"Yunzhou Base is about to face the largest beast wave in China's history!" Everyone in Yunzhou Base was uneasy.

There are more than 40 million people living here, most of whom migrated from Yunzhou. They left their homes and lived here.

And now, those mutated beasts have come after them and surrounded the fortress city with a population of more than 40 million!

"Can we defend it?" The entire fortress city was filled with nervousness. Not to mention the ordinary people, even the heavily armed soldiers had no confidence.

After several confrontations, not only was the mutated beast not repelled, but it became stronger and stronger!

"We must keep the Yunzhou base!" The entire country of China is deploying troops to support the Yunzhou base.

"This is our belly area. If it is destroyed by mutant beasts, the entire land of China will be directly exposed to the threat of mutant creatures!"

"All military supplies will be provided to the Yunzhou Base as soon as possible!" The entire China has focused its attention on the Yunzhou Base.

The defense in various cities has been tight recently. Even so, they still found ways to mobilize personnel and materials to defend the Yunzhou base.

Everyone understands that this battle is crucial! The arsenal and biochemical factory are producing non-stop, and fighting is happening on the supply line all the time.

The mutant beasts also seem to know the importance of cutting off the supply line, and have been sending mutant creatures to harass, while the escort army is in a 24-hour readiness state to ensure the safety of trains and aircraft routes.

"Can China's Yunzhou base be defended?" Not only the country's leaders, but also senior officials and people from all over the world are paying attention to this battle.

Because so far, only the land of China has been largely preserved from the invasion of mutated creatures. In other regions, even North America, which once had the strongest military strength, is now fragmented and struggling to survive under the attack of mutant creatures.

Yunzhou's defensive battle is not only to protect the safety of the people of Yunzhou, but also the hope of surviving mankind around the world!

"We must keep it!" On an island in Asia, people prayed silently. Their living area has long been occupied by mutant creatures, and their hope of survival depends entirely on China's support.

"There are at least more than 500,000 mutated creatures attacking Yunzhou. This is the largest beast tide in Asia so far!" The senior officials of the Peacock Kingdom looked at the beast tide on the satellite screen and felt chilled in their hearts.

Even if we bomb with hundreds of nuclear bombs this time, we probably won’t be able to wipe them all out!

What's more, they can't use nuclear bombs easily next to the Yunzhou base.

Africa is the region that has fallen the fastest after Oceania. Nowadays, survivors gather in a few fortress cities, watching the Yunzhou defensive battle.

In Western Europe, the former powerful countries gathered together to resist the threat from the mutant creatures in the Atlantic.

Regarding the beast tide in Yunzhou, they could only send messages to express condolences.

"The number of first- and second-level mutant beasts is estimated to be around 450,000. We must use all our firepower to stop them!" On the eve of the war, a group of commanders were discussing tactics in the headquarters of Yunzhou Base.

"The number of third-level mutant beasts is estimated to exceed 30,000! Each of them requires a thermal weapon combat team to deal with, and our Yunzhou, including the supporting army, has a total of only 300,000, which is insufficient in terms of numbers and weapons. To deal with it!" said a commander.

"Is it really necessary to use nuclear weapons this time? There are still fifth-level mutants and even sixth-level mutants in the insect nest. If nuclear radiation makes them evolve stronger..."

The intelligence in the insect nest has cast a shadow on everyone's hearts. Until now, they don't know what the commander of the beast tide, the advanced mutant, looks like and what kind of combat power he possesses.

"Keep waiting, the first batch of biological and chemical weapons is still on the way to be transported." Du Xingyu said.

Three more days have passed, and the beast tide is already ready to move.

They are getting closer and closer to the Yunzhou base, and some of them have already had friction with humans. Humans launch artillery attacks every day, but with little effect.

There are mutant creatures in the beast tide that can intercept artillery shells, and even weapons such as incendiary bombs will be extinguished by the thick fog sprayed by the mutants.

At three o'clock in the morning, Du Xingyu was already asleep when a violent explosion suddenly occurred, the fire lit up the entire sky, and air defense sirens sounded over the city.

"The beast tide is attacking!"

"Hurry up and organize the people to hide in the biochemical protection site!"

"Yunzhou combat troops are ready to fight!"

"Activate the air defense system!"

"Watch out for sneak attacks from mutated creatures underground!"

"The beast tide is attacking?" Du Xingyu sat up, and through the biological computer, he immediately connected to the command headquarters' computer system and received information.

It can be seen in the surveillance screen that a large number of mutant beasts began to rush into the Yunzhou base.

At the external defense line, automated weapons are constantly spraying bullets, missiles and flames to stop them, and the roar of the beast tide resounds through the night sky!

