Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1546: Must

The first thousand five hundred and forty-six chapters


In the face of this pustule guy, even Lin Xuan can not afford to kill what, so the savvy immortal, is still afraid of his revenge, cold mouth.

Jinyi Gongzi was shocked and angry, his eyes were full of grievances, but he was more afraid of fear. Although this guy was used to it, he still had no idiots to live without knowing his life. The "badsters" in front of him are obviously not provoked by themselves.

The gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, waiting for the ancestors to confess, then revenge him, run the monk, is it still afraid to run the temple?

The thoughts in my mind turned, and the robes of Jinyi climbed up from the ground.

Supported by two maids, they entered the animal car in vain.

Even the scene did not dare to say more, the flash of light flashed, turned into a shocking rainbow, flying away like a square city.


The result is that the people who have cultivated the immortals have never thought of it. Looking at Lin Xuan’s eyes, they have become wonderful.

Awe and admire, but there is no lack of gloating...

The Shaodao master is indeed a flower-like figure, but the Wanshou Zun has become famous for thousands of years. The character is tyrannical, and the district’s Yuan Ying period is a cultivator, dare to make a living on the age of too old, which is not the same as finding death.

Perhaps it is afraid of being smashed and pond fish, and those onlookers will soon be able to make birds and beasts scattered.

"Thank you for your help from the predecessors, otherwise I am really troubled today." The Oriental Ming Yu Ying Ying Fu, the face is full of gratitude.

"Little things, the Taoist friends do not need to be so polite, the repair of the Wujinlongjia shield, but also ask the fairy to worry too much." Lin Xuan waved his hand, do not care about the opening.

"Well, Lin has something to do, and he will leave today."

The voice did not fall, Lin Xuan also turned into a shocking rainbow, flying to the distant sky.

The reason why he is eager to go is not to fear the other party to retaliate, but to do all the things that have been done, and then continue to delay, but there is no meaning at all.


Looking at Lin Xuan's back and forth, the farther and farther away, the oriental Mingyu eyes flashed, deep in the bottom, as if there are inexplicable colors.

After standing at the door, she slowly walked back to the store.

The lobby is still in a mess, but the buddies are already packing up, and the fleshy bodies are lifted out by the two.

Oriental Mingyu sighed, and the lotus step moved lightly, and walked toward the second floor.

Stepping up, she did not stop in the hall, but came to a private room.

The interior is clean and quaint, and there is a mural on the wall.

Sandalwood is a spleen, and the whole room looks elegant and elegant. There is nothing wrong with it. The Oriental Mingyu is slightly stunned, but walks to the front of the mural to stop.

Reaching out, jade refers to white, slender and slender, gently rubbing back and forth on the mural, then her lips are slightly open, spit out mysterious and ancient curses, the voice is very low, but full of wild and simple atmosphere.

After the spell is finished, her jade points to the front, please scream: "Dise!"

The top of the jade finger, I do not know when it was cut, a drop of blood oozing out from inside, condensed into a small blood bead, "嗖" did not enter the mural.


As if the calm lake was cast a stone, the ripples of the starting point, the ripples rippled in a circle, the scene in the mural, twisting and flashing, as if in an instant, become real, not just Splashing murals.

If there are other cultivators here, it will be a big surprise.

Because of this, it is actually a must-have.

The so-called shackles, even in many laws and regulations of heaven and earth, are extremely advanced, and are closely related to the laws of space.

Even in the spiritual world, there are only a handful of cultivators who can master it, and there is no one who is famous for the earthquake, and who has lived for many years.

The need for maps is the specific application of the space law, which seals the huge things such as vegetation and stone in a painting.

As a drop of blood from the oriental Mingyu did not enter, the white mist began to wrap up the girl's delicate body. When the fog disappeared, she had no trace.

At this moment, the oriental Mingyu has arrived in the map.

Of course, there are no alpine lakes in it, and the level of the map is not what they can get.

Those mountains and rivers are just cover, and the real must-have map is actually a small cave house.

It is said that Dongfu is not as big as one-third of the size of this private room, and it is only a small cave.

After all, the more the seals are, the more thorough the understanding of the laws of space.

But even such a small cave is also a valuable thing. It must be a map, and its grade is already in it.

There are more than one person in the grotto, in addition to the oriental Mingyu, there is also a woman in black, about twenty-eight years old, the face can not see clearly, because covered with silk.

It is not the same as a small one, but it is actually a cultivator in the late part of the clutch.

The most striking thing is that this woman is actually a sea. From her, she can see a few different characteristics from human beings.

It was the woman who appeared on the mysterious tortoise, somehow, appeared here, and still traced her secrets.


Seeing the oriental Mingyu, this woman’s eyes showed a hint of joy and bowed.

"Show, why are you here?"

Oriental Mingyu was busy raising his face and his face was full of surprises.

"The Lord does not trust your safety, send me to protect you."

"What is the meaning of the father?"

"Yes, the county owner must have known that since the dead wood is a real person, the red leaf fairy has continued to be the island owner, but the repair is not to reach the clutch, it is difficult to conquer the people, and the inner worry is over. The key is that the beasts are ambitious. The competition for the small forces of the original Terran is not in the eyes, but the big things we have tried are inextricably linked with the Hongye sea area, but even so, depending on the meaning, the county owner It’s too unreasonable to show up in this way. It’s better to go back to the bottom of the sea, and the things here are presided over by the subordinates.” The woman in black can’t see the face clearly, but the voice is very loud, and it’s one in eight. beauty.

"Thank you for the good intentions of Xiu Yan, but Yu Er can't leave here."


"Mingyu is not fighting for anything, but also knows the talents of the father and the son, but I am only condensed, but this time the big thing I plan to do is not to be high, the key is to hide, the red leaf island is not worth a It is said that the lord of the beasts of the beasts is not in the eyes, but once the news leaks, the Terran will not give up, but in the identity of the father, how can the seas be ignored, one is not good, the two ethnic groups are raging, At that time, it was blood flowing into the river, the corpse was everywhere, and the Yaozu was cheap."

"The county's main words are justified, but compared with the Qi County who knows nothing about the whole day, it is too hard." The woman in black sighed.

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