Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 195 Using the power of stars

An hour later, Du Xingyu's starry sky beast army was close to the sun. They must burn energy at all times to resist the heat and gravity of the star, because they maintain an energy shield to protect themselves from being harmed by the plasma flow erupted by the sun.

"Aim at the Queen Mother and prepare to attack!" Du Xingyu's consciousness was transmitted to the biochemical brain of each starry sky beast.

In front of the Queen Mother, the Zerg protecting them did not stop her.

Du Xingyu had some doubts in his heart, but still ordered the starry sky beast to attack.

The plasma cannon that can destroy planets hit the Mother Queen. Not only did it fail to cause damage to it, but it was absorbed by the energy shield it generated!

As for the energy cannonballs, gene bombs, and gene disintegration light curtains, none of them had any effect.

The Mother Queen shot out thousands of plasma streams to form a plasma ray network, instantly destroying more than a dozen starry sky beasts!

Du Xingyu's army of starry sky beasts was suddenly reduced by a quarter!

"The Mother Queen is so strong?" Du Xingyu was horrified. The energy shield on the starry sky beast couldn't survive even a microsecond!

"Distribute the formation!" Du Xingyu controlled the starry sky beasts to disperse to avoid being caught in one fell swoop.

"The energy shield on the Queen Mother is too thick, and it is supported by stellar energy. I can't hurt it at all!" Du Xingyu was thinking about countermeasures quickly.

"You can only use magnetic field weapons!" The energy shield is formed by using a magnetic field to control plasma. If the magnetic field is destroyed, the plasma will escape and the energy shield will destroy itself!

Du Xingyu controls the white tiger to spit out a magnetic field bomb. Its principle is similar to that of a proton torpedo. It also generates a powerful electromagnetic field in an instant to affect the generation of energy shield.

Hundreds of magnetic field bombs were thrown out, and the energy shield on the Queen Mother began to become unstable.

"Attack!" Du Xingyu took advantage of this gap to project a large number of attack weapons. The Queen Mother's body was attacked. It was so angry that it stopped absorbing star energy and attacked the starry sky beasts with full firepower.

It is like a super war tool that can release a plasma cannon indefinitely. The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius and the plasma torrent will instantly evaporate all the surrounding starry beasts!

Du Xingyu's starry sky behemoth army, all the elementary and intermediate behemoths of destruction were killed instantly, leaving only the two high-level behemoths of destruction, Qinglong and White Tiger.

During this process, the Queen Mother's injuries were completely recovered, and the energy shield was restored again.

Du Xingyu's starry sky beast army is almost destroyed, and the Zerg mother queen has not been harmed at all!

"Professor Du!" The Biochemical Defense Command has been observing the battle between the Starry Sky Behemoth Legion and the Zerg Queen. They were horrified to find that the Starry Sky Behemoth Legion was completely incapable of killing the Zerg Queen!

All we have to do is wait for the next attack from the Zerg Mother Queen, and all the starry sky behemoth legions will be destroyed!

"Professor Du, let's withdraw!" The headquarters has sent a message to Du Xingyu that the biological warships escaping from the solar system are ready.

It can be activated at any time, and it will leave the solar system at sub-light speed, away from the scourge of the Zerg!

"No, not yet!" Du Xingyu gritted his teeth, "Human beings have no way to destroy the Queen Mother. We can also rely on the power of nature!"

The Queen Mother has not yet fully become an annihilation-level existence, but she is already so powerful that it is only a matter of time before she allows her to develop and devour the entire solar system.

"What else can we do now?" No one knew how Du Xingyu wanted to kill the Zerg Queen.

Du Xingyu continued to scatter the starry sky beasts, and at the same time continued to attack the Queen Mother.

Most of these attacks hit the energy shield, and some even missed the Queen Mother at all and hit the sun's atmosphere.

While the mother queen attacks, she expels huge insect eggs from her tail. It only took more than ten minutes for these eggs to break out of their shells, and those who emerged from them were all commander-level Zerg!

The mother queen of the Zerg is also the breeding ground of the Zerg and the super arsenal of the Zerg!

These Zergs did not attack the starry beasts, but flew to the earth, wanting to completely wipe out mankind!

Their speeds all reach sub-light speed. Although there are sub-light biological battleships among humans, most biological battleships can only reach about 50% of the speed of light.

It is conceivable that most humans will eventually be hunted down by these Zerg armies and eaten one by one!

"Oh my god, is this the Mother Queen of the Zerg?" Seeing the high-level commander-level Zerg being mass-produced, all humans were shrouded in despair!

"Sir, a large number of Zerg were found in the Kuiper Belt, and they blocked our retreat!" The team in front sent a message through the subspace.

"What? Surrounded from both sides!" The top human beings were completely panicked.

Originally, they thought they could still run away if they couldn't defeat them, but they didn't expect that some Zerg were still hiding!

The main force of mankind has been wiped out and there is no way to deal with them. If this continues, there is only one way to perish!

"From the biological catastrophe to now, we have paid so much, but will we eventually become food for the Zerg?" In the escape battleship, Su Yutang closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"Grandpa." Su Ziyun held his hands tightly, her voice sad.

"No weapon can harm the Queen Mother, we..."

"It turns out that we didn't get a new life, we just postponed the date of death for decades."

"Professor Du hasn't given up yet!" Li Tai said suddenly.

