Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1520: Get another treasure

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-two chapters will be different

It is necessary to know that this old monster is shameless and despicable, but it is the late stage of the clutch, and there is also the bloodline of the heavenly and the earthly beast. Neyal does not say for a moment, even if it is a fur skeleton, it is also an excellent refining object.

Waste is not right, the eyes of the three are all hot.

"There is nothing to say, since we are joining forces to remove this scorpion, the refining materials on it are naturally equally divided." Lin Xuan swallowed a sip, slowly said.

"This seat also has this intention."

Wang Tinglou nodded. As for the fairy, there is certainly no objection.

Originally, I was almost the poisoned hand of Lao Xiaolong. Nowadays, I have not only turned a blind eye to the insurance, but also got a fortune in plain money. Originally, she has already occupied a big bargain.

The jade hand glimpsed, the blue light spot appeared in the air, and then she did not see that she had extra movements, and the water was looking at the middle.

The blue mans flashed and hundreds of flying knives appeared.


The dream is like a slap in the face, and those flying knives turn into blue and fly toward the corpse of the dragon...

Colorful blood rain, only half a cup of tea, Wan Hao Wang's body, according to the value, divided into three equals, plus the goods in his storage bag, Lin Xuan three, can be considered awkward earned One stroke.

Moreover, this move is also very beneficial to the Terran, and it is a good thing for the public to be a good person.

"Lin Daoyou, such as the fairy, I don't know what the two plans are. If you don't give up, the three of us will walk together and look for a clean place, and the door to Shura will open."

Wang Tinglou licked his beard, and the voice of sincerity came into his ear. His plan was not bad. Although it is reasonable to say that there should be no danger in the remaining days, be careful, there is always no problem. If people join forces, even if there is a big disaster, it will be enough.

"Oh, thank you for your kindness. I have another important thing with my sister. I am afraid that I will be weak with my friends. I can only say goodbye." Lin Xuan held a fist and returned his face, and his face was even more kind.

"Oh, what about the two?"

The face of the pavilion showed some unexpected colors. It is reasonable to say that the treasures of Penglai Mountain should not be much left. Can it be said that the two entered here, and there are other pictures...

Suddenly in my heart, but of course he would not go to the innocent thing that inquired about others. Instead, he touched the beard and his face was also filled with smiles: "That's the case, hope that one will leave first, and one day, you and I may still I will see you again in the spiritual world."

"Thanks to the Taoist friend, Lin is also looking forward to having one day." Despite the ascendant, the city of Lin Xuan’s city is naturally unrecognizable.

Then Wang Tinglou turned his head again and glanced at the beautiful female repair in front of him.

The eyes are flashing, although the appearance is not the same, but after all, it is the flesh and blood, from the face of the fairy, you can still see the past as the ice fairy.

"Little sister, I know that because of the sake of Ji Ji, I have never refused to recognize my brother-in-law, but I don’t believe it. For many years, although I have accepted one after another, I’ve always been deep inside. Oh, my sister."

For example, the fairy is silent, although she hates it in the face of the pavilion, but the other side has been doing her best and secretly defending herself. At this time, she looks at her, and she is good at telling the bad words again.

"I don't want to talk. It seems that the heart is not removed, but I don't know how to look at me. I hope that I will be innocent. After I go back, I will close my life and prepare to spend the day. I am worried about what, with my strength, there is almost a full ten."

Wang Tinglou's slow opening, the voice did not fall, he suddenly reached out, shot at the waist, a flash of light, two jade bottles and a white jade tube Jane fly out from the inside, was a layer of green The light and rhyme wrapped, slowly flew to the front of the fairy.


"After the spiritual world, I can't take care of it like ice. This jade tube is some of my cultivation experience. It should be helpful for the breakthrough of the bottleneck. As for the two bottles, it is one. Hundreds of red leaves, its effect, I don't think I need to say more."

"What, red leaf Dan?"

If the fairy is not mentioned for the time being, it is Lin Xuan, and his face is not surprised. It is well known that the human world is thin, and the resources are also extremely poor compared to the interface.

Yuan Yingxiu wants to enter the clutch, although it is extremely difficult, and even if it is lucky, the next promotion is also very depressing.

Almost the old monsters in the clutch period are trapped in the early stage. First, the aura is thin, which is not conducive to the breakthrough of the bottleneck. Second, the growth of mana is too difficult. It is difficult to find a suitable drug to swallow.

This red leaf Dan, Lin Xuan naturally heard, even taking experience, but only two, because the raw materials for refining it is too difficult to find.

This Wangting Tower is not a cultivator in the late part of the clutch. The shot is so generous to the point that it can be seen that he really loves the ice fairy, otherwise it is impossible to love the house and the U...

"The only thing I can help you is, I heard that you have got a deep sea turtle, you can increase your life after taking it. In this case, as long as you practice well, hundreds of years later, there is no chance to fly to the spiritual world. The voice just fell, Wang Tinglou does not wait for the singer to reply, the body shape flashes, the fine mang rises, has turned into a purple red stunned rainbow, flew away toward the horizon.

Only two people stayed in the same place.

"Sister, the person has already left. The pavilion is a friend of the pavilion. It seems that he is seriously sympathetic. It seems that he would misunderstand more before. If he doesn't mind, can he copy the jade tube of his experience of immortality and copy it to the younger brother. ”

"If you want, if you take it." Like the expression of the fairy, it seems a little lonely.

"Thank you, my sister."

Lin Xuan is overjoyed, and the stone of his mountain can be used to attack jade. This trip to Shura’s door is really rich.

Don't underestimate the jade tube, its value is difficult to estimate with spar, that is, Wang Tinglou loves to be like an ice fairy, so she is very generous to her sister, otherwise she will cultivate her own character. Don't think about it.

It’s also a lot of money.

Lin Xuan did not hesitate to ask for permission from the fairy tales. The sleeves and gowns were smashed, and a green jade tube was swept away. They sank into the gods and soon finished the next one.

People have gone far, such as the sigh of the sigh, and the red leaf Dan and the jade tube are simply put away.

Then she took care of the haircut and the expression calmed down.

"Brother, we finally meet, but the rest of the time is not much left, we must hurry."

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