Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 172 Du Xingyu’s biochemical army!

"Use the turret to attract the stalker's attention, prepare bombs, flamethrowers and laser launchers, and have a barbecue of intestinal worms!" Du Xingyu commanded.

The soldiers immediately began to make arrangements, using the turrets as bait according to the stalker's underground route.

When the cannonball was ready to be fired and produced a high-heat reaction, sure enough, the concrete ground was broken open and the stalker began to crash into the turret.

"Appeared! Fire!" Countless machine guns, artillery shells, lasers and flamethrowers were aimed at the stalker.

There is also a protective film of mucus on the surface of the stalker's body, but the hot flames immediately scorch and evaporate the protective mucus, and lasers and bombs completely destroy the part of its body that is exposed to the ground. But the part of it underground is still alive like an earthworm, hiding underground.

"The battle was successful. Although no one was killed, at least within a few hours, this stalker should have no fighting power!" Du Xingyu said.

In the sky, the Sonic Pterosaur, which was besieged by lasers, was also hit several times and was still unable to enter the Yunzhou base.

"The second layer of defense can't hold it anymore!" The frontline commander of the second layer of defense called the command center urgently, "There are too many mutants!"

Li Tai looked at the time and held on for another twenty minutes.

"Retreat to the city!"

The third line of defense is the defense system outside the fortress city. It is the last line of defense for 40 million people!

Outside Yunzhou Fortress City, there is a high concrete wall with various defensive weapons installed on it. This was established after the biological catastrophe, and it has blocked the invasion of mutated creatures many times.

Standing on the city wall tens of meters high, you can see densely packed mutant creatures rushing towards the Yunzhou base in the distance!

They are fearless of guns and are ferocious and brutal. The dense darkness, all kinds of soul-stirring roars and bloody hell scenes will make even the most psychologically strong special forces soldiers shudder!

What’s even more frightening is that more fourth-level and fifth-level mutants are appearing! The beast tide is at least three times more powerful than humans expected!

"Can the Yunzhou base still be defended?"

"Yunzhou Base, it's over!" Surviving humans from all over the world are paying attention to this place. When they saw the mutants rushing to the third line of defense, they all felt a kind of despair in their hearts.

China has been the most successful in fighting the biological catastrophe. If they can't resist the attacks of the beast tide on land, what about the super monsters bred in the ocean?

"Humanity, there is no hope!" Countless people sighed in their hearts.

The battle continued. Every moment, mutants were killed, but soldiers from the base also fell.

"Requesting for support, the city wall cannot be defended! Two more stalkers appeared and have destroyed the city ground!"

"The automatic defense system has been destroyed! The Sonic Pterodactyl begins to attack the city!"

"A gap appeared in the south, and a large number of mutants rushed into the city!"

These mutants entered the city and, while wreaking havoc on human buildings, began to look for hiding places for the people.

They have a variety of abilities to sense the outside world and can quickly find attack targets. Some mutants have even begun to attack biological and chemical protection centers.

"Help! Help us!" Tens of thousands of people were wailing in panic in a biochemical containment facility.

Outside them, there were sounds of destruction and explosions.

The soldiers in the shelter have begun fighting against the invading mutants, and their thermal weapons are as useless as children's toys in front of the advanced mutants!

"Are we going to die?"

"If I had would definitely hurt to be eaten by a mutated monster!"

"Why, why is this happening?"

"Didn't you say there is a secret weapon? Still can't resist those monsters?" Panic spread among the crowd, who didn't know how long their lives could last!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a giant bone-armored elephant hit the shell of the protective shelter, making a violent sound!

"Don't worry, it can't be broken open!" The staff was comforting the crowd when an acid bomb was thrown on the wall of the shelter.

A large piece of the thick reinforced concrete was immediately corroded. The bone-armored giant elephant once again found its weak point. This wall could no longer withstand it and collapsed directly. The mutants smelled the human scent and moved towards this direction crazily. Come on!

"It's over! It's over!" Everyone looked pale, and several soldiers attacked frantically with lasers and flamethrowers, but they could not stop their progress.

A giant bone-armored elephant withstood the gunfire and entered the protective shelter!

It roared towards the sky, seeming to trample all these humans into pulp!

It began to charge with unstoppable power! Fifty meters, thirty meters, ten meters! The giant bone-armored elephant has approached the crowd, and there is no way for people to hide!

Some people are crying, some people close their eyes in despair and wait for death, and some people want to escape or resist! But it all seems in vain!

"Boom!" Along with a dull loud noise, the ground shook violently!

This vibration was not caused by the running of the giant bone armor elephant, but by another mutated creature!

It fell from the sky, and its eight-meter-tall body blocked the crowd. The whole body is covered with long hair, the legs stand upright, and there are rocket launchers and bombs on its back.

