"They are not yet able to invade the Orion Arm in a large scale, so as long as we conquer human civilization and spread our sphere of influence, the demon civilization camp will protect us!" said the senior leader of the Pleiades civilization, "Don't talk about hive civilization then, even The Beehive Cluster will also be our territory!”

"Okay!" Kong was overjoyed and said, "Whether the Pleiades civilization can turn around depends on this battle!"

He ordered: "Start preparations immediately, take advantage of human civilization's unpreparedness, take them down in one fell swoop, and penetrate their territory from the border battlefield!"

"Don't reserve strength this time, use all our troops. We must achieve our goal before the hive civilization can react!"

"Start the war!" The Pleiadian civilization began to secretly mobilize its troops, preparing to break the alliance and launch a massive attack on the territory of human civilization.

There are more than 3,000 stars in the Pleiades star cluster. The territory of human civilization is at the very edge of the Pleiades star cluster. At one end is a more dispersed area of ​​stars, close to the fourth cantilever arm.

The other end is naturally the territory where the Pleiadian civilization is located. The original territory of the Pleiadian civilization reached hundreds of star systems, which greatly exceeded human civilization.

After the war with the Hive Civilization, their strength shrunk and they were unable to manage and develop some territories. Now there are only more than a hundred star systems left in the core area.

Relying on its past heritage, the Pleiadian civilization still has more than 400,000 star field-level battleships, more than 50,000 high-level battleships, as well as large and small auxiliary fleets, space weapons, and some special versions of weapons, namely pseudo-dominance weapons. .

The combined strength of these forces was enough to defeat the Sky Eagle Civilization at its peak.

Because the development time of human civilization is too short, the total military strength is still not enough to compete with the Pleiades civilization. The key to this battle lies in the dominant weapon!

The boundary space battlefield between the Pleiadian civilization and human civilization has been played out here for ten years.

In every battle, both sides only send some old battleships and robot troops to fight. You win one battle and I win another. Sometimes the battleships are too lazy to repair and just throw over the old battleships and even civilian spaceships in the scrapyard. Be cannon fodder.

The hive civilization has actually been aware of the practices of the Pleiadian civilization and human civilization, but they chose to turn a blind eye because the hive civilization was studying the Mechanical Throne at that time.

Now that they are about to succeed in their research, they can free up the power to invade, which forces the Pleiadian civilization to take action.

"Are you going to fight today?" Human commander Zhan Qing contacted the commander of Angsu Civilization, Yu.

"Well, the hive civilization is urging us again. Let's act a little more seriously today." Yu said, "You won last time, and this time it's our turn. This time we will send more scrap battleships, and you guys will be a little bit more serious." Resist it and we will retreat when the cordon is reached."

"Okay! Just go as planned." Zhan Qing agreed.

After the commanders of both sides cut off communications, they immediately changed their attitudes.

"Sir, we will feign defeat later. When they get deeper, the main fleet will suddenly jump over from hyperspace and annihilate them in one fell swoop!" Zhan Qing reported to Huang Qi.

"Well, prepare the hyperspace jammer, we can't let them escape!" The fourth, fifth, and sixth main fleets led by Huang Qi have arrived at the front line.

On the other side, the Pleiadian civilization’s decision-making is similar.

"Human civilization will never think that we are really attacking this time! Hundreds of thousands of warships are ready. We will pretend to attack later. When we enter the star system defended by humans, the large forces will rush out together and break through their defense line in one fell swoop. Kill through human civilization!" Yu is also arranging assault tactics.

Both civilizations have chosen to ignore the one-hundred-year truce. Civilized wars are not human relations. Only the strong are qualified to talk about "fairness"!

When the appointed time came, the Pleiadian civilization attacked first.

Five thousand star-level battleships are slowly approaching the territory of human civilization. These are high-level star-level battleships, but in order to confuse humans, their traveling speeds are very slow and their firepower has been reduced by several levels.

Human civilization also sent some "scrapped" warships to fight, and the two sides soon exchanged fire.

At the beginning, everything went according to the script. The fleet of human civilization tried its best to resist, but was somewhat defeated and began to retreat.

The fleet of the Pleiadian civilization continues its attack and is about to approach the cordon.

"Yu, it's almost time. We are withdrawing our troops. You should retreat as soon as possible." Zhan Qing reminded in the communication channel.

"Of course, the entire army will obey the order and retreat immediately." Yu responded on the surface, but in their battleship, they were adjusting the parameter values.

"Full shield, full speed, full firepower, charge right in, killing humans by surprise!"

The fleet of human civilization is also giving orders internally.

"Stop retreating immediately and start fighting back!"

"As soon as our fleet arrives, turn on the hyperspace disruptor to maximum speed!"

"Pay attention to other directions on the battlefield, don't let them escape!"

The moment the communicators of the commanders of both sides were cut off, both sides began to launch a fierce attack almost at the same time!

