"There really is such a thing!" The discovery of gravitons made scientists at the Alliance Academy of Sciences crazy. This is the key to mastering the grand unified theory and establishing a grand unified model of the four fundamental forces.

These scientists immediately began to study the properties of gravitons.

Loma, the prisoner of the Sky Eagle Civilization, confessed everything he knew to promote human research on the Grand Unification Model.

More than fifty light years away, in an unknown star system.

Here, a massive interstellar war is taking place.

There are millions of star-level battleships, thousands of star-level battleships, and countless advanced weapons.

Under the bombardment of these weapons, planets and low-mass stars will be reduced to powder or even completely annihilated!

A metal planet is located at the front of the battlefield. It is a super war fortress. No one can stop it wherever it goes!

This is a metal planet with a mass five times greater than that of the Earth. It is one of the super weapons of the Skyhawk civilization. The inside of this planet was hollowed out and turned into a war weapon!

The gravity field it creates can cover a distance of 100 million kilometers! There are even more terrifying weapons that can clean up the battlefield!

Inside the planetary fortress, Tangier, the commander-in-chief of the fleet of the Skyhawk civilization, received a message from the leader of the civilization.

"The subsidiary fleet of the Eighth Fleet failed to attack a second-level civilization?" Tangier saw the news and said angrily: "What a bunch of trash, they didn't even fight a second-level civilization. And they were still defeated by a living war of attrition. Surrender to low-level civilization?”

"This guy Piru must be sent to a military court for trial!"

"Tangir." The leader of the Sky Eagle civilization spoke to him through subspace transmission. "Send out the main fleet as soon as possible to eliminate human civilization. They captured Piru's fleet and stole our technology."

"Human civilization is a hidden danger behind our territory and must be cleared up as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Tangier said, "Leader, after we invest in our secret weapons, this star thieves civilization is no longer our opponent."

"But they are very good at hiding. It will take me a hundred years to completely eliminate them. But in a few decades, I should be able to dedicate a main fleet to clean up human civilization!"

"Enough, as soon as possible!" said the leader of the Sky Eagle Civilization. "Recently, civilizational wars have become more and more intense. The elimination of human civilization and star pirate civilization will also allow our civilization to obtain more technological rewards!"

Unless it is completely crushed by technology, a civilized war of the same level will last for many years. At the third level of civilization, its territory covers more than ten star systems, and it has star field-level battleships. In the vast universe, it is difficult to find other civilizations no matter where you hide.

If they were evenly matched, it would be normal for them to fight for hundreds or thousands of years.

At this time, human civilization is still rapidly absorbing some of the technologies of the Sky Eagle civilization.

A month later, a piece of news that excited the entire society came from the Human Guardian Alliance Academy of Sciences.

"We finally understand the nature of the graviton, how it is produced and how it transmits gravity! We can use other forces or energy to convert it into gravity. We have mastered the grand unified theory and established a grand unified model of the four fundamental forces. !" Du Xingyu announced at the meeting of the Academy of Sciences.

"From today on, human civilization will move towards a third-level civilization!"

"Long live!" These usually calm and unsmiling scientists all laughed and cheered in celebration!

"After how many years, we humans have finally unified the four basic forces!"

"We can move to higher realms!"

"The star system will no longer be an obstacle to mankind!"

"Long live human civilization, long live Dean Du!"

At this time, no words could express the excitement and excitement in their hearts. For this reason, Du Xingyu ordered a three-day holiday so that they could celebrate as much as they wanted.

They held a grand celebration banquet, used alcohol to numb their nerves, and used electric current to temporarily shield their electronic chips to release their nervous emotions.

At the celebration dinner, all five commanders were present to pay tribute to these scientists for their hard work.

"Salute to all those who have worked hard and sacrificed heroically to promote the progress of human civilization!" Du Xingyu raised his wine glass, and thousands of people in the audience raised their glasses and sprinkled the wine to the earth.

The carnival continued, and Du Xingyu also became extremely drunk. His body has been genetically modified. If he wants to get drunk, he must drink a special liquor that can temporarily paralyze his nerves.

Du Xingyu was slightly drunk, and his consciousness was a little blurry. In a daze, someone helped him into the room.

"Do you want to take a bath?" Xu Lianqiu's voice rang in his ears. Du Xingyu opened his eyes and saw a delicate figure.

He stood up and regained some consciousness.

Xu Lianqiu was wearing a red waisted evening dress, which outlined her plump figure and looked slightly tipsy.

She also works at the Academy of Sciences, focusing on the construction of stellar system defense systems. This enemy sneak attack, the defense system used by humans is due to her.

