Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1506: Please enter the 瓮

The first thousand five hundred and six six chapters please enter the 瓮

The fist is as dense as a raindrop, as if the python would normally swallow Lin Xuan.

The sound of the cymbal was kept coming into the ear, but the aura of the surface of the Wujinlongjia shield was swaying and flickering.

The hard shield surface actually left a mark of a fist.

Strong disparity, Lin Xuan even did not have the slightest effort.

Since embarking on the road of cultivation, Lin Xuan has encountered special circumstances, and Mana is far better than the same level of immortal. The challenge of leapfrog is like a common meal for him. It is the first time in so many years, and it is pressed by the same level. It’s so bad.

Sure enough, it is the upper enchantment of the ancestors, even if a smashing soul can not ignore the humiliation.

Lin Xuan’s face is full of anger and anger, and seems to have some resistance.

"Kid, die!"

The ancient devil's fist became more and more rapid and fierce, while on the other side, Wang Tinglou was blocked by several magical shadows that were illusionized by the other party. For a time, he could not make a strong effort to give Lin Xuan a powerful force. Support for help.

Those few shadows, do not know what the spell is, not very strong, but like the bones of the skeleton.

Broken and reintegrated, it is similar to the undead body.

Of course, this is just an illusion. Every time it is broken, the body of the ancient demon, the face is ugly. It is obvious that this spell is extremely harmful to him, but at this moment, where is the management, the first out Will Lin Xuan kill and say.

Otherwise, the two together, even him, is very tricky.

Every break, for this reason, is definitely worth it.

When fighting, you also need to know how to make advances and withdrawals. This ancient devil made a choice, at least on the surface, without any mistakes.

The sound of the cockroach is still coming to the ear, and between just one breath, he has already thrown hundreds of punches.

Although the Wujinlongjia shield is sturdy, it is ultimately limited.


As if the gongs were broken, the whining sounds were heard into the ears, and the shield smashed into a small one, and flew out into the oblique thorns.

The ancient demon brows a pick, the ugly face reveals an unexpected color, but at this moment, there is no time to continue to delve into it.

The final defense of this kid was also broken, and his death has already arrived.

The arms swing, the fists are like the wind, the attack is not weakened, but the more violent and fierce.

Life and death are at this moment.

Lin Xuan’s decline seems to be irreparable at all.

However, his face flashed a strange color.

The crackling sound of the slap in the mouth was passed to the ear.

Five colors of light flashed, his right hand, suddenly changed a claw.

Needless to say, it is the spell of the nine-day phoenix dance.

However, there is no unexpected color on the face of the ancient demon. Just saw the **** of heaven and phoenix, he already guessed that Lin Xuan had a demonization technique.

Banmen axe!

How about the magical technique, is the real demon, how can the physical toughness compare with their saints?

In the end, it is a small clutch, and there is not much experience. He is doing this almost as much as finding death.

Do the day, you can live, do it yourself... Then let the deity send you to Huangquan Road.


The face of the ancient devil is full of excitement, the magical turmoil, the black fist, the volume immediately more than doubled, the pressure from the above, people are shocked.

Idiot kid, this time you just want to hide, it is too late.

Lin Xuan is really panicked, but look closely, his deep bottom, but flashed a trace of sarcasm, laughing to the end is the winner, the ancient magic strength is not weak, but it is too big, really will Is it a rookie who is a fledgling person?

Unsure, I dare to take a life to joke.

Seeing that the claws and the fists are about to touch each other, suddenly, Lin Xuan’s body has a dazzling multicolored rhyme.

A beautiful armor emerges on the surface of the body, wrapping it whole and tightly.

Not only the chest and lower abdomen, but even the mask, only the eyes, exposed a small piece of curved exposed.

Not much, but it ensures that the line of sight will not be blocked.

The designer of this armor, considering it to the extreme.

But the most striking thing is the armor of the arm.

Lin Xuan’s right hand became a sharp claw, and the armor actually changed at the same time. He only opened the hole at the finger and let the sharp nails come out.

"Hey, armor!"

The ancient demon stunned, and his face could not help but reveal the color of the accident.

This kind of thing, if it is put into the spiritual world, is not a rare one. However, the method of refining the human world is not lost.

Unexpectedly, his expression was not chaotic.

This kid is indeed more embarrassing than imagined. In this case, there is actually a hidden hand, but it will count how to make it so good. If this is his dependence, it will still be in vain.

In front of his own Tianyuan Devil, I thought that with the help of the regional armor, can you reverse the trend?

The thoughts in my mind flashed, but unexpected things happened.


A beautiful flame emerged in the palm of Lin Xuan.

The three colors continue to flow, wrapping the demonized claws.

The ancient devil's pupils were miniature, and I don't know why. When I saw this flame, his heart was inexplicably raised a warning sign.

The flame tri-color glaze is as beautiful as ***, but he is inside, but smells an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

At this moment, it is too late to change.

Can it be said that the other party has been showing weakness, and the purpose is to lie into the trap.

The ancient demon felt a trace of fear, but soon, the eyes flashed a decisive intention.

Even if the traps are different, the people in the district will be just entering the clutch. Is it because they have their own?

You have a backhand, can this demon can only be slaughtered, his chest is blurred, and then the face of the white-faced scholar emerges again.

Open the mouth and spurt a purple-red magic fire.

Call, wrap the huge fist.

However, the scholar’s ​​face is full of blame and resentment. This “burning fire of the heavens” is not a magical power that he cultivated himself. He can use it. It is when he is in the upper bound, an accidental gain, only then One, a little less can be used.

However, no matter how hate the ancient demon in the heart, the two are now two in one, almost the same as the grasshopper on the rope. The so-called same boat, the other party is defeated, and his end is not much better, so he can only do so.

As for the heart, of course, it is a constant curse.


The loud noise came into the ear, and the claws touched the fists of the ancient devils. When they passed, they blew a hurricane of horror, the ripples of power, the terrible power, and the distant look of the pavilion. I was shocked.

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