Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1510: Altar

The first thousand five hundred and ten chapters of the altar

Although the pavilion has not practiced the practice of reading the heart, but Lin Xuan’s thoughts at this time can also be guessed, but he is not angry, and he is also a close friend, even if he is a friend. In the case of the situation, there may be dangers of swearing.

The treasure of the immortal, who does not want to be greedy, is equal to the choice of people.

If Lin Xuan is so embarrassed, and lacks the characters, even if the magical power is doubled, the road to repairing immortals will never go to this step.

Although he is much younger than himself, he is also an old monster that has been baptized by countless intrigues.

It is normal to have such a strong vigilance, but what is so strange.

Although the battle was short, Lin Xuan consumed a lot of real yuan. In addition to the beginning and the end of the whole process, Lin Xuan could say that he was doing his own efforts and exerted his best. It was not easy to kill this magic.

His mana is only a third of his heyday. In his heart, Wang Tinglou has indeed killed his intentions. This is a good time to get rid of competitors.

However, Lin Xuan’s means, like a kaleidoscope, actually took out the anti-sky things like Wannian Lingru, and the real yuan consumed was instantly restored.

After seeing Lin Xuan’s strength, Wang Tinglou did not think that he could be stronger than himself, but he would not regard him as an ordinary early stage, but would be the same level that he could be fair with himself.

Coupled with the help of the moon, even if you can win, I am afraid that the price paid is also great.


In other words, it is the end result of both losses.

Tinglou has little interest in such things.

Moreover, there is also the shackles of the vows of the heart, as Lin Xuan said, although the strength has reached their level, this vow is not impossible to use the secret technique to dispel the ground, but the devil is a vain thing, even if it is lifted, will it stay? After the next trouble, it is said two.

There is nothing in the weekdays, and if you rush out of the robbery, you will lose your money.

Looking at the thoughts in Wang Tinglou’s mind, Lin Xuan’s reaction is actually the same.

If he is not scrupulous, he will not devour a precious Wanianling milk here, the purpose is not to give the other party a chance.

Now seeing each other's face, although a strange, but instantly restored to normal, Lin Xuan's heart, but also a big sigh of relief.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, Wang Tinglou, Megatron, Tianyun, twelve years, so long, if it is said that he is a little scruples, it is obviously deceptive.

Of course, it is not to say that it is afraid, but it is naturally the best to take risks.

Lin Xuan waved and took all the treasures back into the sleeves. Unfortunately, the ancient demon did not have anything like a storage bag, otherwise it could be accidentally sent.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and the biggest enemy of this trip was finally removed.

At this time, the sound of the light laughter of Wangting Lou was introduced into the ear:

"I didn't expect Lin Xiong Shentong to be so strong to such a point, hey, this time killing the ancient demon, it is not too busy to help, but this place should not stay for a long time, we still find the fairy treasure, as soon as possible, otherwise what happens again, I don't want to see friends."

"Not bad."

Lin Xuan nodded and his face showed a color of approval. If there were other choices, he would not be willing to stay in this mysterious underground palace for a long time.

Seeing Lin Xuan in the pavilion did not object, and the expression on his face was equally happy.

The two of them hit it off. After a little discussion, they acted separately and began to search for the treasures of the immortals in the hall.

Speaking of it, Lin Xuan is not the idea that he has never had a single treasure.

However, after all, he is not a stunner, although in the previous battle, Wang Tinglou did not have the magical powers, the role played seems to be dispensable.

But just because the other party can touch the rules of time, this is enough to make Lin Xuan very jealous.

If you remember correctly, the ancient book said that it is necessary to enter the hole to enter the rules, and the clutch can be used to mobilize the most of the world.

Wang Tinglou can do this. Is it that one foot has already entered the hole, or is there any incredible magic weapon on the body, or another adventure, what is the relationship with the practice he has cultivated...

For specific reasons, Lin Xuan has no idea.

But from the clues, it can be inferred that it is very unwise to take a look at this old monster.

Treasures are tempting, but they must be enjoyed.

Lin Xuan is not a slap in the face, doing things will not consider the cause and effect.

What's more, although the treasure of the immortal is awkward, there is nothing in it.

If it’s just something useless, isn’t it a fool to fight for it with the Wangting Tower?

Such a thing, Lin Xuan will not do it.

At this moment, it is the best choice not to act rashly.

The hall is very active, but at the speed of their flight, the search is extremely fast.

There is nothing left, except for those bones, but Lin Xuan has already suffered a bitter pain, and lost a character of the soul of the late stage of the transformation, naturally not to be stupid to touch again.

