Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2044: Tianzhou

The second thousand zero forty four chapters of Tianzhou

Tianyun Twelve States, regardless of the area, or the scale of the Xiusian world, is now headed by Yunzhou.

However, pushing up for millions of years, in the ancient times, Yunzhou had no way to compare with Tianzhou.

Although its area is not large, it is only like the difference between Zhangzhou and Zhouzhou. However, the degree of excellence of its spirituality is nothing compared to Yunzhou, and there are countless treasures. If there is any place in the human world, the most The environment of the spiritual world is similar, so non-Tianzhou is none other than.

At that time, there was no other Zongmen family in Tianzhou. It was completely monopolized by Luojia. The family was also the veritable overlord of Tianyun Twelve. No matter whether it was a human race or a Yaozu, it did not need to raise its breath.

However, the ups and downs of the martial art are normal. However, after all, there will be a time when the Luo family will not be connected. Of course, the relatives of the Yuan Ying period are still hundreds of people, but the ancestors of the clutch period. There are only two left.

In those periods, the seven forces headed by Wan Fo Zong were extremely prosperous. Under the circumstance, they naturally did not want to lean on each other's breath.

So the seven factions joined forces, plus some other Zongmen family, to fight against Tianzhou Luojia and his followers.

There is no light in the heavens and the earth, and the wind and clouds are discolored. Although the killing of the celestial world has never stopped, this time, it can be described by the catastrophe. If it is tragic, I am afraid that there will be only a long time of the wilderness, and the **** and the sects will annihilate the ancient demon. Can be compared.

Ten days of Tianyun, all of them were rolled in, and even the mundane mortal people were affected, and tens of billions of deaths and injuries.

And that big battle, although all the state governments were involved, but the biggest loss is not the only state of heaven, after all, the general altar of Luojia is located here, of course, the battlefield is mainly based on this.

The final decisive battle was terrible. Tianzhou was ruined by a hard part, and the rest of the world became very thin. It was no longer suitable for the growth of various grasses.

In other words, this fascinating cultivation of holy places has become similar to that of Zhangzhou, and mortals can still inhabit and live, and the immortals have given up here.

Of course, things are moving from time to time. After millions of years, the environment in Tianzhou has also recovered. Now, it is all in the hands of the ancient demon. It will be impossible to figure out how it will be. The immortal who went to inquire, one did not come back alive.


Three days passed quickly.

In the early morning, the sun shone on the earth, the **** and the two races, a total of more than eight million cultivators, under the leadership of Lin Xuan, the mighty like Tianzhou killed.

The move of Li Wei on that day can be said to be very successful.

The monks have accumulated a lot of grievances for months, and they have been swept away. They are replaced by joys and joys. The spiritual masters from the spiritual world lead them to fight against the ancient devils, and they will surely win the final victory.

Therefore, Lin Xuan ordered them to compile a group, and they rushed to Tianzhou three days later. These monks were very cooperative. In just three days, the actual reorganization was completed.

For this effect, Lin Xuan also showed a satisfactory color on his face. He did things more unambiguously, and the spirit of resoluteness was always the principle of Lin Xuan. He immediately led the eight million immortals to set off.


As the name implies, its name is not derived from the ground, but has its origins.

To put it bluntly, Tianzhou is quite similar to the Seven Star Island Yunhai. It is a huge island suspended in the sky.

It is said that Tianzhou is actually more suitable for the island of the sky.

It is about one million miles from Yunzhou.

This distance, for mortals, is naturally out of reach, even if it is a lifetime, it can not go so far, but for the cultivator, there is nothing remarkable.

However, the 8 million cultivators of this league will not be able to make a difference. Lin Xuan certainly cannot be slowed down by the speed of these low-ranking monks.

In that case, rushing to Tianzhou, at least half a month's effort, the so-called stalwart speed, Lin Xuan according to the principle of secular marching, these cultivators are divided into three groups.

The striker was led by him personally, mainly in the worship of the Xuan Pavilion and the Mozi Valley, and supplemented by the elite of the other Zongmen family, the number is about one million.

The number is not a lot, but the proportion of the master is extremely outstanding, without him, this part of the pioneer, but the role of attack.

The soldiers are not expensive, so here, you can say that they are fully reflected.

In addition to Lin Xuan, the Baixuan Pavilion is also the owner of the cabinet. Because of the many masters, Pioneer's progress is also the fastest.

They rushed to Tianzhou, and first banned the obstacles set by the ancient demon.

As for the Chinese army, it was led by Liu Ying. Although she couldn’t talk about Lin Xuan’s confidant, at least there is still a source there, saying that she can’t be too much.

This part of the monks is the main force of the various sects of the sect. It is not worthy of being able to compete, but it is worth a lot. There are six million cultivators.

As for the back team, it was led by Kang Xiaoyu, and it is also a million monk demon, the number is similar to the pioneer, but in terms of quality, it is completely different, and the two are not in an order of magnitude.

In the process of rushing, there was no twists and turns. The ancient demon did not send people to harass anything, because such means did not hinder the overall situation. When this matter came to this step, who wins and who bears the key lies in the strength of the assembly.

When the narrow road meets the brave, the two sides have made up their minds and decided to fight for it.

Two days later, in the early morning, the day was just bright, and the Pioneer One Million Immortal, has quietly approached Tianzhou.

On the surface, the speed seems to be a bit slow, but don't forget that this is not a person on the road, the group of monks gather, and one person alone, it must be very different.

"This is Tianzhou."

Looking at the behemoths that caught the eye, many of the immortals have changed their colors. Yes, the area of ​​Tianzhou, there is really no way to compare with Yunzhou.

But no matter what, it is always one of the twelve states. From the perspective of one person, it is still huge.

At this moment, the island flying in midair was wrapped in a thick magical spirit, and the aura was completely absent. The more you walked in, the more intense the magic, the more shocking it looked.

Many cultivators can't help but take a breath.

This is still like the state capital of the human world. It seems that it is almost the same as the legendary ancient devil.

Could it be that……

Many people’s thoughts have not been turned, and they heard an exclamation into the ear: “Hey, what is that?”

In fact, not the one who made this voice was a cultivator, but many eye-dropping monks were exclaimed. Others stayed and watched.

Then the expression of the monk on the scene was mostly dignified.

Ps: It’s already at the end of the month, but it’s not even three hundred, crying, you’re friends, don’t lie in your hands, please support the rain!

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