planning this hot news.

"Asshole, this is your plan, look at it, open your eyes and look at it, the Rouhu brand is whitewashing, and the attention is hundreds of times greater than before."

Lawrence stretched out his hand and pointed at Du Qijian and said angrily.

He never expected that this small company, which he didn't pay attention to at all, would have such a tough attitude and dare to refuse the acquisition and investment intention from his company.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party's next step in Du Qijian would actually turn the danger into safety, and the attention continued to increase.

After Lawrence finished spraying, Du Qijian quietly took out a tissue and wiped the spit from his face.

"Manager, don't worry, we didn't leave any traces in these actions. It's impossible for the other party to find any evidence related to us."


Lawrence reached out and patted the table and said: "Am I talking about this?

You know, I took this matter in front of Ronald and promised to help the company solve the problem of soft care products.

What matters now is what to do next to fix it. "

Seeing his boss who had gone crazy, Du Qijian was helpless.

Originally, this matter did not belong to their investment department, but his foreigner boss just took it all for a little credit.

Now, the marketing department, R&D department, etc. of the shampoo business group are relaxed, which makes their investment difficult.

"Manager, you see, this matter does not belong to our investment department in the first place. Their business group R&D department and market did not do a good job.

You can't just put the responsibility on us just because our acquisition failed, right? "

Du Qijian said to Lawrence cautiously.

After listening, Lawrence tapped his fingers on the table and remained silent.

After a few minutes, he stopped and said with a smile: "You are right, I will reply to the other party's email directly. Okay, you can go out first!"

Just when the cleaning group was thinking about how to shirk responsibility, Tiansheng Daily Chemical officially started to expand.

The first step in expansion is naturally to add factories. It just so happened that many factories were vacated in the Lindong Industrial Zone this year.

Chen Xiran asked someone to contact Zhang Ke, the investment director of Lindong Industrial Zone, early this morning.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect your company to be in such a crisis, and I really admire that your company can continue to expand."

When Zhang Ke heard that Tiansheng Company was planning to expand and rent a factory, he didn't dare to neglect and ran over immediately.

Next, Chen Xiran took people to visit the two factories next door. After verifying that they were indeed similar, he decided to rent these factories.

"Director Zhang, are these two buildings going to be at the same price as last time or will we be given a discount?"

In the office, Chen Xiran asked.

"Mr. Chen, don't be joking. Your price last time was already the lowest. You can't get any better."

Zhang Ke quickly smiled bitterly.

Chen Xiran actually didn't think about continuing the discount. After all, she was very satisfied with the price last time.

There is a basis for cooperation last time, so this time it is not as troublesome as last time. Both parties have signed a contract.

Chen Xiran asked someone to transfer the money, and Zhang Ke just left the key and it was done.

"How about it? Zhongrun Vanjia, do you agree to put our products on the shelves?"

At 4:30 in the afternoon, just when Chen Xiran was about to get off work, Lu Yan came to her office.

During this time, Lu Yan was discussing with Zhongrun Vanguard Group about the entry of soft care products into the other chain's supermarkets.

“The negotiation failed. Originally, the other party had a somewhat relaxed attitude towards procurement, but today I don’t know why the other party’s attitude became tougher again.

They said that after their company's research, the Soft Care Shampoo did not meet the entry standards! "

Lu Yan said with an angry look.

In order to win over Zhongrun Wanjia, she has been flattering him during this period and gave him many small gifts.

The most annoying thing is that under the other party's suggestion, Lu Yan applied for a 1.5 million shopping card from Chen Xiran to buy Zhongrun Vanguard.

In the end, these shopping cards were given to the company's employees as benefits. Unexpectedly, she had to pay so much, and now the other party just dismissed her if she didn't meet the standards.

"It must be the cleaning group causing trouble again, right?"

Chen Xiran's mood did not fluctuate much. She originally had no hope of settling in Zhongrun Wanjia.

Without expectations, there is naturally no so-called disappointment.

"Definitely." Lu Yan said angrily: "If it weren't for the giants like them to interfere with it, it would be impossible for the other party to refuse based on our protective effect."

Lu Yan felt that she was not far away from being laid off when she thought that she had an annual salary of hundreds of thousands and had not created any profit for the company in her current position.

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