In fact, it is not just the Procter & Gamble Group that is paying attention to Tiansheng Daily Chemicals, L'Oreal and United Li Hua have also been paying attention.

The most comfortable ones now are the low-end domestic no-name manufacturers, which have always used low prices as their selling point.

They all survive in the cracks of international giants. Tiansheng Daily Chemical's pricing is based on the products of Procter & Gamble Group, which cannot threaten them at all.

After all, shampoo and toothpaste all cost 99 yuan. Consumers who pay more than 3 yuan don’t care about the experience at all. They just want to live.

L'Oreal and United Li Hua's Greater China headquarters actually held a meeting on the threat of Tiansheng Daily Chemicals, and after discussion, there was no good solution.

At the beginning, Li Yu did not hesitate to sue all relevant personnel, even the small self-media who just followed the trend and published articles - the benefits of suing became apparent at this time.

Since a few leaders were sent away, the compensation for the remaining ones ranged from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands, which directly shocked all self-media companies.

No one dares to make up lies and create a topic to discredit Tiansheng Rihua's products.

Even if there is, those platforms that have been sued by Tiansheng Daily for compensation are not willing to accept the lawsuit and want to delay it, but now they are obviously reviewing Tiansheng Daily’s articles very carefully.

After receiving an invitation from the president of Greater China of Procter & Gamble Group to discuss dealing with Tiansheng Daily Chemical, the two presidents did not hesitate at all and immediately asked their assistants to reply that Procter & Gamble Group would arrive on time.

In the Yuexiu District of Yangcheng, the Procter & Gamble Group headquarters welcomed the Greater China presidents of L'Oreal and United Li Hua.

The two men were Ning Yingfa and Roger Mu, among whom Roger Mu was the president sent by the United Lihua headquarters.

Ning Yingfa, like Zhang Xianzhong, joined their company more than ten years ago and gradually reached the position of president.

In a small office.

"Lao Zhang, I didn't expect that after more than ten years of fighting, the three of us would have such a harmonious discussion together.

Ning Yingfa looked at Zhang Xianzhong, who used to wish that the other party would die early, and said with a playful expression.

"You people from Rabbit Country just like to be hypocritical. Please note that our purpose this time is how to deal with Tiansheng Daily Chemical, not to chat and reminisce.

Rojim said with dissatisfaction on his face.

Seeing that Rogerim didn't want to talk nonsense, Zhang Xianzhong did not discuss the grievances between the two with Ning Yingfa.

"I believe that both of your companies should have been exposed to Tiansheng daily chemical products~"?"

Zhang Xianzhong took out a stack of documents and got to the point.

"Nonsense, if I hadn't experienced the other party's products, do you think I would fly over to Yangcheng to meet your competitor?"

"On the day they released it, Pengcheng's staff sold a few copies and took them to the headquarters by plane that day for research by the R&D department."

Ignoring Ning Yingfa's sarcasm, Zhang Xianzhong took out the document and handed it to the two of them. Then he turned to ask Rojim whether the other company's R&D department had made any progress.

As expected, Rojim did not choose to hide it and said that there was indeed not much progress, and also revealed that he had asked his confidants to purchase several boxes of each product.

Then he asked his confidants to personally take these products back to the group headquarters.

In fact, Zhang Xianzhong and Ning Yingfa are also sitting in these. After all, they can be the president of Greater China. They are not fools who would choose to hide the headquarters.

Next, the three of them talked about how to cooperate to deal with Tiansheng Daily Chemical. At this time, Rogerim asked why this Tesco lifestyle department store still put Tiansheng Daily Chemical products on the shelves.

"You are too far away from Pengcheng, so you probably don't know. In fact, the company behind this supermarket is called Tiansheng Department Store. Just by listening to the name, I believe you will know why.

You are saying that even if this supermarket does not put it on the shelves, it has never been removed from the online platform. Didn't your operations department investigate?

The daily shipment volume of their online platform is increasing, and now the daily shipment volume has exceeded 20,000. "

Zhang Xianzhong answered Rogerem's question and asked him if he didn't know that Tiansheng Daily Chemical's online platform was gradually gaining strength.