"Wash." Du Xingyu stepped forward and whispered in her ear, the heat staining her earlobes red: "Together!"


"These bionic organs, like cat ears, tails, wings, etc., I have to say, they are quite interesting."

The next day, the short leisure time has passed, and people's lives are back on track. The threat to the Sky Eagle civilization is right in front of us, and the moment of true victory has not yet come.

After establishing a unified model of the four basic forces, humans can also create gravity bombs and gravity fields.

More advanced annihilation battleships also began to be designed and manufactured.

"Time is very urgent!" In the alliance headquarters, Du Xingyu was discussing development strategies with several commanders.

"The destroyed space cities need to be rebuilt, deep space bases need to be added, and the fleets need to be upgraded. The five major space city fleets will remain unchanged. They will be used to protect the base camp."

"The number of warships in the Nanmen II star system fleet will be expanded to more than 5,000. The standard ship should be a stellar-level medium annihilation warship! The mothership should reach a star field-level battleship."

"Another Lutan star system fleet will be built, with a tentative number of 5,000 warships, and the configuration will be the same as the Nanmen 2 star system fleet."

Du Xingyu plans to push the human defense line from the deep space base outside the Nanmen 2 star system to the Lutan 726-8 star system at the border with the Tianying civilization.

The war of level 3 civilization is too scary. Fighting near the base camp is like walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will be beaten by the enemy!


"Agree!" None of the five people had any objections.

In today's human civilization, biotechnology and mechanical technology are relatively balanced, and using intelligent mechanical technology to expand the fleet is not a problem.

"Now we are mainly worried about two issues." Chen Hong said.

"First, how long will the enemy give us to prepare for war?"

"According to Piru's confession, the main fleet of the Sky Eagle Civilization is still at war with the Star Thief Civilization." Yang Shaolin analyzed, "We cannot know the outcome of the war, but we can be sure that within a few decades, the enemy will not have any Massive offense, this is the time period we strive to develop.”

"Second, the enemy has a star-level battleship. If he makes a space jump and comes directly to our base camp, what should we do?" Chen Hong continued.

Compared with stellar-class battleships, the warp speed navigation capability of star field-class battleships is increased by a hundred times!

For example, a star-level advanced annihilation battleship like the Star Wheel can reach a maximum warp speed of about fifty. Piru's fleet traveled at warp speed from the Rutan 726-8 star system, which is about ten light years away from the South Gate II star system, to the Earth in less than half a year.

As for the Starfield-class battleship, the warp speed can reach hundreds of times the curvature, even thousands or tens of thousands times!

This speed can no longer be called warp navigation, but a hyperspace jump!

Hyperspace and subspace are two concepts.

Subspace refers to the barrier between positive matter space and antimatter space. Using subspace, civilizations can communicate across light-year distances.

But massive objects cannot enter subspace. At this time, if you want to cross the distance of countless light years, you need to make a hyperspace jump!

Hyperspace refers to space beyond four dimensions. Using the hyperspace engine, you can double the warp speed, briefly enter hyperspace, and achieve the effect of a hyperspace jump.

Einstein-Rosen Bridge, also known as a wormhole, is a stable hyperspace passage.

Du Xingyu didn't know if the third-level civilization had the technology to build a hyperspace channel, but he knew that the Sky Eagle civilization definitely didn't.

"Even if the distance of the Sky Eagle Civilization's starfield-class warships' hyperspace jump is not far, it is still enough to reach our galaxy." Lu Xing said, "It doesn't make sense to them no matter how far we arrange the defense line, they can Direct hyperspace jump to hit our base camp!"

Du Xingyu thought for a while and said: "The Sky Eagle civilization has only been promoted to the third level civilization not long ago, and the control of hyperspace jump technology should not be very mature."

"Hyperspace jump is a very complex and dangerous process. It is more dangerous than warp speed! Once lost in hyperspace, the fleet will be directly crushed by the energy from higher dimensions!"

"And hyperspace jumps also require a stable jump environment! If we can create weapons that interfere with hyperspace jumps, the enemy will not dare to 'flash' directly in our faces!"

"Can we do it?" Tours asked curiously.

"Try it, maybe it can work." Du Xingyu was not sure either. He had just fully understood the grand unified theory and had not yet fully understood the basic gravity weapons.

It is quite difficult to know the defensive weapons that interfere with hyperspace.

Du Xingyu created several new projects in one breath on the technology simulator.

"New simulation project: gravity bomb, information completeness is 73%."

"New simulation project: force field generation device, information completeness is 41%."

"New simulation project: hyperspace engine, information perfection is 3%."

"New simulation project: hyperspace disruptor, information perfection, 0.5%."

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