Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 1023: The origin of the door of Shura

Lin Xuan smiles gently, does not contain half a sigh of anger, but that Yuan Ying is full of horror, Yiyi ah want to open the door, Lin Xuan is naturally not a soft-hearted figure, as if innocent, lifted his right hand, pointed out, and showed up The soul of the soul search... Yuan Ying suddenly lost consciousness. After a full tea effort, Lin Xuan was relieved and Yuan Ying fell to the soles of his feet. "Young master, how do you know what the jade card is for?" "Well, this is the token that entered the door of Shura." "The door to Shura?" As for what is inside, few people know. There are also clues on the ancient books of the drums, but it is true or false, but only God knows.

It is said that every gentleman who enters and survives can get great benefits. There are even a few cultivators in the late Yuan Ying, and soon afterwards, they will be advanced. Other people have found medicinal herbs that can prolong their life, or they are too powerful.

This information is enough to make the immortals crazy, but the danger of the Shura Gate is equally daunting. Every time there are dozens of monks entering the inside, but there are only a few who survive.

Most of them have fallen, and there are many great immortals in the late Yuan Ying.

Looking back at the information from the Soul, Lin Xuan's brows wrinkled together.

It is said that there are two gates of Shura, not only for the human world, but also for the world of the Yin. In other words, in addition to the immortal, there are also monsters from the sinister world. The savage beast, the big demon, and some evil and terrible existence. It is no wonder that the door to Shura will become so dangerous. Lin Xuan played with the jade in his hand, but his face was still a bit strange.

The gates of Shura will be opened every 9000 years. The things inside are indeed fascinating to the monks, but for the upper bounds, the attraction is nothing, and the identity of the new moon is not the same, why she will also go to the lower bounds. What? Still...

Lin Xuan shook his head and still had many questions lingering in his mind, but he soon did not think about it. The matter will be said later. It is imperative to leave here first, and then find a place to practice, the trip to Yunling Mountain. I have gotten a lot of benefits, first digest it and say it. Lin Biao is thinking this way, the corpse and the pangolin are back and forth in tandem.

The two elders of Yinyanmen have already fallen. Of course, Lin Xuan, the storage bag, is not hesitant in his income. Then he turned into a shocking rainbow and flew forward. Qingyuan Forest was really amazing, and after half a day, Lin Xuan finally flew out.

Along the way, he did not stop, continue to hurry, and no longer see other dangers. The new moon fairy even hates his own bones, but Yunzhou is vast and extremely, she wants to find herself, it is simply an idiotic dream.

A few days later, Lin Xuan finally came to the depths of southern Anhui. Although there is only one county, the area is similar to that of Youzhou.

Since the seven forces have not been involved, there are countless families of various medium-sized martial art, and there are many forces, and there are many natural fish and dragons, and blood and hurricanes are much more than other places. Because there is not a big door shocking enough to convince the public, killing and robbing Bao is almost like a regular meal here.

Just after leaving Qingyuan Forest, after entering the depths of Weinan, Lin Xuan had been robbed seven or eight times in just a few days. Although those who did not have long eyes all ended up with souls, Lin Xuan still felt some Bored. Even after coming to the end, I was too lazy to get a hand, and there was no challenge.

As a last resort, Lin Xuan had to let go of the atmosphere slightly, no longer dressed as a small monk in the base period, but to control the realm in the condensate period. Although this is a little bit eye-catching, at least not worry, when the wilderness is on the road, I was stared at by the unscrupulous.

The Shiyan Palace is located in the western part of southern Fujian. In addition to the well-known Xueyu Mountain, there are several spiritual veins within a radius of a thousand miles. It is also the area with the most cultivated immigrants in southern Anhui.

It is also the destination of Lin Xuan this time.

He is going to find a Lingshan here to practice.

However, it is simple. Although the number of the spirits here is numerous and scattered, but a little better, they have been taken up by the large and small Xiuxianmen. Even a little worse, they fall into the hands of the scattered.

Lin Xuan does not want to hold strong snatch, it is too fascinating.

A little bit, he definitely went to the nearby market to see.

After all, in addition to buying items, if you want to know what news, the market is also the most proficient.

Lin Xuan’s light was slowed down, and he stopped. Then he closed the double Q and released the powerful god.

After a while, his face was filled with a smile. Lin Xuan’s repair was not for the time being, but the gods were slightly better than the big monks in the late Yuan Ying. Within two hundred miles, he was able to lock the whereabouts of any living being. And farther away, it depends on what is sensed. Like Fangshi, there are many monks gathered, and the spiritual fluctuations are sensitive to extremes. Within a thousand miles, Lin Xuan can sense it. Determined the location of the city, Lin Xuan turned into a shocking rainbow, flew to the left.

The city is not far away. After a slap of tea, Lin Xuan arrived, and the scale is quite large. The nine lines are criss-crossed, and there are hundreds of shops. Although Yunzhou is a wilderness. The land, but there are a large number of monks gathered in the Shiyan Palace, which is not noticeable.

Lin Xuan did not go in and rushed to explore the spirit, but first in and out of each store, the cultivation is not bad this moment, first look at what treasures can be found.

In the blink of an eye, the time passed. Lin Xuan shook his head and did not gain anything, but his face did not have the color of disappointment. In conversations with those shop buddies, Lin Xuan also learned a lot about Xueyanfu. .

There are more than 50 ancestral families in Yun'er, the largest of which is the Xueyu School, which has four babies in the infancy, occupying the best of the snowy mountains and has been inherited for tens of thousands of years.

In addition, there are seven sects who have Yuan Ying and Lao Gee. As for the rest, it is not worth mentioning. Lin Xuan will keep these information in mind. Then he walked into a pharmacy next to him.

In addition to the common aurora, there are a variety of herbs, suddenly, Lin Xuan's daylight, fell on a humble grass.

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