Technology Tycoon: From Real Estate Tycoon To Technology Overlord

Chapter 78 Auntie Wants To Force Chen Xiran To Get Married

When Li Honggang set out at home, he notified the restaurant owner and asked them to cook.

Li Yu's family has been patronizing this restaurant for more than ten years.

When the boss saw the car coming in, he knew it was Li Yu's family and ran out quickly.

"Li Yu, you're back for the New Year holiday!"

"I just got home. If I don't want to eat your food, please ask my dad to bring me over!"

Li Yu's words made the boss Zhu Zhenhai very happy and immediately said that he would personally cook and deliver two dishes to them, and said that there would be no charge for these two dishes.

When we came to the private room, the hot pot and beef were already prepared.

The five people started to move immediately. Uncle and aunt also knew that Li Yu's family did not like to be polite and were very casual.

"Mom! How about the shampoo I sent back some time ago?"

Producing such useful products, Li Yu will naturally not forget about his family. Every time a new product comes out, he mails several boxes to his family.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten!"

Chen Lianhong immediately put down his chopsticks and started talking.

"Where did you buy these products? They are so easy to use. They are much better than what we have used before.

Even after looking for many trading companies in Shantou City, they said they don’t have this product. I still want to introduce this product to our supermarket!”

After Chen Lianhong finished speaking, his aunt Xu Chuntao said in surprise:

"It turns out these were all sent back by Xiaoyu! I asked why I couldn't buy them after I ran out of them at home!"

When Xu Chuntao came to Li Yu's house some time ago, Chen Lianhong asked her to take some of the products Li Yu sent back.

Although she didn't take it seriously, she had no choice but to take one of each back home.

"These are all bought at Pengcheng Supermarket. If mom wants to introduce them, I will help you go to their company and ask!"

Li Yu explained casually and proposed that he would contact the manufacturer to help his supermarket obtain supplies.

Chen Lianhong naturally had no objection and asked him to return to Pengcheng after the New Year to have some contact.

After eating, Li Honggang went directly to the supermarket because there was something going on at the supermarket, and the four of them returned home.

Li Yu first went back to the room to clean up. After cleaning up the room, he picked up the 60,000 yuan that he had taken out in advance in Pengcheng and went downstairs.

Xu Chuntao was chatting with Chen Lianhong in the living room when she saw Li Yu walking over with something wrapped in a black plastic bag.

The originally calm mood began to fluctuate slightly, but this time she patiently waited for Ji Yu to speak.

He was very relieved of Li Yu's family and didn't think Li Yu would swallow the money.

As expected, Li Yu came to the living room, sat down on the mahogany furniture, and opened the black clinker bag in his hand.

"Uncle, aunt, this is the money that Sister Xiran asked me to bring back for you. She said it was for you!"

With a look of ecstasy on her face, her aunt immediately took Li Yu, lowered it to her purse, and stuffed it into her bag.

"This time is really troublesome for Xiaoyu! The same goes for Zhaodi. I just asked you to transfer the money to my card, but she still insisted on asking you to help bring it back.

At this moment, Chen Lianhong looked at Li Yu with a puzzled look and said:

"No! Xiran has only been out for less than half a year, how can she make so much money? Xiaoyu, tell the truth, what is your sister Xiran doing in Pengcheng?"

At this time, uncle Chen Lichuan also thought of the key. After all, Chen Xiran was a high school student.

What kind of job can save 60,000 yuan in half a year and send it back after excluding the expenses outside.

"Xiaoyu, this money isn't yours, is it?"

The first thing I suspected when I saw my uncle was that he was guessing that he would take out the money instead of other ideas.

Li Yu didn't expect that his very silent uncle understood Chen Xiran quite well and knew Chen Xiran's bottom line.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party would guess the key in his first guess, and the money was indeed his.

Li Yu touched his nose and looked at the three people present in embarrassment, laughing:

"This money indeed belongs to Sister Xi Zai, but she didn't lend it to me.

As for Sister Xiran’s job, I can only say that it is a very promising job and she works very hard.

I get up at around six or seven in the morning and don't go home until after ten in the evening. I've been to her company.

Chen Lianhong looked at Li Yu's expression and knew that the money probably belonged to him, but as long as he knew that Chen Xi would be fine, he would rest assured.

Chen Lianhong could see it, and Chen Lichuan was naturally not stupid enough to know the key.

The heart that was originally mentioned gradually dropped. After all, there was another thing coming here this time. If Chen Xi really made a wrong step, it would be difficult to get through.

Aunt Xu Chuntao looked at Chen Lianhong, feeling that the time was right, and showed a trace of hesitation.

"Sister-in-law, actually Lichuan and I came here this time because there is another thing we want to discuss with you."

Chen Lianhong looked at his sister-in-law, then turned to look at his brother and saw Chen Lichuan avoiding her.

I knew right away that this was probably not a good thing.

"Does the house at home need to be renovated? Or do parents want to live here? I don't have any objection to any of this!"

Chen Lianhong thought for a moment and felt that these two things should make Chen Lichuan embarrassed.

After all, I give my parents 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for living expenses every year, and they would be embarrassed if they were not satisfied.

Xu Chuntao quickly smiled and shook his head in denial.

"My sister-in-law joked. The house at home was renovated five years ago and there were no problems.

