"Then how do we mislead them?" Chen Hong asked. It was a fact that their technology was not as good as the other party's.

"Use antimatter weapons!" Du Xingyu said, "Thinking about it from another perspective, if the enemy discovers that we can create and utilize antimatter, it means that we may have created an antimatter engine or even a warp warship."

"In our home base of the Nanmen 2 star system, there may be more powerful space weapons. If the enemy wants to attack us, they will have to make more tactical arrangements."

"And we can deploy a 'forward military base' to block the enemy's attack and create time for us."

Du Xingyu opened the starry sky map, which is a Milky Way coordinate system based on pulsar positioning, used to locate the universe.

Pulsars, also known as pulsars, are a type of neutron star. They are stars that periodically emit pulse signals. They are mostly about 20 kilometers in diameter and rotate extremely fast.

Triangulation can be achieved using the radio radiation and X-ray radiation of three pulsars, which is a common method used by humans to find their own position in the universe.

"Look." Du Xingyu marked a point on the map. "The closest water droplet aircraft to us appears in the Lutan 726-8 star system, about ten light years away from us."

"It takes more than three years for the enemy's water droplet aircraft to reach the Nanmen 2 star system from the Rutan 726-8 star system. We launched the deep space military base we built to the interrupted location and deployed antimatter weapons to block the water droplet aircraft."

"The deep space base has not been built yet, there is only an empty shell." Yang Shaolin said, "Do you mean to use it directly to deploy suspected soldiers?"

"It also has this effect. If the enemy does not destroy it, we can also turn it into a real deep space base."

"What about anti-matter weapons?" Lu Xing asked.

This is their biggest concern. Without anti-matter weapons, everything is empty talk.

"Large-scale anti-matter weapons cannot be manufactured at present, but small anti-matter bullets should be launched soon." Du Xingyu said.

"Okay, then we will implement this plan." They began to prepare.

The deep space military base outside the Nanmen 2 star system began to fly towards the Lutan 726-8 star system. The alliance sent a large number of detection satellites and unmanned warships to deploy in the deep space military base.

Du Xingyu, on the other hand, simulated the first anti-matter weapon on the technology simulator.

Regarding the manufacture and storage of antimatter, his research is still limited, and he is not yet able to build an antimatter reactor.

But if he just creates a stable container to transport antimatter, he can still do it to this extent.

"Invest one hundred thousand energy points and start simulating antimatter bullets."

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu is making a "bullet" whose launch principle is similar to other space kinetic energy weapons.

It's just that a small amount of antimatter is restrained by a magnetic field in this bullet, which can be annihilated together with the positive matter.

"How to build a small and stable magnetic confinement field?"

"And the bullet cannot explode when it hits the target, otherwise the antimatter in the bullet will directly annihilate the bullet shell. The bullet should be equipped with a micro-sensing instrument, which will automatically open before contacting the target, and use the magnetic field to launch the antimatter. !”

The water droplet aircraft is made of strong force materials, forming a compact metal nucleus structure. Once part of it undergoes an annihilation reaction with antimatter, the entire structure will collapse directly!

"Start firing simulation!" Du Xingyu fired the antimatter bullet, but in the simulated war, the bullet encountered electromagnetic interference when passing through the energy shield, and the magnetic field fluctuated, causing the antimatter to come into contact with the bullet shell and be directly annihilated.

It is equivalent to saying that this anti-matter bullet destroyed itself!

This result made Du Xingyu dumbfounded. The shell of the antimatter bullet must exist. It is used not only to construct a magnetic field manufacturing device, but also to isolate positive matter in the vacuum and prevent antimatter from disappearing due to annihilation.

Compared to antimatter, what humans call a vacuum is actually filled with positive particles everywhere!

Especially in space battlefields, positron particles radiated by various rays and energy sources can instantly annihilate these small portions of antimatter.

"Modify the magnetic field structure and add a stable magnetic field outside the antimatter magnetic confinement container!" Du Xingyu redesigned the antimatter bullet structure.

A few days later.

"Simulation successful!" This time, the antimatter bullet simulated by Du Xingyu successfully annihilated a piece of strong force material.

"Antimatter bullets can not only penetrate strong force materials, but also easily penetrate energy shields!" Du Xingyu imagined, "If I can create more antimatter, even antimatter missiles, antimatter cannons! Then even if the enemy is a star The super annihilation battleship has no resistance!"

"It can treat the energy shield as nothing! Even the strength of the energy shield of the Zerg Mother Queen in the previous world is useless in front of the anti-matter cannon!"

"This is the annihilation weapon!" Du Xingyu now understood why the enemy did not directly attack the Nanmen II star system.

