The energy field is still squeezing space, and the scope of the warp field gradually increases, eventually forming a warp bubble.

Wrap the warship in a warp bubble, and the warship can sail at warp speed!

"Successful!" Du Xingyu was overjoyed and immediately recorded the results of the test. He began further analysis and optimization.

The successful development of the warp engine meant that he could start designing a warp warship!

Before building the warp warship, the "stellar furnace" envisioned by Du Xingyu had also begun construction. This will be the most massive project in the history of human civilization, completely transforming a star!

Through magnetic fields, humans can control part of the plasma on the surface of stars. Then use strong force materials, energy shield technology, etc. to control these high-temperature plasmas as energy sources.

With this, they created an energy collection cover on the surface of Proxima Centauri to collect the star's thermal energy to create antimatter.

The first industrial building on the stellar furnace is the antimatter factory, which will continuously provide antimatter raw materials to mankind.

A little outside of Proxima Centauri, humans have also built a "space dock"!

It directly uses stellar energy to build warp speed battleships!

The design drawings of mankind's first warp speed warship designed by Du Xingyu were also sent here.

The period of great construction of the star system has just begun, and more and more humans are thawing. Because of the increase in resources, the fertility rate of humans is also increasing.

In order to improve the overall strength of mankind as quickly as possible, Du Xingyu announced that the alliance will provide free protein memory chip implants to everyone. In this way, as soon as everyone is born, they have information and knowledge that originally took decades or even centuries to master.

Those who contribute to the alliance or have the conditions themselves can undergo further electronic brain implantation or biochemical brain implantation, genetic modification, electronic modification, etc.

Whether it is electronic bionic organ modification or genetic modification, human lifespan can be increased to thousands of years!

With these conveniences, humankind's large-scale construction of star systems will go more smoothly.

On the surface of the earth, mountains and rivers have been artificially created. These are asteroids or large meteorites brought by spacecraft from the Nanmen star system to supplement the consumption of surface materials by planetary engines.

The earth's land area has returned to one-third of its original size.

In the gene bank, the original earth creatures were cloned, vegetation was restored, and animals lived on this land again.

In the ocean, genetically modified or electronically modified humans and a small number of descendants of the sea people work together to build the ocean and restore the marine ecosystem.

Ocean currents are restored, atmospheric circulation is restored, and monsoons bring moist air to awaken the earth's ecosystem.

On Earth, super cities and super factories are appearing at an unimaginable speed!

The entire earth is countless times more prosperous than before!

On Proxima Centauri, a rocky planet, a large planetary engine was also built to adjust its orbit.

Various automated factories are constantly producing high-tech creations such as robots and spaceships.

In some areas, artificial ecosystems have been built directly to bring life to this dead planet.

In the South Gate star system, humans have discovered seven more planets, including rocky planets and gaseous planets, all of which have become human galaxy colonies.

The asteroid belt outside the planet and the comet belt outside the star system have also become human space mines, providing humans with various materials and energy.

Under the surface of this prosperity, everyone has not forgotten that a civilization with higher technology than theirs is eyeing them!

Five months after Du Xingyu ordered the construction of the warp battleship, bad news still came.

"The detection satellite we sent to the Rutan 726-8 star system found traces of the enemy fleet!" the intelligence department reported the situation to the alliance's high command.

"Since our Cetus exploration fleet was destroyed by the water droplet aircraft, we have been sending detection satellites to the Lutan 726-8 star system. Although most of them were destroyed by the water droplet aircraft, there are still several detection satellites that have bypassed the enemy. The reconnaissance network detected some intelligence."

Looking back at the scene in the virtual world, a detection satellite detected large gravitational wave fluctuations at the edge of the Lutan 726-8 star system.

It did not directly capture the alien fleet, and obviously with the enemy's technology, it would not be able to capture it.

This large gravitational wave fluctuation is caused by space distortion, which means that the enemy's warp speed warship appeared in that place!

"The detection pulse is distorted in that area, and the range is very large. There is definitely more than one enemy warp speed warship. There may be more than a hundred!" the intelligence officer reported, "Our satellite was destroyed just after it transmitted the information back! No information about enemy warships was captured."

"They are still here!" Chen Hong felt heavy. They did not delay for too long in shooting down the enemy's water droplet aircraft. In less than half a year, the enemy chose to dispatch warships.

According to this situation, the enemy is planning to directly attack the Nanmen 2 star system!

