Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2053: Void edema

The second thousand and fifty-three chapters of the void

Lin Xuan did not want to see the shape of a flash, nine days of micro-steps have been applied, the next moment, moved to a thousand feet.

When he did this, he did not discover any dangers and problems. He only experienced the experience he had honed in the storm.

In other words, Lin Xuan did not even think about anything like this choice, but it was instinct.

Sometimes, however, instinctive reactions are important.

Almost at the moment he had just moved away, the phantom still remained in the same place, and he heard a whistle of "嗤" coming into the ear.

The sound was extremely light and extremely thin, and it was almost negligible. However, it was accompanied by space fluctuations. A ray of silver was like a drizzle, and it was shot toward Lin Xuan.

On the surface, it is not surprising. However, in the moment of the shadow of the thorn, there is a dazzling brilliance bursting out, which shows that its power is not the same.

If it is just like this, in the distance, Lin Xuan’s eyes are slightly stunned, and the silver awns in the depths of the pupils rise up. I saw that on the circumference of the silver lining, the space faintly showed a harbinger of freezing.

"No wonder..."

Lin Xuan whispered to himself, don't look at it just now, the illusion of the sky fire, let the other party eat a lot of bitterness, but their own things are clear, it is just the other side of the enemy.

And cold, poisonous, corrosive, swallowing, four attributes come out, the latter three are worth it, only the cold, there is no half-point effect.

Think about it at this time, Lin Xuan also found the reason.

Everything can't jump out of the five elements, the magic is also divided into Jinmu water and fire, the ice sorcerer, this title is not for no reason, she is best at the ice attribute spells.

Therefore, the cold flame for her, but it is only a cloud, freezing space is not surprising.

Lin Xuan took a sip of cold air, don't look at the two men to play, but before and after is only a must, but when it comes to the ghost gate turn around a circle can not be overemphasized, the fighting method does not have to take a long time to win the game.

The shorter the time, the more dangerous it is to the extreme.

A hit has no effect, and then a sneak attack will lose its meaning.

Together with the spatial fluctuations, the beautiful girl with silver hair reappeared in the air.

Still with bare feet, although she lost an arm, her look was indifferent, her right hand raised, and she gently ignored the hair that was blown by the wind.

"I just looked down on you, I didn't expect you to have such courage."

"Lin's courage is nothing more than normal, but it will judge the situation. If the body of the ancestors came here, it will surrender early." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Hey, the greaser is slippery."

The hail smiled, such as the beginning of spring and snow, beautiful and touching, the expression is not like the enemy of life and death, in her heart, Lin Xuan is only an ant, the enemy is completely unworthy.

"You think that this palace is just a part of the soul coming here, there is no way to take you, too naive."

The sound that is better than the jaundice out of the valley is transmitted to the ear, accompanied by the milky white magical wind moving, the magical spirit is obviously different from the ordinary, but the half point does not contain the fierce gas, but it is floating. With the pole.

If she does not know her details, who will associate this woman with the ancient demon ancestor, if she is a nine-day fairy, the person who believes should be more.

Then the magical spirits gathered in the middle to wrap her wounds, and an incredible scene appeared.

A white jade-like hand reappeared.

There is no wound in the broken arm, as if it had just been melted by the magical fire, but it was a dream.


Lin Xuan is also a well-informed person. He can see this scene with his own eyes. It is also shocking, and the broken arm is renewed. For the big-powered immortals, it may not be so good.

However, the connection to such an easy level is enough to be eye-catching. It is the ancestor of the true devil, and its magical powers are so different that it is amazing.

Lin Xuan did not know that this was because he looked at the girl in front of him.

The broken arm is renewed, the hail is indeed OK, but it is just an incarnation of the body, not relying on the power of Danshi, originally thought and did not think about it.

However, this avatar is special. It is not the monk or the demon, but the body of the ginseng. It is very easy to re-distribute the broken arm. This is one of the talents of the incarnation of the avatar. The continuation of the limbs has nothing to do with the size of the magical dragon.

The reason for this middle is not known by Lin Xuan, but there is no harm in being careful.

In the eyes of Limang flashed, Lin Xuan sleeves glanced, hundreds of swords and fish swim out, but the length of the inch, the wind flashed, but quickly skyrocketed.

Then it became three, three and nine, and its number reached an astonishing number of thousands, breaking through the air and making it to the female.

Looking at the momentum, it is indeed amazing, overwhelming, its degree of spectacle, it is just a side, but this is just a sign.

It is useless to connect the spiritual Buddha treasures, and how the swords that are handed out can achieve the desired effect, even the slightest elbow is impossible.

However, it does not mean that it will be useless. With the rich experience of Lin Xuan’s method of fighting, how can it be a waste of money? It can’t hurt the enemy, but it can be confusing. Thousands of swords can be at least Her dazzling effect.

Then Lin Xuan raised his right hand and pointed to the left front.