My parents are used to living at home, and I take good care of them. I usually come here to play for two days at most. I don’t have any friends here, so how can I come to stay permanently?

What we came here to discuss this time is a good thing!”

It wasn't these two things. Now Chen Lianhong became even more confused, thinking about other possibilities in his mind.

It suddenly occurred to me that many years ago, the village wanted to set up a small industrial zone and rent some land in the village to ceramic factories.

"The village has acquired land? Has the industrial zone been completed? I'm already married, so naturally it's impossible to divide the land acquisition money. You can just take it all!"

Although this was not what Xu Chuntao wanted to say, hearing that his sister-in-law never cared about the land acquisition money made him smile even brighter.

"Sister-in-law, the village brigade is still discussing this matter! How can there be a result so early? Of course it is not this matter. I am saying that you are Lichuan's sister and you must have a share of the land acquisition money."

Even this matter was denied. Chen Lianhong could not think of anything else and did not want to speculate.

She looked directly at Xu Chuntao and waited for her to tell the story.

Xu Chuntao felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Chen Lianhong, so she quickly said:

"This is actually the boss of Weihong Stainless Steel Factory in town. Hasn't his wife been dead for three years?

He had met Zhaodi before and liked her very much, so some time ago he found a matchmaker to come over and arrange a marriage.

He said he wanted to marry Zhaodi and the bride price would be 300,000 yuan!

He is forty-six years old this year. The main reason is that he has no son. Lichuan and I have considered it.

The other party has no children, so he wants to marry her like this..."

Before her aunt finished speaking, Li Yu stood up very excitedly and said loudly:

"I object! Aunt Xiran is not a commodity. She is saying that this old man is almost older than my father.

Do you think Sister Xiran will marry an old man just for the three hundred thousand?"

Li Yu shouted this sentence very loudly, which shocked the three people present.

Xu Chuntao looked at the extremely excited Li Yu and said directly:

"Xiaoyu, the other party owns a stainless steel factory worth hundreds or tens of millions.

It was the Ming media who was marrying Zhao Di to be his wife, not a mistress.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have a son or daughter yet. Zhao Di was the mistress in the past and now the children will have no one to compete for the family property.

Your uncle and I thought about it and basically couldn’t find anything with better conditions after we missed this one!”

Li Yu knew that his reaction just now was indeed a bit exciting, and also knew that his aunt's explanation was actually for his mother, so he didn't speak.

Chen Lianhong has been thinking about it ever since Xu Chuntao said she wanted to find a husband for Chen Xiran.

After a while, Chen Lianhong looked at his sister-in-law and asked her question.

«Sister-in-law, tell the truth, you are interested in the 300,000 yuan! And have you asked your parents?"

When asked by Chen Lianhong, Xu Chuntao didn't know how to speak and could only remain silent.

After waiting for a long time for a response from her sister-in-law, Chen Lianhong changed her voice and said:

"Sister-in-law, everyone here knows this custom, but I have never heard of anyone making money by marrying his daughter.

If you take this 300,000 yuan, you must at least return the 500,000 yuan dowry so that others won't talk about it.

Otherwise, do you think your parents can tolerate the discussion in the village? How will Xi face her husband’s family if she remarries?"

After a heart-to-heart discussion, uncle Chen Lichuan and Xu Chuntao fell silent. They naturally knew that these were all the truth.

If these issues are not resolved, we will not be able to get 300,000 yuan at all.

The reason I came to see Chen Lianhong this time was actually to convince her to have the courage to face others.

"Hey! As you know, sister-in-law, Zhaodi's brother has no chance of getting into a good university with his grades.

Next, he will have to consider the tuition fees and living expenses for school, as well as his job and house after graduation.

If Zhao Di gets married, she can still take care of her brother even if she doesn’t have the 300,000 yuan!” (Li’s)

"If you can't pass the exam, then don't pass it. Just go out and make money. Don't rely on Sister Xiran for everything!"

Li Yu couldn't help but interrupt and angrily criticized his aunt!

Chen Lianhong immediately glared at Li Yu to tell him to stop talking, and then turned to look at his sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, how about I ask Zhao Di for her opinion? If she has no objection, let her come back to see her.

If both of them think it’s suitable, then there’s no need to say anything!

If the other party doesn't like it, don't say anything, but if Xiran doesn't accept it, don't force it.

After hearing this, Xu Chuntao thought about it carefully and felt that this matter really depends on Chen Xiran, and immediately nodded in agreement with Chen Lianhong's idea.

On the spot, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Xiran's number.

"Mom? I'm still at work, what's the matter? If there's nothing important, let's talk about it when I get off work in the evening!"

Chen Xiran directly asked what was going on as soon as she opened her mouth. It seemed that she had despaired of Xu Chuntao and did not think that the other party came to care about her.

Xu Chuntao was about to talk, but Chen Lianhong immediately signaled not to talk. Since the other party was at work, they would wait until the evening to talk.

Chen Lianhong said this, Xu Chuntao naturally agreed, and then casually chatted with Chen Xi for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

We agreed to call a few people over there in the evening and have a good chat.

Upon seeing this, Li Yu immediately found an excuse to leave home.

After leaving the house, he immediately picked up his cell phone and called Chen Xiran. .

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