Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 128 Finding Wealth in Danger

Everyone was lost in thought. There were more than a hundred warships stationed in the outer space of Pluto for a long time, which was more than the entire fleet of Longwei Fleet, unless the Fire Phoenix Fleet and Kunpeng Fleet were sent there.

But then, the risks humans take would be too great!

"It's definitely not possible to just go there like this." Zhu Zhenxing suggested, "How about we lure the snake out of its hole?"

"How do you want to seduce him?" Du Xingyu looked at him.

"Here!" Zhu Zhenxing opened the solar system star map and pointed at a blue planet.

"Neptune." Of course everyone knows this planet. It is the farthest among the eight planets in the solar system. The orbital range of Neptune is almost the combat range of the Longwei battleship and the Haizu civilization battleship.

Zhu Zhenxing continued: "Our recent reconnaissance data shows that the Sea Clan civilization is sending warships and spaceships to Neptune. I infer that they should want to exploit Neptune's resources. Even the giant whale mothership seems to be preparing to leave Pluto."

"Okay, now, the third problem I want to talk about overlaps with the second one." Wang Yu said.

The third problem facing mankind is the super battleship, the giant whale mothership. There is no warship in mankind that can compete with it head-on!

"The volume of Pluto is one-third of the moon, but its mass is only one-sixth of the moon." Du Xingyu said, "If you want to rely on Pluto's resources to provide their fleet group, the supply will definitely exceed the demand, plus those asteroids and Meteorites are also quite annoying, especially when they have to charge super weapons.”

"Neptune's mass is 17.1 times that of the Earth. It is a gaseous planet with an atmosphere mainly composed of hydrogen and helium. It has a large amount of nuclear fusion energy. It is natural for them to want to mine Neptune."

Zhu Zhenxing took over his words and said: "So my idea is that we pretend to attack Neptune and pretend to prevent them from mining Neptune. After they mobilize their fleet to defend, our main force will then sneak attack on Pluto!"

"This process needs to be quick and have the effect of a blitzkrieg. Once you succeed, retreat immediately! Catch the enemy by surprise!"

Wang Yu thought for a while and said: "This tactic is not complicated. We can think of it, and the enemy can naturally analyze it. We must make the enemy believe that we are really attacking Neptune and have no ability to sneak attack the Pluto base."

"Sirs, I have an opinion, I don't know if I can express it." Everyone focused their attention on a young officer attending the meeting.

Wei Xuan, who was the hero of the previous capture of Hai Tribe prisoners, was promoted to the captain of a space battleship because of his military exploits, and was also given special permission to attend military meetings.

"Just say it." Du Xingyu said.

Wei Xuan was a little excited. It was his first time to attend such an important military meeting, and his idol Du Xingyu was also there.

He tried to stabilize his mind and said: "I think we should just send the entire Longwei fleet to Neptune for a feint attack!"

"In this way, the enemy will definitely think that we are all out and mobilize a large number of warships to block it."

"And we secretly mobilized the elite cruisers and battleships of the Kunpeng Fleet and Fire Phoenix Fleet stationed on Earth and Mars to head to Pluto as quickly as possible. When the enemy's defensive strength is empty, we will drive straight in, destroy the Pluto base, and then escape quickly! "

"Wei Xuan, they say you are brave, and your plan is too bold!" Zhu Zhenxing said in surprise, "To achieve the effect you said, the elite warships in the Kunpeng Fleet and the Fire Phoenix Fleet will have to be transferred! As a result, our base camp will be completely empty!"

"If we are attacked by the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"But if it succeeds, we will completely disrupt the enemy's deployment!" Wei Xuan said, "The enemy is charging the super weapon, and they are the party with a greater chance of winning, so they don't need to take risks to attack our base camp!"

"Sir, wealth and honor are sought in danger!"

"This plan..." Wang Yu also took a deep breath and said, "It can indeed surprise you, but the risk is too great!"

"Maybe we should think about other options." Garcia, a member of the European Union, thinks something is wrong.

"High risk, high reward, worth considering." said Anushka, a military expert from the Bear Country.

"This is a crazy plan, we can't take risks like this!" said North American member Francis.

Du Xingyu was also thinking. Everyone thought differently. Wei Xuan's plan was indeed crazy, but it was also very effective.

Even within the Human Alliance, they think this is too risky, and the enemies probably think so too, so it's hard for them to think of it.

He thought for a long time, then Zhu Zhenxing asked: "Commander Du, what do you think?"

Du Xingyu is the supreme commander, and his decisions will determine the direction of things.

"Everyone." Du Xingyu glanced at everyone, with solemn, thoughtful or worried expressions on their faces.

"Before I express my opinion, let me tell you one thing."

"When I was studying, there was a very popular competitive game on Earth. We called it a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game."

"At the beginning of the game, both sides need to choose a lineup, and then start to use the resources on the map to develop. Finally, there is a battle, and the side that pushes away the enemy's base camp wins."

"Now there are two teams like this. The blue team is stronger and will grow more powerful, and can buy more powerful equipment. They just need to be given a period of development time; while the red team is weak and will grow up. The strength is also lower than that of the enemy. In the same development time, the combat power bonus obtained is lower... In this case, should the red side choose to continue to develop peacefully with the opponent, or should they find the opportunity and fight to the death?"

