Technology Tycoon: From Real Estate Tycoon To Technology Overlord

Chapter 64 Approval Of The Distribution Center Project.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience followed the sound and looked over.

Chen Yuan was not prepared to be stared at by the next person. He was nervous for the whole moment and was at a loss as he held the number plate issued by the ranking with both hands.

"Who is this little girl? How dare you deny Mr. Wang face?"

"I haven't seen it before, maybe it's a dragon crossing the river!"

"Hey, they are Tiansheng Property Company. They were the sponsors of the acquisition of Yitian Plaza some time ago."

"Lao Lu, how do you know so clearly?"

"Hey, they just acquired my company's Longhui Plaza some time ago, so I got to know their details.

"Damn, I heard you say that Tianzhengwu is very powerful today!"

The entire auction house suddenly started whispering.

On the other hand, Wang Jianshe, who was sitting next to Lin Jiecheng, looked ugly, and his fists were clenched and veins gradually emerged.

"Old Wang, look at me, this guy must have other purposes for coming here. Now it seems that he also likes this piece of land.

"Manager, do we still want to increase the price?" The young man bidding next to him asked cautiously.

"Add!" Wang Jianshe gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "If I just bid 1.5 billion, the other party will dare to follow me!"

After receiving the order, the young man immediately raised his number plate and shouted: "1.5 billion!"

Upon hearing this price, Li Yu immediately asked Chen Yuan to continue bidding without hesitation.

"Six billion!"

"1.8 billion!"

"Nineteen billion!"

"Twenty-two billion!"

After two rounds of competition, the estimated price has exceeded the peak valuation and reached 2.2 billion.

Wang Jianshe stared at Li Yu intently, trying to imprint this young man's appearance in his mind.

2.2 billion is already the highest authority granted to 857 by the head office. As long as Li Yu continues to follow Yishou, he will have no choice but to give up the auction.

After this bid, Chen Yuan's bid was not heard for nearly five seconds.

Everyone thought that Wanda Group was better and won this commercial land for 2.2 billion.

Just when Wang Jianshe breathed a sigh of relief and felt that it was okay to win the land.

Chen Yuan slowly raised the number plate and shouted: "Twenty-two and a half billion!"

Just now, Li Yu was just thinking about the price increase, and never thought about giving up.

"You..." Wang Jianshe pointed at Li Yu who was three or four places away and shouted angrily.

It was Lin Jiecheng who had quick hands and quick eyes. He quickly pressed down his arm and comforted him:

"Old Wang, it doesn't matter. There is a piece of land outside the customs. I have analyzed that piece of land and it is actually not bad. If you take a photo of it, you can still do business!"

Not sure whether it was because he was concerned about his image or giving Lin Jiecheng face, Tian Jianshe put down his arms, closed his eyes, and ignored Li Yu.

The largest competitor Wanda Group has given up, not to mention the remaining small companies. The land was successfully acquired by Tiansheng Property for 2.25 billion.

"I'm really impressed that you dare to snatch food from Wanda's mouth."

"Just grab it. Wanda has nothing to be afraid of. I support Tiansheng Zhwu this time."

As the ownership of the land settled and was acquired by a company that was established less than half a year ago, a new round of discussions began on site.

Next, there is only the piece of commercial land outside the pass. This time it is different from the piece inside the pass. Many small and medium-sized real estate companies are very interested.

The starting price was 20 million, and in less than a minute the price was set to 30 million (cfaj). At this time, neither Wanda Group nor Tiansheng Property made any move.

Both of them had similar thoughts, they wanted to wait for the price to reach a certain height before bidding.

Just when the price reached 50 million, Wanda Group took action.

"Sixty-six million six hundred thousand!"

The young man sitting next to Wang Jianshe quoted the price according to the plan.

This price is very close to the value of the land, but this time it is different from the previous land where no company bid.

"Sixty-eight million!"

"Sixty-nine million!"

Another two small and medium-sized real estate companies made bids.

The price was hiked again and the company paid it back. Wang Jianshe looked very ugly, took the number plate from the man next to him, stood up and shouted in person:

"One hundred million!"

This price has exceeded the value of the land. If you continue to auction it, even if you get it, it will not be cost-effective. If you don't do it right, you may lose money.

Suddenly all small and medium-sized companies withdrew from bidding.

Just when Wang Jianshe's expression softened a little and he felt like he had regained some face.

Another female voice came from the field.

"One hundred and twenty million!"

"Ahhh!" At this moment, Wang Jianshe felt like he was about to explode, and he was going crazy and shouting secretly.

"Manager, we have exceeded our bidding authority and are saying that this price is too much higher than the market price."

