In the next few days, Li Yu spent time collecting information on the lithium battery industry, and the current industry giants.

I personally inquired about domestic and foreign lithium battery industry giants, and also learned that the largest battery company in China happens to be located in Pengcheng.

BYAT entered the battery industry decades ago and currently holds numerous battery patents.

And in Fujian Province, a battery group just went public last year, and today it received an order from a foreign company.

After several days of investigation, the time quietly came to January 1, 2021.

In the morning, Li Yu just wanted to go out to Tiansheng Daily Chemical to meet Chen Xi to discuss the relocation of the new factory.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Lin Ruotong and three others who were just going out.

"What a coincidence! Are you going out?"

Liu Fengyou looked at Li Yu very enthusiastically as always when he saw Li Yu.

"Yes, I have some business matters and I have to go to Longhua District." Li Yu nodded and smiled.

"Don't you have a holiday on New Year's Day?" Li Xiaomei looked at Li Yu with contempt and said: "Aren't you a damn vampire capitalist? 996 doesn't give employees a break? Doesn't it give overtime pay?"

After hearing this, Li Yu rolled her eyes and quickly explained: "Don't worry, it is stipulated that three times overtime pay will be paid. In our company, everyone from ordinary employees to me will be paid four times overtime for overtime work today."

At this time, I only know that Li Yu can say that I am really not interested in money, so since the establishment of the company.

Employee wages and benefits are very good, especially for low-level employees. Currently, Tiansheng daily chemical production employees can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month as long as they keep attendance.

Li Yu will not be like some people who say that setting up a company with high welfare will affect other domestic capitalists.

Then the employees received low wages and donated a lot of money that should have been given to the employees to set up a fund association.

"Are you going to work now and come back for the party in the evening?"

Lin Ruotong looked at Li Yu with expectant eyes and asked.

Li Yu: "Come back! Last night the counselor was still in the group asking all of our class to attend 613 as long as there was nothing special to do!"

Lin Ruotong's smile became even brighter when she learned that Li Yu was coming back for the school party in the evening.

He walked out of the community, said goodbye to the three women, and drove to Lindong Industrial Zone.

Chen Xiran had already gone to Lindong Industrial to handle the relocation of the production line in the morning.

In fact, her office moved to the office building Tiansheng Zhiwu bought from Yitian Group many days ago.

As for the production department, they usually send someone to handle the matter, but this time there were too many people involved.

Li Yu and Chen Xi decided to bring several administrative staff to Lindong Industrial Zone for office work.

"Everyone, the current sales of the company's products are pretty good, so the relocation of the production department should not have too much impact on the production capacity.

In the conference room, Chen Xiran looked at the several product department managers present and expressed his request for relocation.

"Mr. Chen, if you don't want to affect production capacity, I suggest relocating in batches, one production line at a time, and the remaining employees can go to the production lines that have not been relocated to support increasing production capacity.

This can greatly reduce manpower vacancies, and can also increase the production capacity of the relocation department during the relocation period, and prepare stocks in advance to greatly reduce the impact. "

Liu He opened his mouth to express his thoughts.

"Manager Liu is right, the safest option at present is indeed to relocate in batches.

Everyone present has always agreed with this plan. In fact, this idea is exactly what Li Yu and Chen Xiran thought of.

"Liuhe's idea is good. Mr. Li and I originally planned (cfcg) to relocate in batches, and the order of relocation has been planned."

Chen Xiran also spoke out about the plan that he and Li Yu had already discussed.

During this relocation, the cleaning and nursing department and the dental department were moved simultaneously and the production lines were relocated in batches.

Since the washing department only has one production line, during this period the production reserve inventory will be accelerated and moved last.

The entire relocation plan will last for about a month. Within one month, all factories will be evacuated from Lindong Industrial Zone and moved to Tiansheng Industrial Park in Longgang.

The meeting lasted for nearly an hour. After the meeting, Li Yu and Chen Xi returned to the pass together.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, what are you planning to do for the annual meeting?"

In Li Yu's office, Chen Xiran asked.

Li Yu: "It doesn't matter to me. You can set a time for yourself and notify me when the time comes. I'll just come over and participate."

"Okay!" Chen Xiran understood.

Speaking of the New Year, Li Yu thought of her plans for Tesco Supermarket next year and immediately spoke to Chen Xi.

"Sister Xiran, next year Tesco will open branches in every provincial capital across the country, and then radiate to surrounding cities.

If all goes well, the number of Tiansheng Department Store branches will increase to around 150 to 300 next year.

"One hundred and fifty to three hundred?" Chen Xi looked at Li Yu with wide eyes again, eyes full of surprise.

"The expansion is so fast! Will the capital chain be too stressed? Don't let the capital chain have problems by then!"

Li Yu explained very calmly: "The capital is not large, one house is worth 20 million, and three hundred houses is only 6 billion.

You have to know that the current property value of Tiansheng Zhiwu has exceeded 8 billion, so it seems that Tesco's investment is nothing!"

After listening to Li Yu's explanation, Chen Xi didn't worry about plotting again, but she was still very confused as to why Li Yu told her this matter. indivual

After all, Tesco is currently in charge of Yang Manli, so what does it have to do with her.