The Pleiadian civilization fleet broke through its disguise, and its speed and firepower suddenly increased tenfold!

They broke through the cordon of human civilization and destroyed all surrounding defense facilities!

The human fleet also began to fight back. Behind the human fleet, hyperspace fluctuations were sent out, and more and more warships appeared!

"It turns out that humans are also ready!" Yu immediately reported to the top management of the Pleiades civilization.

"In this case, we don't have to hold anything back, army, charge in!" In the Pleiadian civilization's position, a large number of star field-level battleships appeared, and their number was much greater than the fleet of human civilization.

In the space battlefield, two fleets of level three civilizations began a real battle of blood and fire!

Countless weapons and rays poured out, each of which was enough to destroy the planet instantly! If there was a star among them, it would be blown up within an hour!

"Advance, advance! Sweep them!" There is no skill in this battle, it is just a battle of firepower.

There are no important strongholds here, and for civilizations above level 3.6, the edge strongholds are all bubbles.

As long as they kill the opponent's main fleet, they can span hundreds of light-years in a few days and completely destroy the enemy's home star system!

High-level star field-level battleships are huge in size and mass, and have all kinds of war and living facilities. They are no different from space cities or even inhabited planets!

Some civilizations even let their tribesmen live on battleships for convenience. Or transform the planet into a weapon of war, which is how the Death Star came to be, for example.

"The first line of defense has been destroyed!"

"Planet TU-57 was destroyed!"

"457 Starfield-class battleships have been lost."

"An enemy command ship was sunk by our side!"

"The star is under attack and a super flare eruption is about to occur. Warships in the nearby area are requested to evacuate immediately!"

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee victory in the war until the end.

"Don't fight with them!" Du Xingyu has been staring at the battle losses. Just five hours after the war started, both sides lost more than 30,000 Starfield-class battleships!

Both civilizations are ready to completely destroy each other, so it is a battle between the main force and the main force from the beginning!

"Death Star, move out!" Du Xingyu shouted.

"Yes!" Zhuang Xin, the commander of Death Star-001, began to order, "Start the jump!"

The Death Star cannot jump directly to the battlefield because the enemy also has hyperspace jamming equipment and can only jump to a vacuum zone closer to the battlefield.

"Let the Pleiadian civilization see the power of the dominant weapon of human civilization!" The space-time bubble wrapped the Death Star and sent it into hyperspace.

A few seconds later, Death Star-001 appeared behind the human fleet and began to approach the battlefield.

"Report, discovered human weapon, Death Star!" The Pleiadian civilization observed this phenomenon immediately.

"Death Star?" Yu was already prepared for this. The information they bought in the free civilization trading market showed that human civilization has a pseudo-master weapon, the Death Star. It was originally a weapon made by the Sky Eagle civilization and was imitated by human civilization.

"The Death Star's defense is amazing, but it is not without its weaknesses. As long as the force field control equipment is destroyed with a gamma ray burst, the Death Star itself will collapse!" Yu ordered, "The special attack team is dispatched to destroy the Death Star!"

"Yes!" The Pleiadian civilization has a special attack team to deal with the Death Star. This fleet is composed entirely of advanced starfield-class battleships, equipped with gamma ray weapons, specifically designed to deal with the Death Star.

The special attack fleet advanced at high speed, relying on the cover of the main fleet, they fought all the way to the Death Star.

"There are people who are here to die?" Zhuang Xin squinted his eyes and said, "Destroy them directly!"

"Death Star, destroy it! Gamma rays, attack!" These battleships shoot out gamma ray bursts. This powerful ray can directly penetrate the plasma's defensive shield and will not be interfered by the gravitational cage.

The gamma rays prepared by the Pleiadian civilization can explode not just one Death Star, but ten Death Stars!

The special attack fleet's reactors were fully turned on, and gamma rays were fired at the Death Star.

This high-energy ray burst carries countless high-energy particles, and Du Xingyu once used it to create a miniature black hole!

"Explode!" Kong, Yu and other senior officials of the Pleiadian civilization were all paying attention to the special attack fleet's attack on the Death Star.

However, right where the gamma rays converged, the Death Star disappeared out of thin air! The planet-sized super weapon suddenly disappeared before their eyes!

The gamma rays did not pass through the area where the Death Star was located, but hit the invisible barrier, which it could not penetrate!

"This is... a four-dimensional barrier!" Yu guessed this technology at the first time. They had encountered it before. They had encountered it before against the hive civilization.

But at that time, they were facing the dominant weapon of hive civilization.

"Could it be that...the Death Star has been built by humans into a dominant weapon?" Yu was extremely shocked. If this is true, human civilization has become a level 3.8 civilization, surpassing them in technology!

"How is that possible? Why do they have a four-dimensional barrier? Didn't the intelligence sold to us by the Skyhawk Civilization show that the Death Star is a pseudo-dominator weapon?" Kong Jing asked around.

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