"Du Xingyu?" Human high-level observers looked at the battlefield scene, Du Xingyu was still controlling the starry sky beast to attack the Zerg Mother Queen.

But the attack seemed so weak, even the energy shield of the Zerg Mother Queen could not be broken! And it's the size of a planet, so even if it hits it, it won't be hurt.

The Zerg Queen is constantly producing commander-level Zerg. Every five minutes, a commander-level Zerg is produced!

The number of Du Xingyu's starry sky beasts has also been decreasing. Less than half an hour into the battle, he only had three green dragons and three white tigers left.

"Is this the last tragic event before the demise of mankind?" a senior executive lamented.

"No, that's not right!" A space expert named Wang Ming suddenly called out and said, "Look, the sunspots on the surface of the Zerg Queen have increased!"

"What do you mean?" The senior officials were confused.

Wang Ming explained: "There will be some dark areas on the surface of the sun's photosphere, which is caused by the accumulation of magnetic fields."

"A medium-sized sunspot is about the same size as the Earth! And a large sunspot can be dozens of times the size of the Earth!"

"Sunspots are the core areas of plasma activity on the sun's surface!"

"In the battle just now, the sunspot range in the area where the Zerg Queen is rapidly expanding! It has enveloped the entire Zerg Queen!"

"Professor Du, is there any other way?" Li Tai asked quickly.

"Yes." Wang Ming said excitedly, "The appearance of sunspots may also be accompanied by the outbreak of solar flares!"

"Solar flares are local energy bursts in the solar atmosphere, which release a large amount of energy in a short period of time. They cause local instantaneous heating and emit various electromagnetic radiation and particle flows outward!"

"A general flare lasts from a few minutes to tens of minutes, but can release a huge energy of 1020 to 1025 joules in this short period of time, which is approximately equivalent to the energy released by the simultaneous explosion of tens of billions of giant hydrogen bombs! "

"The solar flare that will be produced this time will exceed the level of an X-class super flare, and the energy released will be astronomical!"

"I understand!" Wang Ming said loudly, "Professor Du is attacking the Zerg Queen on the surface, but in fact he has been using magnetic weapons to cause chaos in the magnetic field of the solar atmosphere and promote the generation of solar flares!"

"Once the flare breaks out, not even the Zerg Mother Queen can stop it!"

"It's like this!" Everyone suddenly woke up. No wonder Du Xingyu never gave up the attack. It turned out that his purpose was to use the energy of the star to destroy the Zerg Queen!

Du Xingyu also sent a message, saying: "Everyone hide behind the earth immediately. This solar flare outbreak will be unprecedented. It will produce a super strong solar storm, and the side of the earth facing the sun will be greatly affected!"

"We must use the earth as a shield to resist this solar storm!"

"Quick, move!" The human took action immediately. They are all on the biological battleship, and it will only take a few minutes to transfer to the back of the earth.

"Are you ready to perish?" Du Xingyu had already laid out the plan, and the Zerg Queen seemed to be aware of the danger and was preparing to escape.

It has not yet evolved to the true annihilation level. Otherwise, it would escape from here faster than the speed of light if it were to sail in curvature. But now, the magnetic field has enveloped it, hindering its movement.

Once the chain reaction starts, it is impossible to escape even at sub-light speed.

Du Xingyu's brain was just about to issue an order, but suddenly he was in a trance.

"Brother Xingyu, wake up!" Someone called him in his ear. Du Xingyu opened his eyes and saw Su Ziyun's youthful and beautiful face.

Behind her, Su Yutang smiled kindly and said: "Even a biological computer cannot support the operation of the entire starry sky beast army. If you use your brain too much like this, you will inevitably get tired."

"Huh?" Du Xingyu's consciousness was a little blurry. At this time, Li Tai in military uniform walked closer.

He smiled and said: "Professor Du, you finally woke up!"

"Now the reporters have blocked the hospital and there are hundreds of thousands of people blocking the road to celebrate your victory!"

"What's wrong with me?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Ah? Brother Xingyu, don't you remember?" Su Ziyun said, "You used solar flares to kill the Zerg Mother Queen, and then you passed out because of brain overdraft!"

She said with a smile: "Brother Xingyu, you are now the great hero of all mankind!"

"Did I destroy the Zerg Queen?" Du Xingyu pressed his temple, "Did I destroy it?"

"Yes!" Su Ziyun looked admiring.

"Yes." Su Yutang nodded, and Li Tai said, "The senior management are waiting to celebrate your success!"

Outside the ward, people approached one after another to congratulate Du Xingyu. There are senior officials from China, senior officials from other regions, people from the Academy of Sciences, generals from the Biochemical Space Force, etc...

"No, I haven't killed the Queen Mother yet!" Du Xingyu's consciousness suddenly became firm and he said coldly: "I have been aware of the brain wave attack for a long time."

Following his words, all the surrounding scenes disappeared, leaving only Su Ziyun, or the projection of the "Zerg Queen" in Du Xingyu's consciousness.

The Mother Queen used brain waves to attack, but Du Xingyu had already planted a thought stamp on his brain. When there was interference from external thoughts, the thought stamp would remind Du Xingyu that his brain was under attack.

"Du Xingyu, you are indeed the smartest human being. No wonder you can destroy Cthulhu before it grows up." The Queen Mother said slowly.

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