Lu Yan looked at Chen Xiran with shock on her face. Only now did she realize that her company was so powerful.

The channel dealers did not allow them to enter the store, so they began to acquire small Tesco supermarkets to form their own retail channels.

"I understand. I will take people over to contact Tesco Lifestyle Department Store in the afternoon. So, will you contact Mr. Chen via email for future work matters?"

"When the time comes, I will ask Zhao Hong to recruit some supermarket promotion staff for you, and you will be mainly responsible for training them to promote in the supermarket.

And next, the company will produce a batch of trial packs, and then you will connect with Tesco to customize the gift rules. "

In order to carry out the next work smoothly in Tesco, Chen Xiran and Lu Yan discussed for more than an hour.

When he returned to the sales department, he immediately called a meeting with all employees in the sales department and began to announce that the company would arrange a bus to take everyone to Tesco headquarters in the afternoon.

People who were originally demoralized immediately became excited when they heard that the company actually built its own channels in order to break through the blockade of the giants, and gained a new understanding of the company.

Such a powerful company is very optimistic about its prospects. After all, everyone has a clear understanding of its own products.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense. Let's pack up our personal belongings and take them over there in the afternoon. The office area has been planned for us. We can go there and start working directly."

After saying that, Lu Yan directly announced the disbandment.

"Mr. Xu, it's time."

"How many owners came?"

"Eighty percent of the owners are here. Several owners are abroad in special circumstances and cannot return to China. Some of them are in the hotel and it will take more than ten days to come out."

Since the acquisition was completed and the property rights of Yitian Shopping Center were transferred to Tiansheng Property, Xu Qing immediately asked people to contact all the owners there.

It's such a good day today. It's the agreed time. The invitation letter went up to the sky and it was announced that the layout would be changed. Naturally, those owners didn't dare to neglect it unless they really couldn't come. Basically, the rest came.

Xu Qing picked up the prepared documents, stood up and said to Chen Yuan, "Let's go then! Let's go meet these owners."

In fact, many owners in the conference room have already contacted Tiansheng Zhiwu before they acquired the entire shopping mall.

But when these people heard the news and learned that Tiansheng Zhiwu had been acquiring shops at a premium, they offered astronomical sums one after another, and the price could not be negotiated.

Naturally, Xu Qing was not used to these people, so she gave up the acquisition directly and contacted the remaining owners.

"Little girl, when will your boss come over and start?"

"That's right, we have been waiting for nearly half an hour. If you don't come or not, I can leave."

As soon as Xu Qing and Chen Yuang walked in, they were treated as ordinary employees or interns by several first-time owners.

"This is Mr. Xu, our general manager of Tiansheng Zhiwu." Chen Yuan quickly introduced.


"Damn, are all the little girls so good these days?"

The owners present were dumbfounded. They never expected that the boss who controlled billions of assets would be such a young and beautiful girl.

Xu Qing walked to the main seat, looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Everyone, please take a seat!"

When everyone sat down, Chen Yuan immediately handed out the documents in his hands to the owners present.

“Dear owners, this is our Tiansheng Property, and Yitian Shopping Center Plaza will be renamed Wanyue City Shopping Center Plaza.

After the name change is completed, the internal layout will be changed. This is the latest layout negotiated by Tianshengzhuwu. "

After everyone got the documents, Xu Qing explained.

After hearing the latest pattern, all the owners quickly opened the file to check it out.

You might not notice anything without looking at it, but when everyone present takes a closer look, they immediately spot the clues.

"I object!"

Within five minutes, a middle-aged man in his fifties stood up and looked at Xu Qing angrily.

When someone steps forward, others will immediately follow.

"I object too."

"This is out of order. Why should I build a wall on one side of my store? This change of the original excellent location of my store will turn it into a corner. I don't agree."


"be opposed to."

Xu Qing watched 80% of the people present staring at her angrily without panicking at all.

"Everyone, at present, more than 80% of the properties in our hands at Tiansheng Property are over 80%. We don't need any support from any of you to change the layout directly."

"Hmph! So what if you do this, as long as you dare to change it, I will sue you!"

"That's right, we're going to file a class action lawsuit."

"Everyone, I say that if Tiansheng Zhiwu insists on having his own way, I suggest that our shops be directly leased to low-end companies, which will bring down the entire shopping mall pattern. I don't believe that the other party dares to take risks."

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately supported by many owners. All the owners supported lowering the situation and looked at Xu Qing waiting for her to express her position.

Xu Qing didn't expect that there would be such a calm owner here. This trick was obviously Tiansheng Zhwu's method to deal with Yitian Group, but they actually used it against Tiansheng Zhwu.

If an ordinary company was threatened like this, it would probably have to compromise obediently. After all, there were more than 30 owners and more than 30 shops present, and the power of action was still very powerful.

Unfortunately, this company does not have a so-called board of directors looking at the profit rate. At present, Li Yu is only responsible for everything in the company.

"Dear owners, there is actually a better solution." Xu Qing looked at the owners with a smile and said her ultimate goal: "Currently, our company intends to repurchase the shops in your hands at market prices.

Our company has calculated that, not counting the rent you have received in the past few years, you can earn double the profit based on our purchase price compared to the original purchase price.

I believe that you have already made a lot of money from this investment, and I have some news for you.

Currently, Yitian Group is preparing to build a shopping mall in Shancheng City that will be higher-end and more luxurious than the current shopping mall. It is expected to invest more than 5 billion. "

Finished in one breath. Xu Qing did not speak but looked at the owner in front of her quietly.

At this time, the owner who had just made the most noise stood up and looked at Xu Qing and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you sure the news you told is true?"

All the owners present were very interested in this question and quickly quieted down to wait for Xu Qing's answer.

"Yes, Yitian Group has cashed out nearly 3 billion from selling this project. They can't put this money in the bank and wait for it to depreciate."

Xu Qing broke the even bigger news: "Look, this is the document sent by Yitian Group to our company, asking whether our company will join the investment."

As soon as this document came out, no one doubted it and started discussing it in low voices.

After a while, the middle-aged man who led the inquiry stood up and said harshly: "In this case, why are you even considering selling me out?"

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