On its fur, there is a "T-35" logo written in fluorescent markings.

This is a level four mutant, an iron-blooded tyrant!

It fell from the sky and smashed the head of the giant bone-armored elephant with one punch. The red blood and white brains collapsed everywhere!

"It's mutant beasts. Are they fighting?" People were shocked.

"No, this mutant beast seems to be different from the ones outside!"

"Yeah, it didn't attack us, it seemed to be helping us. What's going on?" People were stunned.

They saw that the iron-blooded tyrant equipped with modern weapons blocked the entrance of the cave, and all the mutants who tried to rush in were hammered to death or torn apart by it!

"It's our secret weapon!" A soldier looked at the sky in surprise. A group of transport planes were flying over the sky, and they were constantly dropping biological and chemical weapons.

There are iron-blooded tyrants, two-headed blood bulls, pangolin dragons, and the heavier bone-armored giant elephants are not released by transport planes, but are transported outside the city by trains.

These modified biochemical weapons, controlled by the biochemical brain, began to attack the beast tide!

"Hiss!" As soon as a pangolin dragon landed on the ground, it got into the hole made by the stalker and started biting the stalker.

As a level three mutant, it is no match for the Stalker. But it has helpers, and more pangolin dragons gather together to attack the stalker.

A large number of ants can kill an elephant, but when these powerful third-level mutants come together, they can also make fifth-level mutants miserable!

Soon, a stalker was cut into pieces alive underground!

On the ground, the two-headed blood cow was rampaging, and the bones of the second-level mutants were shattered by it. Even the third-level mutants could not stop its collision.

Outside the city, a group of artificially cloned bone-armored giant elephants charged in the opposite direction, and the beast tide became chaotic.

The fifth-level mutants were furious and began to attack these "traitors"!

But they also have their own opponents, and that is the transformed iron-blooded tyrant!

Although the Iron-Blooded Tyrant is a fourth-level mutant, it has been strengthened by humans and has stronger physical strength. And it is more flexible. If two iron-blooded tyrants rush forward together, they can tear a battlefield spitter into pieces within fifteen minutes!

There are even iron-blooded tyrants who have climbed up to a hundred-story building and used their powerful jumping power to fly at Sonic Pterosaurs and tear their wings alive!

"Finally here! Our secret weapon!" Du Xingyu finally felt relieved when he saw the biological and chemical weapons being put into the battlefield.

"Is this a biological weapon? It's too powerful!" All the commanders in the headquarters were dumbfounded!

The mutants they spent all their efforts and sacrificed their lives to defend were slaughtered like chickens in the face of man-made biochemical weapons!

Especially the strengthened iron-blooded tyrant, under the control of the biochemical brain, can move more quickly and use weapons to attack!

They are like tigers entering a flock of sheep, killing everyone!

"How many are these iron-blooded tyrants?" a commander asked.

"The ones that have not been modified, there are 300 in total!" Du Xingyu said, "The ones that have been strengthened, there are more than 200, totaling 500!"

"Five hundred level four mutants!" Everyone was startled, followed by uncontrollable ecstasy!

"The driver mutants of this beast wave are estimated to be only more than 300. Five hundred iron-blooded tyrants can tear them all to pieces!"

"Yes, and they can also attack level five mutants with their numerical advantage!"

"Great! We are saved!"

"The Yunzhou base can be defended!" Li Tai said with great joy.

"Don't just defend!" Du Xingyu gritted his teeth, "These mutants have harmed so many of us. This time, we must annihilate them all!"

"In addition to the five hundred iron-blooded tyrants, this time the biochemical arsenal also cloned a thousand two-headed blood cows, five hundred skull-armored giant elephants, a thousand pangolin dragons, and five thousand predators!"

"The first great confrontation between humans and mutant beasts must be won!"

Du Xingyu's biological computer has been connected to the command headquarters' computer. He can also see the pictures of these biological and chemical weapons and give command.

With man-made biological and chemical weapons joining the battlefield, defense is no longer a problem.

Du Xingyu's target is those level five mutants. As long as they are defeated, this beast wave will definitely win!

"Another battlefield sprayer was found!" Du Xingyu commanded a biochemical team to rush forward.

Predators move quickly and detect intelligence. The giant bone-armored elephant has amazing defensive capabilities and acts as a tank in the front to attract hatred, while the two-headed blood cow relies on its collision and sharp horns to break the defense.

The pangolin dragon is undergoing dialysis underground, and the three iron-blooded tyrants serve as the main C, delivering crazy output!

The fifth-level mutants that the defenders were fighting just now were retreating steadily. Under the attack of the biochemical team, they were turned into a pile of rotten flesh in three minutes!

"Three minutes and 12 seconds, the speed can be faster!" Du Xingyu continued to control the biochemical weapons, looking for the next target!

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