"The entire star system!" Steve thought that humans might have a back-up plan, and that they might suffer losses, but he didn't expect that the entire base camp of the Sky Eagle Civilization would be lost!

Their most advanced technological facilities, countless space mines, space docks, economic centers, cultural centers, and political centers are all in this star system. But now, everything in this star system will be swallowed up by the black hole!

"How long?" After a brief moment of confusion, Siti forced himself to calm down and asked.

"It is impossible to estimate, because while the mass of the black hole is increasing, the speed of flying towards the Hegu-1 star is also increasing. It may take millions of years for the entire star system to be destroyed." A scientist from the Sky Eagle Civilization said.

"But in the process of the black hole swallowing the star, its gravity will cause the star system to undergo a 'tidal collapse' phenomenon. The massive stars in the entire star system will be torn apart and become long strips of material, which will be sucked in like a straw. Black hole.”

"There is no way to escape from the planet we live on and the large space buildings we have built."

"Before they are swallowed by the black hole, they will explode due to gravity imbalance!"

This black hole created by humans cannot destroy the entire star system in a short time. To achieve this effect, the mass of the black hole must at least reach the mass of the Sagittarius A super black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Its mass is more than 4.3 million times that of the sun, and it would take several years to devour a star with the mass of the sun.

But it does not take so many years for black hole weapons to destroy civilization. Its huge gravity will distort the surrounding space, block the possibility of hyperspace jumps, and warp speed navigation will also be disrupted.

A large number of technological creations of level three civilizations require a gravitational balance system internally. The gravity of the black hole will destroy this system, causing the technological creations to collapse.

"Evacuate!" Si Ti gritted his teeth and said, "Organize an evacuation immediately. Before evacuation, destroy this human fleet!"

"Yes!" The entire Skyhawk civilization immediately took action. They could not wait until the black hole was close to the center of the star system before taking action. By then it would be too late to leave.

The besieging battleships also received news that the Death Star had been destroyed and that the black hole was invading their star system.

Their mission is to keep this human fleet here!

"Humans are going to destroy our homeland, kill them all!" The warships began to attack the human warships.

But Wei Xuan had already been prepared. As soon as the micro black hole was generated, he ordered to rush out of the encirclement with all his strength.

Without the interception of the Death Star, a gap was soon torn open in the enemy's encirclement, and the human fleet was rushed out.

"Get to a safe distance and make a hyperspace jump directly to the Lutan 726-8 star system." The Lutan star system is the base camp of Wei Xuan's fleet, where there is a human defense base.

After jumping to the Rutan 726-8 star system, the enemy will die if they dare to pursue it. After replenishing energy in the Lutan 726-8 star system, they can jump back to Nanmen II and return to defense.

"Chase, don't let them go!" The captains of the Sky Eagle Civilization were all red-eyed. The main star system where their civilization was located was going to be swallowed up by the black hole, which would cause them huge losses!

It can be said that within a few hundred years, the Sky Eagle civilization will not be able to recover!

"Gamma ray shooting!" Wei Xuan commanded, "If our gamma rays can't hit the Death Star, can they also hit your battleships?"

Sure enough, the gamma rays easily penetrated the defense layers of the pursuing warships and directly blew up the first few warships.

"Keep your distance!" The warships of Tianying Civilization began to pull.

"Run, jump directly to hyperspace, and leave the unmanned battleship behind!" Wei Xuan didn't want to fight them at the beginning. He knew that even if he successfully created a black hole and destroyed the Death Star, it would still be impossible to fight with this small force. than the other party's.

So most of the warships are unmanned warships, and a few unmanned warships continue to escort with gamma rays, pouring out all their energy.

The other battleships opened hyperspace jumps one after another to escape from the battlefield.

"They are running away, gravity cannon!" The warships of Tianying Civilization hurriedly fired gravity cannons to interfere, but the effect was not good. Only three warships were intercepted, and the rest of the warships all escaped.

"Damn it!" The pursuing enemies could only vent their anger on the unmanned warships and quickly destroy them all.

In the Hegu star system, the Sky Eagle civilization began its emergency migration.

After the Death Star's gravity collapsed, the speed of being absorbed by the black hole increased tens of thousands of times. Moreover, it is still falling towards the Hegu Yi star, and the surrounding space facilities are being pulled by the black hole's gravity. The growth rate of this man-made black hole is far beyond the supernormal black hole!

"Our base camp was attacked by humans with black hole weapons! The Death Star was destroyed, and the human fleet escaped?" Tangier went crazy after receiving the news!

In this war against human civilization, they have always had the advantage, but they have repeatedly allowed humans to successfully attack with sudden high-tech weapons!

