The information is sent out, and the information flow passes through the four-dimensional space, briefly enters the five-dimensional space, and is sent ten thousand years later.

Du Xingyu and others waited patiently, but no information came.

They sent a few more messages, still the same.

"We didn't reply in the future, and we don't know why at the moment." This situation made everyone feel shocked and confused.

Could it be that human civilization will be wiped out in the future?

Or is it that the god-level civilization has blocked the channels through which they in the future can transmit information to the past?

There could also be a problem with their equipment.

Since it was useless to send a message to the future, they tried to send a message to the past.

For example, sending a message to tens of thousands of years ago, when humans were still in the solar system, telling humans that they were about to face the disaster of an asteroid impact.

"The first message failed to be sent, and the message disappeared into the turbulence of time and space."

"The second one failed."

"The third one also failed."

"The fourth one was successful!" Tens of thousands of years ago, aboriginal people on a certain earth received a message on their mobile phones: "This is a message from the future. There is an asteroid flying towards the earth outside the earth. It will give Bringing devastating disaster to the earth..."

"Crazy, the scam text messages are so low-level! I am still Qin Shihuang!" the owner of the phone said disdainfully, and then deleted the message.

Everyone tried dozens of times, but it was difficult to pinpoint the information to a certain period or target in the past.

Moreover, information may also face distortion or fallacies.

As a result, no matter what information they sent to the past, they could not change the past at all.

"Is there something wrong with our technology?" Everyone couldn't help but start to doubt themselves.

Du Xingyu was also thinking. He checked the machine several times and found no problems.

He speculated: "Maybe we have changed history, but we in this timeline don't know it."

"The five-dimensional space is a combination of countless timelines. Every decision we make will form a completely different timeline."

"The changed timeline does not belong to our timeline, but to the time and space on other timelines."

"So no matter how we send the message, we can't change the past and the future."

"The dean's guess is very reasonable, but to prove it, we must be able to observe the time plane." said a researcher.

"This may involve a new area that we haven't explored clearly yet."

There are so many secrets in the five-dimensional space that humans will not be able to figure them out for a while.

They continued their research and time continued to pass.

In the next ten thousand years, mankind will begin to prepare for war. Therefore, they have increased the scope of exploration of the surrounding areas. More than 40 galaxies in the local galaxy group, including the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, have been explored and exploited by the fleets of human civilization.

The weapons of human civilization have been upgraded, and space and time defense systems have been set up in each galaxy to prevent enemies from attacking from other dimensions.

When time comes to the point of god-level civilization, the communication temple of god-level civilization shines brightly and delivers new information.

"Human civilization, you are about to face the second test."

"In this test, the competing civilizations will become the most powerful civilization in the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster."

"Your competitor is the Virgo civilization."

The Virgo Supercluster is an irregular supercluster of galaxies that includes the Milky Way and the Local Group of galaxies. There are galaxy groups like the Local Cluster, which has about a hundred of them!

Being able to use the name of Virgo to replace its civilization name is enough to illustrate its strength.

The connection with the god-level civilization was disconnected, and human civilization began to search for information about the Virgo civilization.

In the past 30,000 years, they have spread their power to the local galaxy group and have hundreds of thousands of affiliated civilizations.

Some of these civilizations have come into contact with the Virgo civilization.

"About 20,000 years ago, the top civilization in our galaxy was also a sixth-level civilization and once fought with the Virgo civilization." Tafuri, the leader of a fifth-level civilization from a certain galaxy, said.

"We were once their subordinate civilization. When the war started, we didn't see any enemies."

"Then how did they lose?" Du Xingyu asked.

"I don't know the specific situation," Tafuri said. "Our main civilization has not yet fought against foreign enemies, and various disasters have occurred internally."

A look of fear appeared on his face, and he said: "Our main civilization seems to be cursed by the devil. Every day is hell!"

"In the beginning, the leader of our main civilization, who lived for billions of years, died because he tried to transform himself into a five-dimensional life. As a result, the experiment failed."

"At the time, everyone thought it was just an accident, and we quickly elected a new leader."

"But this is just the beginning!"

"The successor leader went to the military headquarters for inspection, and the four-dimensional space was in turmoil. An entire four-dimensional fleet and the second leader died!"

"On the first day of the third leader's succession, their small universe collided with space-time fragments in the universe. The small universe burst and thousands of civilizations perished!"

"Various experiments of the Academy of Sciences have gone wrong again and again. Various malfunctions have led to the tragic death of many of our great scientists and the destruction of experimental equipment."

"The super black hole that maintains the gravity of our galaxy suddenly erupted, almost completely destroying our territory!"

"Such as this, various disasters continue to occur frequently, and our main civilization has already self-destructed before it has a real war with the Virgo civilization!"

When Tafuri finished speaking, the commanders realized that the opponent they faced this time had a very strange attack method.

Du Xingyu thought of the space-time annihilation bomb launched by an advanced civilization against humans. Its principle is similar.

"Is the Virgo civilization the civilization that launches space-time annihilation bombs towards human civilization?" Du Xingyu asked the technology simulator.

"No, it's not." The technology simulator directly denied it. "According to my information, the enemy we encountered should be more powerful than the Virgo civilization."

"Because the space-time annihilation weapon is launched on the time plane and destroys all human civilizations in parallel time and space."

"And this Virgo civilization just caused disaster for a timeline of hostile civilization."

"This kind of weapon should be one of the weapons closest to the ultimate weapon in the universe, the law of cause and effect weapon!"

"Causal weapons?" If humans in the past had heard of causal weapons, they would have thought it was a fantasy, something that appeared in fairy tales and had nothing to do with science.

In fact, level six civilizations can peer into the time plane and send messages or other influencing factors to the past and future.

Just like the butterfly effect, although they cannot change time, they can do some incredible things as long as they change it at the right time.

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