"Damn it, you actually took advantage of the darkness to attack!" In the headquarters, all the commanders had arrived and immediately began to direct the battle.

"The first wave is mainly composed of second-level mutants. Our firepower should be able to stop them! Now we mainly focus on the mutant birds in the sky and the mutant creatures in the ground!" Commander Feng Zishi said.

"The fighter jets have taken off, and with the anti-air defense system, there should be no problems in the sky for the time being. Everyone has been moved to biological and chemical defense facilities."

"The mutants have better night vision than us, which is not conducive to our combat at night. Turn on all the bright lights outside, hold on, and observe the enemy's situation!" Li Tai ordered.

Du Xingyu rushed to the headquarters and said: "Generals, we must find the commander of the beast tide!"

"Has the intelligence from the insect nest come out?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"No, it shouldn't be moving." Du Xingyu analyzed, "The fifth-level mutants have human intelligence and are enough to command the beast tide. If these mutants dare to attack us, there must be a fifth-level mutant!"

"We must find them and kill them!"

"Okay!" Li Tai nodded and shouted into the communicator: "Attention, all units, look for the fifth-level mutant of the beast tide. Once found, report it immediately!"

The sound of gunshots, explosions and roars of beasts merged into one, and the entire Yunzhou base was shaking!

In the biochemical control center, people were hiding in fear.

"Mom, will the monsters eat us?" A little girl trembled while hiding in her mother's arms.

"No, the uncles and aunts are resisting them. They will drive away the monsters!" The mother comforted the child, but her own heart was also full of fear.

Everyone else was silent, and some were crying secretly.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I believe we will win!" The staff at the protection center comforted them.

More than an hour passed, and the first wave of the beast tide was finally stopped. But this wave has caused huge losses to mankind. The first layer of the three-layer defense line has been basically paralyzed, and many automated military facilities have been destroyed.

"The beast tide is gathering, and they are preparing for the second wave of impact!" In the headquarters, Du Xingyu and the commanders were paying close attention to the war situation in real time.

They discovered that the corpses of the first wave of mutant beasts charging into the battle were being eaten by their companions. Even some secondary mutants had devoured the corpses of other mutants. The concentration of the Z virus increased and began to evolve at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"They have become stronger in the battle!" Biochemistry expert Nie Xinling took a deep breath and said: "The number of third- and fourth-level mutants in this beast wave will exceed our expectations!"

"Is the second line of defense ready?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Get ready." Li Tai said, "The second level is very close to the city, and the third level is basically the edge of the fortress city."

"The second layer of defense will last for at least three hours." Du Xingyu said, "The first batch of biological and chemical weapons will not be delivered until seven in the morning."

"Three hours!" All commanders felt tremendous pressure. The first layer of defense only lasted for an hour, and now the attacking mutants will be stronger. Three hours is really too difficult!

On the front line, the soldiers were resting urgently.

The wounded who were withdrawn from the first line of defense were sent to the rear for treatment, while those who still had fighting capacity were directly incorporated into the second line of defense to continue fighting.

Anti-aircraft guns, anti-air missiles, and laser weapons are all ready.

"Brothers, we must hold on for three hours!" the frontline commander ordered, "No matter what method we use, even if we die, we must hold on for these three hours! Wait until dawn, support will come!"

"Yes!" The soldiers had already regarded death as home!

"Zizzizi..." It was another infrasound wave emitted by some kind of creature. After hearing the order, the mutants began to attack the second layer of defense.

This time, the first one to bear the brunt is the third-level mutant!

Mutants such as giant bone elephants that are larger than armored vehicles, ferocious two-headed blood bulls, violent iron-blooded tyrants, and wild pythons begin to attack the defense line!

"Boom!" A huge cement wall made of reinforced concrete was directly smashed into pieces by the giant bone-armored elephant. A mortar hit it, only barely breaking its exoskeleton. The giant bone-armored elephant continued to move forward desperately. rush!

"Stop, stop them!" The laser weapon has been activated, and the high-heat laser penetrates the bodies of these mutants and cuts them in half!

But these still can't stop their impact. These mutants have no idea what death is and rush forward desperately.

Those advanced mutants with astonishing defenses stood in front, and the firepower could not cover them all. From time to time, mutants rushed forward, and the soldiers immediately controlled their weapons to fight them.

"It's so tragic! In just two hours and 14 minutes, we lost 40% of our manpower!" Li Tai felt extremely heavy. Forget about the ammunition inventory. Those soldiers who sacrificed will never come back.

"Have you not found the level five mutant yet?" Du Xingyu clenched his fists.

"Found it!" came the shout from the commander of the second layer of defense through the communicator.

"In the northwest corner, a level five mutant has appeared!" His voice was full of panic and even despair!

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