Upon seeing this, Li Yu quickly explained that if Tesco expands nationwide, if Tiansheng Daily Chemical's products have to be shipped from Pengcheng, the freight cost will be too high.

It is also detrimental to the development of Tiansheng Daily Chemicals, so she decided to follow Tesco to expand nationwide next year.

Of course, unlike Tesco Supermarket, Tiansheng Daily Chemical does not need to build a production base in every province in the country.

According to Li Yu's idea, the initial plan is to build a production base in the east, west, north and south of the country, so that the four production bases can greatly reduce freight costs.

Of course, the location of Tiansheng Department Store's logistics and distribution center will be considered when building it. As long as nothing unexpected happens, it can be built directly next to it.

"I understand, and I will make the company ready to expand at any time!"

After understanding Li Yu's plan, Chen Xiran suddenly realized and agreed.

After talking about everything, Li Yu saw that it was almost time to go to other companies to check, but was preparing to return to school. It was not long before the time agreed between him and Lin Yutang and others.

When Li Yu hurriedly drove back to the Guangdong Community and rode his bicycle back to the school, when he found Lin Yutang, he was drinking milk tea with Zhang Li and Zheng Gaoyi with several girls.

"Li Yu is here!"

Seeing Li Yu coming, Lin Yutang immediately stood up and took out a cup of milk tea that had been prepared and handed it to him.

As soon as Li Yu took over, before he could drink, Lin Yutang turned around and put his arms around the woman next to him to introduce to the remaining girls.

"Dear beauties, this is the most handsome and mysterious roommate in our dormitory. His name is Li Yu and he is currently single.

Beauties, if you have an idea, act quickly and don’t be robbed by others!”

After saying this, Lin Yutang turned his head and gave Li Yu ten looks that everyone understood.

"Handsome guy Li! I'm Wu Shan's roommate Han Meiyu."

"Hello Li Yu! My name is Feng Youyou and I am currently single!"

"He Lingjing!"

After hearing Lin Yutang's introduction, the three women saw that Li Yu was indeed very handsome. The eyes of the two women in front lit up as they watched Li Yu introduce themselves.

Among them, Feng Youyou even hinted that she has a good impression of Li Yu. As for the small and exquisite girl outside the forest, she just signed up with low self-esteem and said nothing.


Li Yu looked at the three people and said hello awkwardly.

Then he quickly came to Lin Yutang, pulled him away from Wu Shan, and whispered: "When will your kid have a girlfriend? What do you mean by this today?"

Lin Yutang stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said sheepishly: "I just paid you, you are always mysterious. I didn't even see you during class time, so I didn't tell you.

Isn’t this the intention of having a dormitory party today and creating some opportunities for the three of you?”

"I still use you to create opportunities?" Li Yu glared at Lin Yutang and whispered angrily.

After hearing this, Lin Yutang remembered the attitude of several girls in the class towards him, as well as the attitude towards him when he saw three beautiful seniors at dinner outside the school last time.

Only then did he realize that Li Yu really didn't need his help in setting up the match, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

But when he accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhang Li and Zheng Gaoyi, they immediately stood up straight and gestured to Li Yu:

"Just because you don't need it doesn't mean that brothers don't need it. You see Zhang Li and Zheng Gaoyi have been impatient to take action. How about you choose one from the beginning so that they have the courage to take action!"


Li Yu directly extended his hand to Lin Yutang, and said angrily: "I think you should just break up with your girlfriend, so that you can share the joys and sorrows with everyone, and there is no need for the two of them to be entangled.

It's not like you don't know the situation between the two of them. Zheng Gaoyi won't say anything. With his personality, if that woman follows him, it will definitely end in tragedy.

As for Zhang Li’s current situation, do you think he is capable of finding a girlfriend? Can he handle the relationship well?”

After speaking, he didn’t even wait for his reply. He walked over with a very natural expression and said with a smile:

"Haha! This is my younger brother and sister! As expected, he is a perfect match for Lin Yutang. If Lin Yutang ever feels sorry for you in the future, just ask us to help you teach him a lesson!"

Wu Shan couldn't cover her mouth with laughter after hearing this.

At this time, Lin Yutang also came over, hugged Wu Shan and said very affectionately: "Lao Li, this is my wife and I will feel sorry for her. If you want to find someone to care about, find someone else!"

When everyone heard this, they burst into laughter.

"Li Yu, I heard from Lin Yutang that you live outside the campus. I wonder where you live?"

Feng Youyou looked at Li Yu and asked curiously.

"It's a very far away place, and there are still several stops to take the subway!" Li Yu said very perfunctorily.

"Come on, Mr. Li, we are all honest people, so don't lie to your sisters."

At this time Zheng Gaoyi said: "I have seen you speeding away in your BMW several times outside the school. If I remember correctly, this BMW is often parked downstairs in the Guangdong Community!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. When they heard Zheng Gaoyi reveal Li Yu's lies, Feng Youyou and Han Meiyu's eyes were filled with inexplicable meanings!

I'm stuck. I've been holding back 3,000 words since 6 o'clock. To be honest, I know this chapter is lame, but please forgive me!

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