Countless detectors were launched to detect the surrounding star systems.

"We should be at the edge of the hive civilization now, about fifty light years away from the core area." Soon, the fleet learned the general situation.

Based on the density of the stars, they can roughly determine the core area of ​​the hive civilization. Areas with a dense number of stars are the areas with the richest resources and should be the core areas of hive civilization.

"Attack!" The battleship entered warp speed and arrived at the first star system of the hive civilization.

"Warning, enemy attack!" The hive civilization also discovered the human fleet and began to resist and defend.

However, there was no main fleet of theirs here. The Death Star led the main fleet to break through the defense circle and entered.

The battleships, space fortresses, and deep space bases of the hive civilization were destroyed in an instant under the attack of human main battleships and Death Stars!

"Gravity crushing!" A deep space base of the Hive Civilization was shattered into a pile of particles under the gravity weapon of Death Star-003.

"Escape, we are not their opponent! We must dominate the weapons!" The garrison military forces of the hive civilization realized that these defenses are vulnerable to the dominance weapons!

"My Emperor, human civilization is sneaking into our border and heading towards the core star field!" the frontline commander reported the news, "They have master weapons, we can't stop them!"

"Human civilization is so bold!" The hive and the top leaders of the hive civilization did not expect that human civilization would still have the power to attack them at this time.

"Turns out they have more than just two Death Stars!"

"Want to use the Death Star for a sneak attack? Wishful thinking! Domination weapons also have strengths and weaknesses. Although we sent out two suns, we have completely mastered the Mechanical Throne and can definitely destroy the Death Star!"

"Track their location, send out the Mechanical Throne, and destroy the Death Star!" Queen Bee ordered.

"Queen Bee's order, send the Mechanical Throne to attack the human fleet!"

In a secret military base of the Hive Civilization, a mechanical throne flew out and took the main fleet of the Hive Civilization to the border.

"Command, we have captured two star systems and are taking a short rest." Wei Xuan reported the situation, "We have not encountered the main fleet of the hive civilization yet."

"Be careful!" Du Xingyu said, "A distance of several hundred light years is nothing to the Dominator Weapon. The enemy's Dominator Weapon should arrive within three to five days."

"Once you discover the Mechanical Throne, use the black hole bomb immediately!"

"The other two fleets are also ready. It is best to use the black hole bomb at the same time, so as not to give the enemy any chance to react!"

"Yes!" Huang Qi and Xiong Zhengqing received the news and began to deploy.

Although black hole bombs are powerful, the conditions for their formation are very harsh. Once the enemy is on guard, it will be difficult to attack.

Beehive star cluster, a star system in a certain binary star system.

This place is very close to the core of the hive civilization. The main fleet of human civilization is marching straight in and is about to hit here.

Outside the star system, hyperspace fluctuations occurred, and a metal-cast mechanical throne slowly emerged. Behind it, tens of thousands of star field-level battleships emerged!

The Hive Civilization is now a level 3.9 civilization and is very powerful.

If it were human civilization a hundred years ago, there would be no power to compete with them.

"I take over the defense here!" In the Mechanical Throne, the commander of the Hive Civilization ordered poisonously.

"Sir, according to our detectors, the fleet of human civilization is expected to arrive in five days."

"They arrived just in time." Du Zixin said, "Human civilization has not yet seen the true power of our hive civilization!"

"Since they don't know their own strength, let them all be buried here!"

Du began to arrange defenses. Within the hive civilization, his position was higher than that of the three commanders, and he was the military commander second only to the Queen Bee. That's why important weapons like the Mechanical Throne were given to him for command.

"In front of the dominant weapon, no matter how many other battleships there are, it will be useless." Du ordered, "Once the fleet of human civilization appears, immediately dispatch the Mechanical Throne!"

A few days later, a fleet of human civilization appeared outside the star system.

To be cautious, they still jumped out of the star system through hyperspace, and then approached at warp speed.

"Sir, they're here!"

"Okay!" Du himself got on the mechanical throne and went to meet the enemy.

In the vast starry sky, hundreds of millions of detectors, unmanned combat aircraft and armed satellites first flew towards this star system.

Any war begins with an information war. Wei Xuan didn't dare to drag it down, so every time he fought, the detectors and unmanned warships still had to attack first.

With so many detectors and unmanned space weapons, even the star system's defense system would be hard-pressed to defend them all.

But after the Mechanical Throne was dispatched, everything was completely different.

"Let you see how terrifying the dominant weapon of mechanical civilization is!" Poison ordered, "Start the information storm!"

"Activate the mechanical death ray!" From the mechanical throne, countless light particles are emitted in all directions. Each light particle is a super small particle robot or light particle weapon.

They lock on to targets and attack probes, armed satellites and unmanned warships.

Most of the human fleet's hundreds of millions of detection weapons and unmanned space weapons were destroyed before they even got close to the star system.

Some were directly "brainwashed" by the mechanical death rays into intelligent systems and became weapons controlled by the enemy, which in turn attacked the human fleet.

"It's really troublesome!" Wei Xuan looked at the battle damage. As soon as the Mechanical Throne was dispatched, the enemy suffered no losses at all, and their frontline troops were almost emptied!

"Use a hundred high-level star field-level battleships to try long-range attacks!" Wei Xuan ordered.

"Yes!" One hundred high-level starfield-level battleships used weapons such as super-light weapons, annihilation rays, and gravity missiles to remotely attack the Mechanical Throne.

But when these weapons arrived in front of the Mechanical Throne, they were blocked by the four-dimensional barrier.

"Gravity interference, gamma ray burst!" Strong gamma rays burst out from where the Mechanical Throne was, destroying all the battleships at the front of the human fleet!

"Continue, the Death Star is preparing to use the black hole bomb." Wei Xuan was not moved at all. He had long known that these battleships were no match for the Mechanical Throne. He was now stalling for time, waiting for other fleets to synchronize.

At this time, in the vacuum between the Beehive Star Cluster and the Pleiades Star Cluster, the fleet led by Xiong Zhengqing was also fighting against the two suns.

Huang Qi was also attacking the main fleet of the Pleiades civilization. The battles on the three battlefields were extremely fierce, and countless battleships fell.

Even the Death Star was damaged.

The human Death Star cannot maintain a four-dimensional barrier for a long time, but the Sun and the Mechanical Throne can! Their energy reserves are more abundant.

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