The sound of breaking into the ear, the illusion of the sky fire like a long whale water-like back fly back.

Then Lin Xuan's figure flashed, the whole space was like melting, as if a stone was cast like a water surface, and the ripples of the circle circled slowly around.

The scene is wonderfully extreme, and even the light is illusion or reality.

Lin Xuan disappeared in the ripples.

Nine days of microsteps!

However, it is like playing only half of it, because Lin Xuan disappeared, but never appeared again, as if hidden in the void.

This is the secret technique that he recently learned. It can be said that it is a kind of nine-step microstep change. However, it incorporates a higher-level space magical power, and cooperates with the hidden technique to let the other party distinguish his position.

Of course, it is not to say that it can really be invisible. However, the master has to make a move and fight for a long time. Even if he can only pass the other party through a few moments, it is enough to let himself seize the opportunity.

Lin Xuan named this supernatural power "Void 遁 术", which is still the first time it is displayed.

Lin Xuan also hopes to bring unexpected results, but this time, it is his underestimation, or that the door is axe, hail is the true ancestor of the real magic, what space magic has not seen.

What's more, Lin Xuan now has no understanding of the law of space, but it is the cat's fur.

This female willow erected, her forehead was in the middle, and there was a gap in the strangeness.


However, there are demon colors in the pupils that keep changing.


A whisper, the left side of the void is a few hundred feet away, Lin Xuan's body shape fell out, the other party broke his space spell, the beauty of the forehead seems to be in direct view, once looked, it will be dizzy .

What is this spell?

Lin Xuan thought to turn around, but he is more clear, at this moment, there is time to go deeper, don't see that he only ate a little bitter, but to fall.

This fall, the flaws can come out, such a good opportunity, the other side will never let go.

Lin Xuan’s experience is extremely rich, and the response is naturally a quick one.

The body of the light suddenly rises, Biyan Kirin has emerged, and then he has a sleeve robe, the light clouds rolled over, Xuan Qingzi mother shield is also hidden in front of him.

A total of seven sides, a fan-shaped distribution, Lin Xuan issued a law, each of them has a magical light, and turned into a blue light curtain, a Tai Chi pattern flowing on it, seemingly mysterious to the point of no more.

This is a copy of the imitation of Lingbao, a rare set, and its defensive power, needless to say, Lin Xuan believes that even if it is better than the Tongling Lingbao, it should not be too much.

The only thing he is worried about right now is that this ice sorcerer has a treasure that is indispensable when he is in the lower bound. After all, it is not strange to take out the innate spiritual treasure in her capacity.

Of course, this is a joke, although the hail must be a congenital spiritual treasure, but how can it be handed over to the realm of the district Xuan period.

If there is a mistake, the ancient ancestor is not mad at half.

This point, Lin Xuan is very positive, otherwise it is still fighting what law, it is better to promise to pay for it quickly, the congenital Lingbao and the acquired Lingbao, although only one word difference, but the power, can not be said in the same language, can be said , not an order of magnitude at all.

Lin Xuan’s guess is correct. The real situation can be said to be much better than he expected. Don’t talk about the innate spiritual treasure. It’s so easy to go beyond the laws of heaven and earth. The soul of this hail ancestor is simply Come to this world with empty hands.

Didn't bring any magic weapon, but how about it, her magical spell is enough to deal with any threat.

Lin Xuan’s judgment is correct. Such a good opportunity, this woman will not let go of it. I saw her jade hand lifted up and a ringing shot.

Limang rises up, the milky white magic gas gathers in front, and several cold-sworded magic swords have appeared in the line of sight, and they are connected in a line, such as a dazzling spurt, and they smashed into Lin Xuan’s In front of you.


Suddenly, the popping sound was loud, and then, the crisp percussion sounded into the ear more than a sigh. Lin Xuan took a breath, and both hands were flat, and the mana of the body, such as the river breaks the dyke, poured into the shield in front of him. past.

In any case, always have to sustain this wave.

There was a hint of unexpected color on the face of the hail, and she was never merciless. If it was an ordinary hole, she would have been killed.

This guy, although an ant, still has a bit of skill.

But what about that?

See how many ways he can block himself?

I only heard the light laughter coming into my ear. Then the female jade hand raised it and pointed it to the sword. Then I went to the front. The white one trained and turned into a giant python, and the body was set up. Surrounded by the light curtain of the Xuan Qingzi mother shield, he even bite hard.

Ps: I was squeezed down again, crying, and the distance from the five hundred guarantees was also a lot worse. The rain rain knew that the update was not very fast, but it broke out two days, and the baby was still small. Sleeping at night, crying, and getting up in the middle of the night to change the urine is not wet, the magic rain has really worked hard, can look at the ***, the heart is sour, you friends, today is Christmas, we help Rain, there is a *** vote for Bailian, fight for a month, and it’s really hard to get a break. Please, please, ***!

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