"Of course we have to fight to the death!" Wei Xuan said immediately, "We are completely behind the enemy. If the stalemate continues, we will die slowly!"

Wang Yu understood what he meant, and he said: "The red side represents human beings, and the blue side represents the marine civilization. Now we are the weaker side. After a period of peaceful development, the other side will have more warships, and the super weapons will be charged. Our The disadvantages will get bigger and bigger!”

"Look for opportunities, take them by surprise, and attack them unprepared! Only then can you win!" Zhu Zhenxing said.

"Commander Du is right. We are already at a disadvantage and if we don't want to take the initiative, we are waiting to die!" Francis changed his attitude, "I support this tactic!"

"I support it too!" Garcia said.

"Haha, I request to be the frontline commander. I want to go out with the army!" Anushka said.

Almost all members expressed their opinions, and Du Xingyu said cautiously: "Since everyone has no objections, then we will adopt this tactic. I will designate it as the "Pluto Operation Plan", and the entire plan must be kept absolutely confidential!"

"Anyone, regardless of their position, who violates the prohibition will be executed on the spot!"


The "Pluto Operation Plan" began, and the elite warships of the Kunpeng Fleet and the Fire Phoenix Fleet stationed on Earth and Mars began to secretly relocate away from their original stations.

The warships that were originally moored for repairs were replaced by these warships to carry out patrol and defense missions.

On the Uranus front line, the human Longwei fleet began to gather and sail in the direction of Neptune.

"Human beings plan to prevent us from mining Neptune?" The sea civilization naturally noticed this trend.

"Hahahaha, it seems they have realized that human battleships are no match for us." Lemoge laughed, "When our super weapons are fully charged, all human fleets will be destroyed!"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid the warships heading to Neptune are not strong enough for defense. We need to mobilize more forces to go there." Golden Clamp said respectfully.

"Defense? Directly destroy their so-called Longwei fleet!" Lemorg said, "The giant whale mothership cannot get any effective energy supplement on Pluto. Only Neptune can charge our super weapons."

"There is a giant whale mothership here this time. As long as the Longwei fleet dares to come over, it will be completely destroyed!"

"Your Majesty is mighty!" Golden Clamp first complimented, and then reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, humans should also know about this. They may have a conspiracy to do this. If they attack Pluto, they will also destroy our energy supply. and Battleship Factory.”

"What you said makes sense." Lemorg was not so arrogant as to think that the solar system was invincible. Otherwise, he would not have ordered Nephew to conduct a test attack and stay in the Kuiper Belt to replenish energy.

"Pay full attention to the movements of the Longwei fleet. Once they change their direction of travel, adjust immediately."

"In addition, the deputy ship Whale Shark stays in the outer space of Pluto, retaining at least seventy battleships. Coupled with the defense force on Pluto, even if humans bring all the Longwei fleet over, they will not be able to destroy our Pluto base!"

The Whale Shark is the auxiliary ship of the Hai Clan civilization fleet, its performance and combat effectiveness are second only to the giant whale mothership. It is also a "Star Destroyer" class battleship, and with numerous battleship escorts, the defensive power of the Hai Clan civilization is still strong!

"Whale Shark?" Du Xingyu was also studying this Star Destroyer.

At present, they have detected a lot of information about the warships of the Hai Clan civilization. Most of the warships and human warships can deal with it.

As the Whale Shark is a Star Destroyer-level battleship, how to deal with and destroy it is the key to this Pluto battle!

Du Xingyu had people interrogate the Sea Tribe prisoners again, but they knew very little about the Whale Shark. It is only known that its maximum speed can reach 5% of the speed of light, and it is equipped with laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons and kinetic energy weapons.

"I heard that the hull materials of the Whale Shark and the Giant Whale are different from other warships. During times of civil strife, they are almost invincible. The laser and electromagnetic weapons of other warships are almost ineffective against them!" This is Pulu, a prisoner of the Sea Tribe. original words.

"Ineffective against lasers and electromagnetic waves?" Du Xingyu thought to himself, "I guess he has some means of defense against electromagnetic waves, which is a bit troublesome."

Now, including their only Star Destroyer Dragon Ball, they are using laser weapons and electromagnetic pulse cannons. If the Whale Shark can defend against these, then new weapons must be available to destroy the Whale Shark!

"Kinetic energy weapons?" Du Xingyu first rejected this point. Although humans can currently create some kinetic energy weapons, it is still too difficult to accelerate the kinetic energy weapons fast enough and the material strength is enough to destroy a Star Destroyer.

"It should be possible to further develop space missile weapons... Time is running out. We must build a new space missile that can destroy Star Destroyers before combat." Du Xingyu focused on the technology simulator. on a "space missile" weapon.

The label name of the project is - Proton Torpedo!

Thanks to 20~60, Non-Chief 86, Pu Meng, The Donkey Behind Me, Lost Island Master, Little Book Friends, Lao Bai who only reads but doesn’t talk, Decadent ONE, Chuxiao Wuyu, Zha Tian Gang~Pippi Shrimp , I don’t have a name anymore, wdnmd stinky dd, brother Wuen, department and bureau level on the job, bloody Hummer, 20~13 rewards.

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