Li Yu looked at Lu Yan with great satisfaction and said with a smile: "Very good, I will personally ask Mr. Chen for someone tonight. Tomorrow you recommend someone to take over your position and then come to Tiansheng Department Store immediately to form a new project team!"

"Okay!" After nodding in response, Lu Yan asked, "Mr. Li, Mr. Yang, what's the name of this convenience store project?"

When Yang Manli heard Lu Yan's inquiry, she immediately turned to look at Li Yu and asked for his opinion.

Li Yu held the tea cup and thought for a moment before drinking it in one gulp.

"Lejia!" Li Yu said the final word after putting down the cup after finishing the drink!

When Lu Yan heard the name, she immediately picked up a pen and wrote the two characters "Lejia" on Yang Manli's plan.

"Mr. Li, this project is so good, I wonder if I can get relatives of company employees to join?"

After discussing some general details, seeing that Li Yu was about to get up and leave, Lu Yan couldn't help but stand up and ask.

Li Yu stopped walking toward the office door. Li Yu turned to look at Lu Yan and Yang Manli.

"The pattern is open!

As long as everything complies with the rules set by the company, no special treatment is given, and everyone is treated fairly.

Even if the two of you want to have spare money, you can open a few Roca convenience stores without delaying your work.

But there must be no favoritism. No matter who joins any 563 branch, everyone will be treated equally, and the area is protected.

The purchase price and purchase share are whatever they are. "

Lu Yan, who was still very nervous at first, immediately relaxed after hearing what Li Yu said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I guarantee that as long as they are franchised branches of our Lejia, they will be treated fairly!"

At 7:30 in the evening, since there are still several days before the start of school, Chen Xi no longer has to go to night school.

Usually Chen Xi prepares dinner and eats it together.

"There is a new project at Tiansheng Department Store, and I am going to put Lu Yan in charge.

Tomorrow she will recommend a new person to you. Let that person sit in Lu Yan's original position first. Then you can see if he is qualified and then make her a regular employee.

After dinner, Li Yu sat in the room and told Chen Xi about the afternoon's decision.

Chen Xiran did not expect Li Yu to come suddenly, and he was a little confused and asked: "What project? Is it more important than Tiansheng Daily Chemical?"

Comparing the importance of Lejia and Tiansheng Daily Chemical, Li Yu was a little stumped.

After thinking for a moment, Li Yu slowly said: "It's hard to say how important the convenience store franchise project is, but if this project goes smoothly, Tiansheng Daily Chemical's sales will at least increase hundreds of times."

Chen Xiran looked at Li Yu with wide eyes and said in disbelief: "A hundred times? Can sales reach tens of billions in a month?"

"Okay!" Li Yu nodded and confirmed.

The next day, Lu Yan directly recommended a subordinate she was optimistic about to Chen Xiran.

Then I said goodbye to the senior colleagues of Tiansheng Daily Chemicals, but I didn’t stay long and returned to Tiansheng Department Store headquarters at 1 p.m.

Just from yesterday Li Yu proposed a one-year loss bottom line of one billion during the stable period, Yang Manli also knew how much Li Yu valued this project.

She didn't dare to neglect. Although it was lunch break time when Lu Yan came over, she gave up her lunch break and directly received Lu Yan.

In the morning, she asked He Chunfei to clean up the office next to hers and hang a plaque with the name of Roca Project Manager.

Seeing He Chunfei's actions, people in the company knew that the company had multiple Roca projects, and they all approached He Chunfei to inquire.

But He Chunfei herself was confused as to where the news came from.

"Mr. Yang!" Lu Yan looked at Yang Manli, her former partner and now her immediate boss, and shouted respectfully.

"Manager Lu, you're welcome. Just call me Manli from now on!" Yang Manli said with a kind smile.

After saying that, he stood up immediately and continued: "Your office is ready. Come on, I will take you there. You can see if there is anything missing!"

Following Yang Manli to the company next door, Lu Yan looked carefully and knew that Yang Manli was not hostile to her.

When they came to the office sofa, the two of them sat down separately. Lu Yan was the first to say:

"Mr. Yang! Although I have been in contact with people in the retail industry before, I have never been in this industry. I hope you can teach me more. (cfeg)"

"With your talents, Manager Lu, I believe you are qualified for this position.

We all support each other, and there is no need to preach!"

Yang Manli said to Lu Yan with a smile on her face.

After all, Lu Yan was the candidate chosen by Li Yu, and she would not simply regard her as her subordinate.

Of course, if Lu Yan really has problems with her follow-up ability, she will naturally put forward her own opinions to Li Yu.

"This is the current personnel information of our company, and the other is the contact information of headhunters who have been cooperating with us.

Mr. Li values ​​the Lejia project very much, and anyone Manager Lu values ​​​​can be transferred directly to your department!"

Yang Manli took out two pieces of information and handed them to Lu Yan and said.

After Lu Yan took over, Yang Manli no longer stayed here. She still had to deal with Tesco's affairs.

Lu Yan spent the whole afternoon carefully reading the personnel information Yang Manli gave her, and she kept all the suitable people.

The next day, she immediately started to talk to the people she liked one by one, and directly selected more than 20 people to build up the department's skeleton.

The Lejia project naturally does not advertise at the beginning and wait for franchisees to come to cooperate.

After the skeleton was pulled up, Lu Yan's department immediately looked for ten suitable locations in Pengcheng to start building an official Lejia branch.

While Lu Yan sent people to find a suitable location, she also found a design company to design the Roca decoration style.

After discussion with Yang Manli, she finally asked the design company to design according to Tesco's style, so that people could tell at a glance that the two companies came from the same company.

Lu Yan also hired an advertising company to start filming franchise ads, design advertising leaflets, etc.

"Manager Lu, Feng Yun, the owner of Fenghe Decoration Company, is here!"

Since Lu Yan hasn't found a suitable assistant yet, He Chunfei is helping Lu Yan handle some things.

After hearing what He Chunfei said, Lu Yan put down the pen in her hand and said into the microphone: "Bring him to my office.


At the front desk, He Chunfei put down the phone, raised her head, smiled and said to Feng Yun: "Boss Feng, Manager Lu invites you to come to her office.

Following He Chunfei towards Lu Yan's office, Feng Yun was still thinking about what Lu Yan wanted to do with him.

Fenghe is currently a Tesco supermarket decoration partner company. Currently, Yang Manli is very satisfied with their company's decoration results and prices.

So when Lu Yan mentioned that she needed to subsidize the decoration costs, she wanted to find a decoration company to cooperate with, so she immediately recommended Fenghe.

"Manager Lu!" Feng Yun, the woman in front of him, shouted politely.

After all, Fenghe has made a lot of profits from Tesco decoration since last year. This is the first time he has met a party who is so willing to give money. Now he does not dare to offend Tiansheng Department Store.

"Boss Feng! Please sit down!"

Looking at Fenghe, who was in his fifties and had a round face from head to belly, Lu Yan quickly pointed to the chair opposite and said. .

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