Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 313 Mechanical Small Universe

"Yes, but you need to obey human commands and arrangements in war." Du Xingyu emphasized.

"We can accept some regular military missions. If it is a military mission beyond our capabilities, we will choose to refuse." The meaning of the four-dimensional creatures is also very clear. They will not sacrifice their lives for mankind.

But if human civilization can really withstand the attack of saint civilization, they don't mind contributing.

Du Xingyu asked for detailed information about the mechanical universe.

The mechanical small universe, as the name suggests, is a completely militarized small universe created by the saint civilization using its own mechanical technology.

Using the analogy of human thinking, it can be seen as a huge space battleship.

But its space is a bit beyond human imagination, reaching the size of a globular star cluster! There are over 100,000 star systems.

These 100,000 star systems are different from the star systems humans live in. Each of these star systems is a cluster of mechanical battle galaxies!

To use the Death Star analogy, in these star systems, except for the stars that provide energy, all planets are weapons.

What surprised Du Xingyu the most was that, according to the devil's civilization, the astral civilization was actually a war machine created by the saint's civilization!

Their star systems are all filled with armed planets or silicon-based star life!

Something like the Death Star is not even a combat unit in this small mechanical universe!

When I think about the combat power of a neutron star, it is just a regular combat unit in this small mechanical universe. More terrifying weapons were still to come, and Du Xingyu found it very difficult.

"Carry a small mechanical universe with you at any time. The number of combat units is countless, and new combat units can be continuously created. The number of resources is close to unlimited. This is not a war, this is cheating!" Yang Shaolin complained.

"With our current military strength, even if we count the four-dimensional creatures who can fight without their lives, we are no match for them in terms of military strength."

"So we cannot engage in military confrontation. We must find opportunities to destroy their mechanical universe." Du Xingyu said.

"How to destroy it? There are less than three days left before the deadline they gave?" Chen Hong asked.

"I need at least another month, and I need to find a way to enter the mechanical universe." Du Xingyu said, "Can I delay this period?"

"Drag!" Chen Hong affirmed.

"Leave it to us!" Tours said, "Let's go back and forth with them for a few rounds first. If it doesn't work, then start a war."

"With the reverse weapon, our combat effectiveness can last at least ten days and a half!"

Du Xingyu handed over all matters to other commanders, and he worked with the Academy of Sciences to find ways to destroy the mechanical universe.

That is to find a way to end the timeline of this small universe!

The reverse world has given him inspiration, if a machine can be built to convert forward matter into reverse matter.

When forward and reverse matter are combined in the same space, that space will be quickly destroyed, and time will return to the starting point and the end.

"Invest 100 billion energy points and start simulating a reverse matter converter!" On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu devoted all his energy to creating a reverse matter converter.

If his thinking speed increases and the technology simulator is used, he can conduct tens of millions of simulation experiments in one microsecond.

"The 185th, 564th, 564th simulation failed!"

"The 189th, 592nd, 624th simulation failed!"

"The 458th, 581st, and 262nd simulations were successful!"

Du Xingyu finally got a simulation device that can reverse forward matter into reverse matter through a series of reactions and changes.

Matter that increases in entropy begins to decrease in entropy. The reverse matter created through this device can completely annihilate part of the four-dimensional space.

"The mass of the small mechanical universe is greater than the territory where we humans live. If there is a large mass of space, even if there are hundreds of billions of such machines, they may not be able to produce enough reverse matter." A researcher worried. .

“We don’t have a lot of time, how do we get there?”

"Yes." The researcher on the other side said, "The end of the forward and reverse world requires symmetrical forward and reverse matter."

"In other words, if we want to destroy the small mechanical universe, we must have the reverse matter of the small mechanical universe."

"And how can we have so much material from the small mechanical universe for transformation? We currently don't even know where the small mechanical universe is!"

"If the transformation starts during the war, the saint civilization will definitely notice it quickly and destroy our reverse matter converter."

"Who said we don't have the material in the mechanical universe?" Du Xingyu had already thought of this.

"Have we? Found the mechanical universe?" the researchers asked in surprise.

"We have not found the mechanical universe, but what if I tell you that astral civilization was born from the mechanical universe. Astral silicon-based life was created by the saint civilization?" When Du Xingyu finished speaking, everyone instantly understood what he meant.

"We once had the remains of a neutron star!"

"Neutron stars are the matter in the mechanical universe!"

"So there is such a thing!"

"The material of a neutron star alone is not enough." said an old academician. "Most of the mass of the neutron star we obtained has been consumed."

"Using it to convert it into reverse matter can only destroy a few star systems in the mechanical small universe."

"Yes, one neutron star remnant is indeed not enough. And we cannot create hundreds of billions of reverse matter converters in a short time." Du Xingyu said.

"But we can use the remains of the neutron star to create a reverse source!"

"The source of reverse?" Everyone looked at him, knowing that Du Xingyu must have had an idea for a long time.

"The Source of Reverse, as the name suggests, is a device that continuously produces reverse matter. When enough reverse matter is accumulated, the forward and reverse worlds of the mechanical small universe will collide, and then time and space will be annihilated together!"

Du Xingyu explained, "And the source of this reverse is a black-white hole machine!"

"We transformed the remains of the neutron star into a reverse matter generator, and fed it enough mass to transform it into a black hole!"

"But this black hole is different from the black holes in the normal universe. It is a two-way black hole."

"That is, one side of the black hole swallows mass and energy, and the other side spits out mass and energy, so it is called a white hole."

"The space-time bridge between the two is the reverse matter converter. As long as the design meets the requirements, after the black hole absorbs forward matter, it can provide enough energy to the reverse matter converter, and then convert it into reverse matter and 'spit it out' through the white hole .”

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