If humans have enough anti-matter weapons and attack humans blindly, their warp warships will not be able to withstand it!

Du Xingyu sent the design information of the anti-matter bullet to the Alliance's Academy of Military Sciences and asked them to start manufacturing such anti-matter bullets immediately.

It is easy to build the casing of an antimatter bullet, but the most difficult thing is to create the antimatter!

To this end, the Orbital Particle Collider has been conducting collisions, both for experiments and to collect antimatter.

More than half a year later, tens of thousands of antimatter bullets were sent to the deep space base.

The deep space base is still flying outside the Nanmen 2 star system, sublight speed warships are constantly transporting supplies, and space robots are also working hard to build the deep space base.

According to the vision, this deep space base should be able to house warships and space weapons arsenals, and can accommodate millions of people at the same time.

Due to the enemy's attack, mankind had to launch this unfinished deep space base to the outer reaches of the star system as a frontline position to resist the enemy.

"The output of antimatter is too little. We also need to design specialized antimatter manufacturing devices and antimatter warehouses." Du Xingyu discovered that it would take hundreds of years to collect antimatter with a particle collider to meet the raw material requirements for an antimatter cannon.

The antimatter required for antimatter reactors is even more difficult to meet.

"We must have an ultra-high-efficiency antimatter manufacturing device!" Du Xingyu thought. The current way to create antimatter is to use particle collisions.

It would take hundreds of thousands of nuclear fusion engines to collide two beams of particles and produce tens of grams of antimatter.

This efficiency is too slow!

"More advanced antimatter manufacturing devices require more energy. Where can we find so much energy?" Du Xingyu thought about it. There seems to be only one place with so much energy - a star!

"Stars are super large plasma balls, and nuclear fusion reactions occur all the time. If we can use the energy of stars, we can continuously produce antimatter. What kind of nuclear fusion engine is needed?" Du Xingyu's thoughts gradually became "crazy"!

"The Alpha Centauri star system has three stars, Alpha Centauri A, B, and C. Star C is Proxima Centauri, star A is the main star, and star B is the companion star of the main star."

"Human beings are currently mainly bathed in the light of Star A, of which Stars B and C are smaller and dimmer than the sun."

"The mass of star B is 0.9 times the mass of the sun, so it is more difficult to use it. The mass of star C, Proxima Centauri, is only 0.122 times the mass of the sun. If you want to use stellar energy, it is the best choice."

"Make a star into an energy factory, and then continuously produce antimatter, produce warships, antimatter reactors, and curvature engines. It is the most suitable secondary civilization energy warehouse!"

Du Xingyu couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this. He wrote a new project on the technology simulator - Stellar Furnace!

Du Xingyu doesn't have a complete idea of ​​how to transform a star and turn it into an energy furnace, but he believes that with humankind's current technology, there should be a way to do it.

One year later, outside the Nanmen 2 star system, there was the "Watch Tower" deep space base.

In this spherical space military base, mining spacecraft, detection satellites, and warships are constantly traveling back and forth. In more than a year, humans have built various military facilities on it.

Its current military strength is comparable to a human fleet!

"Warning, warning, the Area 78 detection satellite has been destroyed!" In the watch tower, the siren sounded through the base.

"The enemy is attacking?" Everyone immediately entered the armament state, the defense system was activated, and the warships were on standby.

"The water droplet aircraft has been discovered and is approaching the sentry tower base!" The subspace communication equipment simultaneously transmitted the information to the alliance headquarters.

Du Xingyu's mind was immediately connected to the virtual world through the biological computer, and five commanders had also arrived.

"The enemy is coming!" In the picture, the reconnaissance satellite deployed by humans was penetrated by a water droplet aircraft. Behind it, the space fluctuated, and hundreds of water droplet aircraft exited the curvature navigation and flew towards the sentry tower deep space base!

"The enemy warship has not been found yet!" Huang Qihui, the commander of the sentinel deep space base, reported.

"Send warships immediately, fire anti-matter bullets, and destroy them as quickly as possible!" Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yes!" Huang Qi immediately sent several unmanned warships to the target area.

The water droplet aircraft accelerate towards the sentry tower deep space base, and no defensive measures can stop them!

Just like a few years ago, they are running amok!

The unmanned warship has approached the water droplet aircraft. As before, they continue to accelerate and crash into the nuclear fusion reactor of the unmanned warship.

"Coming!" The commanders held their breath. If they failed to intercept the water droplet aircraft, the bluff tactics would have failed!

An antimatter bullet locked onto the water droplet aircraft at the front. It was still so smooth and flawless, reflecting the brilliance of the galaxy.

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