After such a blow, Tianying civilization may have fallen from a level 3.5 civilization to the same level as humans.

"Commander-in-Chief, do you still want to attack Nanmen 2 now?" the subordinate asked, he already had other thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Tangier asked displeasedly, "You want to run away from the battlefield?"

"No!" the subordinate whispered, "Commander-in-Chief, I'm worried about human beings being deceitful!"

"Think about it, human civilization was originally just a second-level civilization. Even if they stole our technology, it would take many years to digest and understand it. But they digested our technology almost immediately and created things that we didn't even create. weapons."

"For example, we haven't been able to build a hyperspace jammer yet."

"There are also nova explosions and black hole weapons. Such weapons are difficult to manufacture even for civilizations above level 3.8. I suspect that there may be an advanced civilization behind human civilization to help them!"

"Do you still remember? The Flying Ball Civilization belongs to the Angel Civilization Camp! Although they have become the Star Thief Civilization, they are still connected to the Angel Civilization Camp!"

This subordinate said that Tangier also became suspicious, "You mean, human civilization has joined the angel civilization camp and received their technological help?"

"It's very possible! Otherwise, how could human civilization create so many high-tech weapons in such a short period of time?" said the subordinate.

Tangier thought about it carefully, and it seemed to make sense. He recalled the battles with humans over the years. Every time, he seemed to be a sure winner, but at the critical moment, humans would come up with a technological creation that exceeded their current level of technological civilization!

Without the help of advanced civilizations, Tangier himself wouldn’t believe it!

In a short period of time, he had already thought of a lot. Perhaps human civilization has long since surrendered to the angel civilization camp and received help from advanced civilizations.

As a civilization in the demon civilization camp, Tangier knows some news. Under normal circumstances, civilizations above level 4 in both camps will not fight directly, because their technology is too powerful, and a large-scale war will destroy the entire galaxy.

Therefore, in most cases, high-level civilizations support low-level civilizations in fighting wars. Many times, it is inconvenient for advanced civilizations to take action. Once they take action, advanced civilizations from the hostile camp will also take action.

Therefore, they will secretly support a few low-level civilizations, let their technology advance by leaps and bounds, and seize territory and resources.

Didn’t the Sky Eagle Civilization upgrade from the second-level civilization to the third-level civilization only with the help of the demon civilization camp?

Just when Tangier was confused, someone reported again.

"Commander-in-Chief, the unmanned fleet that we tried to attack was all destroyed when it made a hyperspace jump!"

In order to test the opponent, Tangier first used an unmanned fleet to hyperspace jump over, and sure enough, he was still destroyed.

"What happened?" Tangier asked.

"It's gravitational waves!" said the technician in the fleet. "They detected strong gravitational waves in that place, comparable to stars!"

"Gravitational wave weapons are a technology only possessed by civilizations above level 3.8!"

Tangier's suspicions deepened and he had the fleet slowed down and spread out.

On the human civilization side, the Alliance Command is also adjusting its tactics.

"The black hole weapon has been successfully manufactured, and the enemy's rear is now busy with itself. Wei Xuan's fleet has replenished its energy in the Lutan 726-8 star system and will arrive soon. Our main pressure at present is the 10,000 ships currently attacking us. Starfield class battleship." Yang Shaolin said.

"Ten thousand ships, and they are the enemy's most elite first main fleet. There are many high-level star field warships. If they insist on attacking, we still can't deal with them!" Chen Hong analyzed.

"The worst case scenario," Du Xingyu said, "Abandon the Nanmen 2 star system and use the stellar furnace to create a black hole, leaving the enemy with nothing!"

"But it's too early to give up now."

While they were discussing, news came from the front, "It was discovered that the enemy fleet began to disperse and slowed down the attack speed."

"Their base camp has been attacked. Are they still in the mood to fight slowly?" Du Xingyu thought, "Are these enemies afraid?"

"They may be worried that we have an ambush." ​​Yang Shaolin said, "The black hole weapon probably scared them!"

"It's better to let go of the outer defenses and let them rush in and stage an empty city plan." Du Xingyu said.

"This... is a way." Lu Xing said, "We can't fight head-on anyway, so we can scare them. Now the enemy is like a frightened bird. If we pull the bowstring, they will be scared!"

"Just opening the city gate is not enough, you also have to perform a show!" Du Xingyu said, "Let the mass shadow projector be fully powered, project mass everywhere in the star system, and use gamma rays and gravitational waves to interfere with the enemy's judgment."

"Yes!" The front line immediately started executing.

Soon, Tangier discovered that the defenses of human civilization had weakened a lot and were not at the same level as before. It is even weaker than the defenses of the Sirius star system and the Hedrum star system.

This made him even more suspicious!

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