Wang Tinglou was not polite, and found that he could not find anything useful. He flew to the white bones of the jade, and the skeleton was more than two feet long. It looked strange and strange. It was obviously not left by human beings. Know whether it is an ancient demon, or the demon is here.

Lin Xuan also noticed the movement of Wangtinglou. The surface was not moving, but the depths of his heart were gloating. He had already suffered a bitterness. Of course, he didn’t mind Wangtinglou.


The popping sound was transmitted to the ear, and the result was exactly the same as what he expected. Some of the skeletons were traps, but Wangtinglou was the first master in the human world. Of course, it was not comparable to the division, although it was a mess. Gray-faced face, but squatting on the body, but there is no trace of scars.

Lin Xuan was slightly disappointed, but he soon looked as usual.

"Tinglou, you are all right!"


Wang Tinglou's face flashed a few minutes of color, a pair of sleeves, a few Jin Mang electric shots, turned into a sword, like a few unexploded bones smashed up.

The rumbling sound came into the ear, and he did it like it was like venting anger.

Lin Xuan's brows are slightly wrinkled. To the city of Wangtinglou, shouldn't it be such a temperamental character? Can he say that he had just eaten a little bitterness, but he also discovered something from it?

This thought has not been turned, and an incredible scene has appeared.

The underground palace where they were, began to tremble rapidly, and the gravel on the head fell to the ground. It looked as if it was about to collapse.

If it is a mortal who lives away from them, it must be horrified. It is not a joke to be buried alive.

However, Lin Xuan turned a blind eye, but his face was full of joy.


Not only the top of the head, but also the surface, there is a huge crack.

Later, the middle of the square, with a loud bang, actually collapsed.

No... not a collapse, although the ground is indeed sunken, but there is a golden light column that suddenly bursts out.

Dazzling, but Lin Xuan can see clearly, there seems to be something in the light column.

"this is……"

Lin Xuan, Yue Er, and Wang Ting Lou also widened their eyes at the same time, and their faces were both surprised and happy.


On the other side, the soul is in the space.

Tian Xiaojian also widened his eyes. At this moment, the shock in his heart is definitely stronger than Lin Xuan.

What is the virtual shadow in front of you.

In ancient times, he was actually the great commander of the devil.

If there is no recent experience, Tian Xiaojian may not know what it means.

But at this moment, what he left was shocked except for the shock.

Just at the time above, I heard that the ancient demon said that in ancient times, the great command of the sanctuary was a stunning figure.

Compared with the real fairy, the strength is a bit less, but the gap is only a glimmer.

For the Lord of the Yin, he always loved, so when King Ashura fell, he resolutely revenge.

With one's own strength, the two messengers of the fairyland were on.

Although these two guys have suffered heavy losses in the battle with King Ashura, but in any case, his pride is still commendable.

The last three people fell in love with each other. This Penglai Mountain was torn from the spiritual world by them.

It’s just that the aftermath of the battle is so terrible. How true is the strength of the fairy, and it’s confusing when you think about it.

Although Tian Xiaojian is an unruly person, after listening to the other party's self-reporting, the expression on his face can't help but be careful.

"You didn't lie to me. You are the great leader of the Mozu, but have you not been with the two immortals?"

"Hey, you have a small repairing immortal in the district's clutch period. I didn't expect even such an ancient secret to know." The ghost shadow was a bit strange.

"The younger generation was lucky enough to know." Tian Xiaojian swallowed a spit, and then could not help but asked: "Your identity, really did not lie to me?"

"Nature is true." Xu Ying sighed: "But if there is a component of deception, it is not fake."

"What is the meaning of Daoyou?" Tian Xiaojian was a little suspicious, and the other party actually deceived himself.

The thoughts in his mind turned, but for a moment, I also wanted to understand what the other party said.

"You don't have to be busy, and listen to me, I have something to work with, and I will naturally tell you the cause and effect." The virtual shadow coughed, followed by a slow opening.

"In the past, the Mozu commander revenged for the king of Ashura, and they fought against the two real fairies. Finally, they fell down. I must have heard the story of this version, but the situation at that time was not the case. The Mozu commander uses a mysterious mystery to separate one millionth of his own soul, from the ontology, and let it escape."

The shadow of the shadow is passed out: "And that is me, so I can be the master of the ancestors, but compared with his body, there are naturally some differences."

"It turns out that." Tian Xiaojian's face showed a faint color, and then the brow wrinkled again: "Can the great commander of the year, why only separate the essence from one millionth?"

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