Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 1584: Grass bag

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-four chapters

"You don't want to squat. Just the monk offended the Lord and took his life. I have to entertain him."

Wan Menghao’s voice is full of grievances, and he has long hated the extremes of Lin Xuan’s repeated play.


What is this young master?

Juggling a juggler?

I want you to survive, you can't die.

Take your soul out and make a soul lamp forever tortured.

Wan Menghao gritted his teeth, but soon found out that it was not right, because the surrounding monks listened to his orders and did not move.

"What are you doing, did you hear the words of the young master, or did you want me to sue the ancestors?" Wan Menghao could not help but be furious, and he was insulted. He did not expect his men to be obedient.

"The Lord is not the oldest, but the man who just happened..." The monk wearing a gray robe opened his mouth. This person is not weak. In the late Yuan Ying, Shentong does not mention it for the time being. The idiot is a little taller.

Wan Menghao was hesitant and his voice was relieved. He did not dare to be too rude to this notorious devil. "What is the meaning of the brothers, we are so many cultivators, can’t catch it. He is one...not right, the man still holds a woman in his hand, but the repair is nothing but the foundation, hey, it looks good, and the woman gave me a slap in the face, and the little beauty just took it."

The people around him face each other, and the **** in the cult is not known, but compared with the young masters in front of them, they can't help but feel ashamed.

"Less Lord, the woman does not say for a moment, just the seemingly amazing immortal, seems to be a clutch..." The monk in the gray robe was full of smiles, but the voice did not fall, suddenly turned into a head like what was sensed. .

In the distant horizon, the silver mans are now, only one point at the beginning, but in a blink of an eye, it is like the tide of the sea tide.

Looking at it, the silver piece, and the heart-wrenching screams echoed in the ear.

"This is... animal tide, silver fish bird?"

The monks were stunned and stunned, and the two faces became ugly.

As a native of the East China Sea, how can they not know the terrible things of this demon, almost scared their legs are soft.

"Fast, protect the young masters from going back, open the ban on the city, order all the monks to meet the enemy, and never let the demon bird rush into the city."

Some hoarse voices were introduced into the ears, and the gray robe monk was not the cultivator of the late Yuan Ying, although at this moment, he also had soft legs, but he also understood that there was only one battle.

Fortunately, the strength of the Beast Island is extremely strong. Although the island owner is not there, there are countless prohibitions. As long as you are united, you may not be able to escape from this terrible beast.

It is impossible to escape, and it will die faster.

The voice did not fall, his sleeves glanced, the whole person was wrapped in grayish magic, stepping forward, will scare the daddy master, and took him in the direction of the city wall and swept away.

This take-over, the other cultivators also shouted like a big dream, and showed their magical powers, such as the **** being burned by the wolf.

Fortunately, they are not far from the city gate, the thick and simple curse sounds are coming to the ear, and the immortal left behind on the wall has also found that it is not appropriate, and the prohibition has been opened without any command.

A layer of azure blue hood was raised, although it has not yet been formed, it shows the meaning of quaintness.

A team of team members also appeared in the line of sight, there are tens of thousands, the defense of the beast island is not a small.

There is also the Jingwei gun, regardless of the caliber or the length of the barrel, it is better than many of the warships, the power will obviously be better.

As the war is approaching, the atmosphere in the air appears to be more and more stagnant.

In the face of the immortal savvy, the silver squid has no fear, and the man is dead, and the reason for the bird to die is reflected here.

In their eyes, there are only green berries, but the target has been replaced by Lin Xuan as the unlucky one.


The screams came into the ears, and the slower sergeant had been swallowed up by the silver wave.

In the beast tide of this scale, it can be said that it is as fragile as an ant, even if it is desperately resisting, it will only arouse a small wave.

Without the slightest effect, it was quickly re-swallowed and was eaten without bone residue.

More than two hundred sergeants, the whole army was annihilated, and then it was the turn of the stagnation of the Yuan Ying period.

The panic that was caught up was extremely extreme. Although it was a bit of a skill to be able to condense into a baby, the end of the game was not much better. The reason why the ants bite the elephant is the same.

The only difference is that it has been supported for a long time. When the treasures of the whole body are smashed into the irons, there is no other way than the self-explosive Yuan Ying. It is better to die in the belly of the demon bird.

But the stupid man is stupid, even though the little master has become a delicious food in the eyes of the silverfish bird, he is very fortunate to escape safely.

After all, taking him away is a cultivator in the late Yuan Ying, and it is also the fastest one.

The two successfully returned to the city and hid behind the light curtain.

There are only seven or eight cultivators who have fled back and forth, but less than half of them, and this refers to the Yuan Ying period. The lower-ranking sergeants have been wiped out.

The crisis has not yet been lifted, but the lucky ones are also showing their lingering sighs. They have just breathed a sigh of relief, but a stench has been introduced into the nose with the wind.

The old blame was awkward, and as the smell turned around, they saw a scene that made them unforgettable for a lifetime, and the sacred beasts of the beasts were scared.

If you don’t witness it, you won’t believe it if you kill them. The men’s tears don’t flick, and the priest’s infancy is not used at this point. It’s considered to be unprecedented, and it’s really shameful. .

Poor beasts and nobles, the generations are so useless.

"Less Lord, you..."

The old man in the gray robe frowned, his face was also ugly, and he didn't know what to say. Even though it was a moment of life and death, everyone's eyes were still attracted.

Wan Menghao’s face was red, and he could not wait for a seam. At this moment, the sound of the cockroach was introduced into the ear, but the silver fish bird had already rushed to the vicinity, and began to claw the mouth, and the crazy impact of the blue Colored light curtains.

However, the ban on the city is far from being comparable to that of the warship. The first wave of impact is only slightly shaken.

The monk in charge of the control of the squadron smashed out the law. The light curtain suddenly filled out dozens of thick arcs of arms, and the thorns made a big noise. Thousands of silverfish birds have been turned into coke.

However, this amount, for the huge beast tide, but a drop in the sea, the silver fish bird is not afraid of death, stepping on the same kind of body, the former servant rushed up.

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