"We are not ready yet!" Tours said seriously, "Even if the enemy only has one star-class annihilation warship sailing at warp speed, it will be difficult for us to deal with it. An entire fleet can penetrate almost all of our current warships. defense."

"Now it seems that the only good news is that our previous anti-matter weapons did make them afraid." Yang Shaolin analyzed, "The enemy's warp speed warships can drive directly to our South Gate II star system, but they did not To do so, choose the Lutan 726-8 star system that appears ten light years away."

"This shows that they are still a little afraid of us and plan to use the Lutan 726-8 star system as a frontline position and then attack us!"

"Shaolin's analysis makes sense." Du Xingyu said, "We still don't know how many times the enemy's warp speed warship can reach a curvature."

"Warp speed consumes a lot of energy. If the enemy's technology is powerful enough and doesn't care about these energy sources, then they don't have to worry about our primary anti-matter weapons and can just bring the warship over."

"The current tactical arrangement shows that maybe their technology has not reached the level of completely crushing us!"

"So, we still have a year and a half to prepare?" Lu Xing asked.

"I think we should make plans for half a year." Mo Caiwei suggested, "It is best to declare a state of war directly to avoid a sudden attack by the enemy and make us chaotic."

"I agree." Du Xingyu said first.

"I agree too." Chen Hong said.

"Agree!" Yang Shaolin nodded.

"Publish it!" Tours and Lu Xing had no objections.

They are the weak side and must be fully prepared.

When their deliberations were completed, the Alliance High Command announced the news to all of humanity.

In the World Square of the virtual world, a press conference from the Human Alliance Command is being played.

"Just three hours ago, our detection satellite discovered traces of suspected enemy warp speed warships in the Lutan 726-8 star system. They may attack human civilization at any time." Yang Shaolin, the alliance's military operations spokesman, reported this thing.

"The enemy is coming?" This message was received by billions of humans.

Even if they are not in the world square of the virtual world, their biochips or electronic chips can receive this message.

"So fast! It's only been a few years of peace and quiet!"

"It was difficult for us to deal with the water droplets last time. This time it's a warp battleship. How can we fight against it?"

"I don't know, just follow the command!"

Du Xingyu took Yang Shaolin's words and announced: "With the unanimous consent of the alliance headquarters, here, as the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, I give the order. From today on, human civilization will be in a state of war readiness!"

"Everyone, all factories and enterprises must unconditionally cooperate with the supreme commander's arrangements and prepare for war!"

"Friends, we hope that everyone can put the overall situation first. The Human Guardian Alliance will also use its utmost efforts to defend the enemy from the Nanmen 2 star system and protect the lives and property of the people!"

When Du Xingyu finished his announcement, the entire human society was mobilized. Relevant enterprises and units will cooperate with the alliance's command to carry out arms production and material transportation.

"It's a state of war. I never thought I could experience two civilized wars." Fang Jiayou said with emotion in the office of the president of Chengfeng Technology Company.

He immediately convened a board meeting and announced: "From now on, all company members will be on call 24 hours a day to follow the orders of the alliance command!"

"Invest all the resources of our Xingyao and go all out to build an antimatter factory!" Lu Liang had just signed a document.

"Antimatter will be the most important resource in this war, and it is the ammunition for our soldiers!" In the company document, he wrote: "No matter the cost, we must ensure a sufficient supply of ammunition!"

"The war is coming, I feel excited all over my body!" At the Space Force Station of Proxima, Wei Xuan had just submitted a combat application to the Alliance Command. He hoped to lead the fleet to the Outpost Deep Space Base, where humans would fight. The forefront!

The entire human society is hotly discussing this matter. Most people in the new era have never experienced a civilized war, and they know very little about civilized war.

"Civilized war is very cruel. Ten thousand years ago, if human beings only made one wrong step, they would have been destroyed by now!"

"This time the hostile civilization has higher technology and may be a level three civilization! It can be said that we have a narrow escape from death again!"

"Can the Human Guardian Alliance really lead us to victory?"

In a state of war readiness, everyone feels the pressure. Some negative elements began to doubt whether humans have the strength to withstand disasters, and some even began to plan space escape operations.

Nowadays, human beings' technology can indeed travel to other galaxies in sub-light speed spaceships. But the enemy has warp warships, and such an escape is meaningless.

There were some minor commotions in society, but they were all under control.

In order to enhance people's confidence, Du Xingyu decided to hold a public docking ceremony for mankind's first warp speed warship.

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