"It's only 20,000, which is only 7 million a year." Rogerm shook his head.

"I said, Lao Luo, you are getting old and can't keep up with the times. Why don't you apply with the head office to go back for retirement.

Ning Yingfa was not as kind as Zhang Xianzhong. He criticized Rogerim as soon as he opened his mouth, and then expressed his own opinions to support Zhang Xianzhong.

"Lao Luo, you only see 20,000 bottles now, but do you know that as long as you work hard online, you can increase it to 100,000 million bottles in just one month?

It’s only 7 million a year. When they take over the online platform, it will be too late for you to regret it. "

"You..." After being told by Ning Yingfa that he could not keep up with the times, Rojim pointed at Ning Yingfa and wanted to scold him angrily when he returned home to retire.

Zhang Xianzhong saw that the two sides were about to fight, so he quickly got up and acted as a peacemaker.

"Rogerem, you also know that his attitude has always been like this. Just pretend you didn't hear him and ignore him."

After comforting Rogerim, he turned to Ning Yingfa and said:

"Ning Yingfa, if you think Olaiya can face Tiansheng Rihua alone, please leave here, or put away your poisonous snake mouth."

Ning Yingfa quickly made a gesture to express his silence.

After settling the matter, Zhang Xianzhong continued:

"No matter what you think of Roger, the current online sales of Tiansheng daily chemicals must be taken seriously. I personally think that the platform must remove their products."

"Although our company is a giant in the daily chemical fast-moving consumer goods industry, we have no intersection with those platforms, so how can we get them to remove Tiansheng daily chemical products from their shelves."

Rogerim spread his hands and said helplessly.

As for Ning Yingfa, she could only sit there and watch Zhang Xianzhong speak quietly, saying that she would not speak until important moments.

Zhang Xianzhong naturally had an idea about how to solve the problem of the online platform. He took out the prepared documents and handed them to the two of them with a smile.

The two took it and took a look, only to see that it recorded the status of the investors behind the online platforms.

Seeing that the two of them were still looking at him with blank expressions after they finished reading, Zhang Xianzhong could only curse the two idiots in his heart, and then explained to them.

"..."Don't you, as president of Greater China, understand the shareholders behind each of our groups?"

After hearing this, Ning Yingfa looked at the documents in his hand, and then continued to look at the investors' information.

Within five minutes, Ning Yingfa looked at Zhang Xianzhong excitedly and said in disbelief:

"You mean, the major shareholders behind our three groups are actually inextricably linked to these platforms?"

"Not bad!" Zhang Xianzhong glanced at Ning Yingfa with an expression of appreciation and said: "Actually, according to reality, many of the large and small shareholders behind our companies overlap.

What’s even better is that there are several investment institutions that hold the shares that we are considering!”

"What does it matter? As long as our products are not competitive, those investment institutions can directly choose to sell their shares and cash out, so there is no need to help us!"

Rojem shook his head and rejected Zhang Xianzhong's idea. He didn't think investment institutions (Wang Zhao's) would take action.

"Haha!" Zhang Xianzhong did not answer the question, but smiled and said to Rogerim: "President Luo, you may be good at traditional operations, but you really don't understand the financial industry."

Although Zhang Xianzhong did not explain too much, after his persuasion, both Roger Jim and Ning Yingfa finally said that they would ask the head office to find the investment institution behind it.

It is difficult to guarantee whether it will succeed.

Naturally, Zhang Xianzhong invited them here not just for the online platform matter. In fact, this matter was originally discussed at the end, but it was only triggered by Roger that Zhang Xianzhong simply solved the online problem first.

Next, the three companies are preparing to join forces to form a new laboratory. This laboratory has no other purpose than to crack Tiansheng daily chemical products.

The three companies each invested one billion and sent most of the elites from their respective product research and development departments to this laboratory to work hard to crack and then share the results.

The news that the three giants had established a laboratory could not be concealed at all. Within a few days, this news directly aroused a lot of suspicion from the outside world. .

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