Technology Tycoon: From Real Estate Tycoon To Technology Overlord

Chapter 99 Candidates For The Head Of The Supervision Department

At this moment, Zhang Jindong said: "Okay, this is not a vegetable market!

Xiao Chen, are you sure your investigation is correct? Is Tiansheng Department Store capable of acquiring people to make a fortune?"

Chen Jiang immediately stood up and faced Zhang Jindong and said: "Chairman! I am sure that the other party has the ability to acquire our family for profit!

After my investigation, although Tiansheng's daily chemical products have been blocked online and offline by several giants, the online and offline channels they built themselves are very successful. The current sales of the products they sell should be good.

Chen Jiang was promoted by himself, so Zhang Jindong naturally knew his abilities well and believed in his judgment.

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you. You first contact the other party to see if they have the idea of ​​​​acquiring the buyer to make a fortune."

Hearing that Zhang Jindong actually left this matter to him, Chen Jiang was overjoyed and immediately accepted it, saying that he would fly to Pengcheng in person next Monday to meet the person in charge of Tiansheng Department Store.

The next day, after many days of searching by a headhunting company.

Finally, we found a suitable person in charge of Li Yu’s planned supervision department, because the other person has not resigned yet.

After contacting the headhunting company, the other party decided to fly from the capital Beijing to Pengcheng to meet Li Yu today.

Li Yu did not choose to meet the other party 723 at the Tiansheng Department Store office, but chose to meet the other party at the Lejia No. 1 branch in Pengda North Gate.

Mo Feifan thought last month that he would reach the peak of his career. Since his old leader was preparing to retire, he was trained by his old leader.

Basically, the entire supervision department of the company, including him and the old boss, thought that he would take over the department manager position left by the other party.

Just as he and his cronies were preparing to wait for the board of directors to issue the appointment documents and then celebrate.

Something unexpected happened to him. The board of directors directly parachuted a general manager down. After his investigation, he found out that the man was the son of the chairman.

Originally, everyone knew that the other party's air landing was probably just to prepare for the company to be accepted in the future.

After talking to the original manager, Mo Feifan was even more ready to accept the reality and cooperate with the young master honestly.

Unfortunately, things went against everyone's wishes. The other party has been unhappy with me since he took office. No matter how hard he cooperates, the other party keeps looking for trouble.

After his investigation, he found out that the other director who had been subordinated to him was actually his friend. Now he knew that he no longer needed to stay in this company.

At 12:10 noon, Li arrived at the first branch according to time.

It takes about three and a half hours to fly from the capital to Pengcheng. Mo Feifan had already purchased a flight ticket at 7 o'clock. Taking into account other factors, he decided to meet Li Yu here at 12:10.

As soon as Li Yu arrived at the door of Lejia, he spotted Mo Feifan sitting inside through the Lejia glass with a meal in his hand and a cup of coffee next to him.

Although he had only seen each other in photos, Li Yu still recognized him at a glance. After all, very few people over the age of 30 here would eat at Lejia convenience stores.

"One beef rice and one cup of milk tea!" Li Yu came to the front desk and said.

"Hello, starting on the 23rd, would you like to pay with cash or scan the QR code?"

"Scan the QR code!" Li Yu opened the mobile app and scanned the QR code to pay directly.

After a while, Li Yu took rice and coffee and came to sit next to Mo Fan and said, "Mo Fan?"

Naturally, Mo Feifan had already seen Li Yu ordering and waiting for the meal and then came over.

It's just that he always thought that the person in charge of Tiansheng Department Store he met today should be a middle-aged man of a certain age, so he naturally ignored Li Yu who kept drinking coffee slowly.

What he didn't expect was that Li Yu came to him and called his name directly. He was very surprised and looked at Li Yu and asked quickly:

"Mr. Li?"

"it's me!"

After hearing Li Yu's admission, Mo Feifan quickly put down his coffee and stood up and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yu smiled and said, "You didn't expect me to be so young?"

"Indeed! I didn't expect you to be so young." Mo Feifan said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Li Yu was not talking, but put down the milk tea and opened the beef rice to eat.

Mo Fanfei remained silent when he saw this, preparing to wait until Li Yu finished eating.

Ten minutes later, Li Yu finished cleaning up and then looked up at Mo Feifan and said:

"The Supervision Department is responsible for company inspections and investigations. What do you think happened to you just now?"

"Made a preconceived error!

The Supervision Department is responsible for company supervision, inspection, investigation and inspection.

Preconceptions are really the last thing you should do while working. "Mo Feifan did not directly point out the mistake he had just made.

He never thought of coming to see his boss, so he made an important mistake, and he suddenly felt that the interview was probably going to go to waste.

"Very good!" Li Yu was very satisfied after hearing what Mo Feifan said, and then asked:

"Has the headhunting company discussed your scope of work with you?"

"I said it!" When Mo Feifan saw this, he immediately knew that there was still a chance and said quickly: "Mainly responsible for setting up a team. The team's goal is to inspect Lejia franchised branches, Tesco and Lejia direct-operated stores to inspect and supervise to avoid employee violations, and the purchasing department violates violations. Procurement etc?”

After seeing the other person and knowing what they want to do, put down the milk tea and take out the other person's information given by the headhunter.

"I have read your information and I am very impressed with your work ability, but it clearly says that you have been working in this company since graduation.

The middle and bottom levels of the entire department were basically established by you, and many internal problems have been investigated over the years.

It is very likely that you will be promoted to the head of the department next, so why would you agree to switch jobs to me?"

After listening to this, Mo Feifan didn't hide anything and directly told what he was currently encountering in the company.

After Li Yu listened, he asked a few more questions to the other party.

It's just that Mo Feifan is indeed very capable, and he didn't think about his questions for more than five minutes before answering them one by one.

An hour later, Li Yu took him out of the convenience store and asked him what he had just observed in the store.

Mo Feifan did not disappoint Li Yu and directly answered the questions he just observed in the store.

It was even observed that the waitress in the store gave a larger portion of drinks and fast food to the person in the middle than to Li Yu.

Later, more than ten small details were revealed that Li Yu had not discovered.

"The annual salary is 800,000 yuan, plus performance. As long as the performance is qualified, the comprehensive annual salary will not be less than 1.5 million." After the salary was offered, Li Yu asked directly: "When can you come to take up the position?"

Mo Feifan didn't expect the interview to be so easy, even though he heard that the basic salary was less than his current salary of more than 900,000 yuan.

He said directly without hesitation: "I can report it next Wednesday!"

"Very good!" Li Yu stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Welcome to Tiansheng!"

Mo Fan immediately extended his hand to hold Li Yu and said with a smile: "Thank you!".

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