Just when Wang Jianshe was about to raise the number plate in his hand, the young subordinate next to him quickly stopped him and whispered.

"Do you think I don't know?" Wang Jianshe shook off the other party's hand and said looking at the other party with an expression on his face as if you asked me to do something.

No surprise, this piece of land was successfully auctioned again, and Tiansheng Zhiwu became the largest financier and winner in this land transfer auction.

As for the Pengcheng Branch of Wanda Group, which everyone was optimistic about at the beginning, it failed to gain anything.

After the auction, Li Yu signed a transfer agreement on behalf of Tiansheng Property Company. The agreement stated that the auction money must be transferred to the designated account within three months.

Construction must start on the land within six months. After looking carefully and not noticing anything unusual, Li Yu signed his name directly.

"Mr. Li, is this what you said about coming to study?"

As soon as Li Yu finished signing, Lin Jiecheng came over and looked at Li Yu with a smile and joked.

Li Yu laughed and said: "Haha! It's not because the scene was so intense that I couldn't help but take pictures."

"Hey! Originally, our company was planning to develop the land on Huaqiang Road in cooperation with Wanda Group, but we didn't expect it to be acquired by Mr. Li today.

I don’t know what Mr. Li’s plans are. If you lack a partner, I can recommend Mr. Wang, general manager of Wanda Group Pengcheng Branch, to you.

The three of us can jointly fund the development of this land. "

Lin Jiecheng came here not simply to congratulate Li Yu, but with a clear purpose.

He knew that Tiansheng Zhiwu had no development experience, and he had won three pieces of land at once this time. He felt that he would carefully consider his proposal for joint development.

Li Yu shook his head and said: "I would like to thank President Lin for his kindness in advance. It's a pity that our company has already planned it and there is no need to jointly develop with other companies for the time being.

If necessary, I will notify Mr. Lin when the time comes. I hope that Mr. Lin will give him some face. "

Lin Jie Cheng Li Yu actually refused him without hesitation. He suddenly felt dissatisfied and left here with a few polite words.

After standing there and watching Lin Jiecheng walk away, Li Yu just wanted to take Xu Qing and Chen Yuan out of the auction house.

Another person walked over.

"Hey, there is Old Lin's shadow everywhere here, making it difficult for me to chat with Mr. Li."

The visitor was indeed Zhao Xi from Wanke Group.

His goal was still what he said before the auction, and he didn't think much of Ji Yu at first.

However, after seeing Tiansheng Zhiwu auctioning three pieces of land in a row, he quickly snatched two of them from Wanda Group and immediately changed his mind and solemnly invited Li Yu to jointly develop the Chegongmiao real estate.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhao, our company currently has no plans to enter the commercial housing industry. At present, we only want to focus on the commercial center plaza type."

After hearing this, Li Yu politely declined the other party's invitation.

Seeing Li Yu's resolute attitude, Zhao Xi could only leave with regret. Before leaving, he told Li Yu again to contact him if he changed his mind.

At a cost of tens of millions more, Tiansheng Department Store finally acquired and Huamei Supermarket as quickly as possible.

As soon as the eighteen branches in the two places were acquired, they were immediately restructured and renamed.

"Mr. Li, I have decided that we now have twenty-six branches and can officially establish a logistics distribution center.

This plan provides a detailed analysis of the construction costs of the distribution center and how much profit it can increase every year after the construction is completed.

It can also prevent the reduction of store purchasing departments and reduce corruption!”

Yang Manli took out a piece of information and handed it to Li Yu and said solemnly.

The logistics distribution center had originally been decided to start construction next year, but Li Yu accelerated the acquisition progress.

Yang Manli decided to propose construction this time, and she took her own personal time to write the plan and carefully analyzed the costs and benefits.

Li Yu did not reject the other party directly, but took the plan and read it carefully.

"Twenty-six stores can increase profits by 60 million per year?"

"Yes, most of the profits are from reduced procurement costs, increased manufacturer profits, and reduced salary costs from the purchasing departments of the 26 stores.

After all, after having its own distribution center, manufacturers only need one purchasing department and only need to send products to the distribution center.

This can greatly reduce the manufacturer's transportation costs, and we can increase the purchase volume and have greater bargaining space.

After listening to Yang Manli's explanation, Li Yu closed the unread plan and handed it to the other party.

After receiving the plan, Yang Manli felt that she had not convinced Ji Yu.

"Recruit people!" Li Yu opened his mouth and said: "Try to build the distribution center before the opening of the other eighteen branches.

When Yang Manli heard this, she stood up excitedly and said to Li Yu: "Yes!

Don’t worry, Mr. Li, I promise to set up a distribution center before the new branch opens!”

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