Du Xingyu's application was so important that the leaders discussed it seriously again and asked Du Xingyu's teacher Liu Yuan to come and have an in-depth discussion with him.

"Okay, since you have decided, let me help you." After talking to Du Xingyu, Liu Yuan still had difficulty understanding his thoughts, but he did not object.

In the end, Du Xingyu's application was approved. The premise is that they must do another safety inspection, and Du Xingyu must also pass the basic training of astronauts to ensure that nothing goes wrong!

The spacecraft has a high degree of automation, and they don't need Du Xingyu to do any dangerous operations, so Du Xingyu's training is limited to walking in a weightless environment, controlling instruments and equipment, etc.

Du Xingyu also took the time to make a new video and posted it online: "How can humans land on the moon?" Analysis of the whole process! 》

Just like before, Du Xingyu's video became a popular video as soon as it was released. In the video, he introduced the moon landing experiences of other countries and China's preparations for the moon landing.

In the video, Du Xingyu said; "From the launch of Chang'e 1 to Chang'e 5 lunar probe, we have obtained enough information on the lunar surface. And the design and manufacturing of the Tiangong space station, nuclear thermal rockets, and aerospace aircraft have also laid a solid foundation. A solid foundation for a moonshot.”

"Now, all we need is a real spaceship to take us to the moon and achieve a feat that the Chinese have never done in five thousand years, landing on the moon!"

"This video ends here... The traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. On a full moon night, wait for my return!"

Under the video, the number of comments skyrocketed.

"On a full moon night? Is UP mainly transformed into a werewolf?"

"Is the Mid-Autumn Festival going to start?"

" @Interstellar explorer, how is the moon landing project going? The Americans next door are going to the sky again!"

"Yes, yesterday the Russians announced that they were preparing to launch a moon landing spacecraft! When should we start!"

"Visiting the Mid-Autumn Festival! There should be some news, but the moon landing should be next year!"

The Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and Du Xingyu’s mother called him specifically to ask: "Aren't you coming back for the Mid-Autumn Festival? It's been a long time since you've been home!"

"Mom, I have a mission during the Mid-Autumn Festival!" Du Xingyu didn't say that he was going to the moon, so as not to worry his family.

"I haven't seen you back since the holidays!" Li Rong complained.

"Well, I'll go back after this mission is over." Du Xingyu said helplessly. During the holidays, he was either attending events or doing scientific research.

"Okay, remember to eat on time." Li Rong warned.

After hanging up the phone, Du Xingyu looked at the side report in front of him. It showed that he had basically met the physical fitness requirements for the moon landing.

This may be the change brought to him by the technological simulator. Du Xingyu did not exercise diligently, but his physical fitness was gradually improving. Otherwise, a normal person's body would have collapsed long ago due to such high-intensity work!

"Get ready, we will land on the moon on time for the Mid-Autumn Festival in three days!" Du Xingyu posted a message in the work group.



"Received!" Everyone in the work group replied one after another, everything is ready!

Changhai Satellite Launch Center, where rockets and spacecraft for the moon landing project were launched.

Du Xingyu did not stay in the command center this time. Instead, he put on a space suit and entered the lunar spacecraft, Taiyin, in advance with other lunar astronauts.

This time, there are a total of six astronauts in the Taiyin. In addition, there will be two astronauts in the Xingzhou space plane to be ready. If any accident occurs during the moon landing, the Xingzhou will be ready to support at any time.

"Report to the ground, the Taiyin is ready and waiting for instructions!" Du Xingyu shouted in the communicator.

"Stand where you are. The rocket will take off in thirty minutes. Pay attention to the instructions." Xu Lianqiu's voice came from the microphone in the command center.

This scene seemed familiar.

At this moment, in China, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the moon is full.

"It's almost time!" Academician Liu Yuan looked at the sky in his small courtyard. Today's weather is particularly good, the moon and stars are sparse, and you can clearly see a full moon hanging in the sky.

"Grandpa, what are you looking at?" Liu Yuan's little granddaughter ran out of the room and asked in a sweet voice.

"Grandpa is looking at the moon?"

"Moon? What's on the moon?" the little granddaughter asked innocently, "Are there gods?"

"Yes!" Liu Yuan laughed and said, "Not only are there gods, there are also our astronauts!"

"Are astronauts the uncles and aunts who can fly into the sky?" the little granddaughter asked.


"Then can I see them?" the little granddaughter asked.

"Yes, you can see it later!" Liu Yuan touched her little head with an expectant expression.

The national TV station is broadcasting the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala at this time.

"The bright moon rises over the sea, and the world is at this moment together. At this moment, I am broadcasting for you the "Mid-Autumn Moon Watching" National Television Mid-Autumn Festival Gala at the Changhai Satellite Launch Center in Southern China. I am Lu Kang, the host of the National Television." On TV, the host spoke the host language with a smile on his face.

"Tonight, we are really grateful to the full moon above our heads. It is its warm and clear light that spreads thousands of miles, inviting you and me, and allowing the hearts of Chinese people around the world to be closely connected tonight and at this moment..." another host said.

"From looking up at the bright moon, bowing down to miss my hometown, to wishing that we will live forever and sharing the beauty of the moon thousands of miles away; from Chang'e flying to the moon to the moon landing project, the moon has not only entrusted our lovesickness and homesickness for thousands of years, but also is full of mystery, allowing generations to come. People yearn for...Today's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, in addition to artistic performances, we will witness with our own eyes the process of China's moon landing!"

When the host said the last sentence, the audience watching the show were shocked!

"Moon landing? Just today, right now? Is this the surprise program I mentioned before?"

"It's not on the previous program list! I wonder why there are several programs missing!"

"We're going to the moon! Husband, stop playing games! Come watch TV!"

"Hurry up, take a photo and post it to the group!"

Not only in front of the TV, but also on the Internet, Weibo, Weixin, QQ, Kuaikan, DouSheng and other APPs suddenly popped up live broadcast screens: ""Mid-Autumn Festival, China's moon landing is being broadcast live, click to watch the whole process of the moon landing!" 》”

"We Chinese are going to the moon?" This news detonated the entire Internet in almost a minute!

Countless people turned on their TVs, computers, and mobile phones to watch the live broadcast.

Some people even directly opened Du Xingyu's live broadcast room to see if he had started broadcasting.

"Hello everyone!" Du Xingyu's live broadcast room was indeed opened, and his face appeared in the live broadcast room.

What surprised the audience was that this time Du Xingyu was actually wearing a white spacesuit and holding a transparent radiation-proof oxygen helmet in his hand!

Thanks 15~91 for the tip.

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