Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2063: See also the five colors of aura

The second thousand and sixty-three chapters see the five-color aura

The other women also fell down and their faces were full of sorrowful colors. Although this is not a matter of death, it is really hard to say whether there is still a chance to meet in the future.

"Okay, get up, what are you doing?"

Lin Xuan said warmly.

The voice did not fall, but only heard the "wow" heard into the ear, but Liu Ying could not help but cry, among the four women, who is the most vulnerable, when she is.

The other three women are similar, but they are not crying, but weeping, but the reluctance is actually the same.

"Okay, cry."

Seeing their true feelings, Lin Xuan was also moved, the sleeves glanced, the white light flashed, and a dozen jade bottles appeared in the halo.

"These medicinal herbs are also collected."

Prior to this, Lin Xuan had already given a large number of medicinal herbs to the four women, but this time, it was a more precious thing. The elixir contained in a dozen jade bottles was taken out at random. It is enough to set off a storm in the human world.

I hope these things will allow them to go longer on the road to cultivation.

Lin Xuan's shot is already very generous, he can help, and can only go to this step, the rest, it depends on the efforts and creation of the four Shantou.

The master led the door, practiced in each person, and cultivated the road of immortality. The final result is only relying on himself.

"Thank you for the young master." The four women were grateful. Lu Yinger was slightly hesitant. Some hesitant voices came into his ears: "Don't know today, I don't know if there is any chance to serve the young master. The slaves have a ruthless appeal. promise."

"Hey said." Lin Xuan seems to be reasonable, as long as he can help, he will never deliberately refrain from anything.

"The slaves hope to embrace the young master."

The expressions of other women are similar, and the color of expectation is revealed in the eyes.

Lin Xuan sighed. Such a request made him both accidental and moved. He felt that there was no room for refusal. Like the previous step, he pulled up Lu Yinger and embraced him in his arms: " Take care."

Lin Xuan said in her ear, then let go of this woman, and each other and three gimmicks to say goodbye, then Lin Xuan no longer hesitated, squatting in the green mang, and left this place.

Lin Xuan did not disturb other cultivators, and he quickly went away, and soon went far.

This time, the disaster has been lifted, and the latter things do not have to worry about anything, but Lin Xuan did not intend to leave Tianyun Twelve State immediately, he still has one thing to deal with.

Correctly speaking, there are two pieces. One is the clue of the Peacock Fairy. It is said that Yuan Yuan’s last appearance was in Tianzhou. At that time, the ice sorcerer did not come to this world. Lin Xuan believes that the peacock’s cleverness still has Magical powers, should not fall in the hands of the ancient demon, and she did not show up in this war, where will Yuanyuan go?

Although I believe that my wife is fine, but as the saying goes, care is chaotic, and I don’t know the whereabouts of the peacock fairy. Lin Xuan really does not trust, so I go back to the spiritual world.

There is another thing, it is the remains of the Moyue people. In Tianya Haige, Lin Xuan has already seen the handwritten book of Tianzhu Fairy, which proves that the Jiugong Shoujian Sword Array has a great relationship with the Moyu people.

Such a clue, how can I let go of it, maybe there is a chance to find the remaining practice of Mo Yuetian Wu.

Two things are urgently needed to do it yourself, but the search for Yuanyuan’s whereabouts is not completed in a day or two. Lin Xuan told Lu Yinger that several women also pay more attention to it, which takes a certain amount of time to accumulate.

Weighing the pros and cons, it is easier to find the remains of the Moyu people first.

To make such a choice, it is not that Lin Xuan thinks that the ink moon is more important than the peacock's whereabouts, but there is no clue at the moment. It is better to do it than to have a headless fly. Things have been done.

After waiting for this, I went to find a trace of my wife. After making the decision, Lin Xuan set off.

Where is the ruins, the jade 留下 留下 留下 留下 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 方位 方位 方位 留下 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 留下 方位 留下 方位 方位 方位 方位 留下 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位 方位Fly over.

Along the way, it was very smooth, and occasionally met the ancient demon, repaired to a low, Lin Xuan turned a blind eye, those little sisters are simply not worthy of his shot, but if it is above the level of Yuan Ying, Lin Xuan will also wave a sword Send those guys to the West.

After all, such an ancient demon has been a threat to the immortal. Although the overall situation has been fixed, but it can help, Lin Xuan will not be embarrassed.

Lin Xuan’s dawn was so rapid that after about an hour, he came to the desired place.

Here is the rolling hills, like a giant python squatting in front, not knowing where to extend, but it is very ridiculous.

Here, you can only feel the faint magic, it seems that the ancient devil is also not interested in this place.

Lin Xuan sighed with relief. He was really afraid that the ancient demon had already found it here. In that case, it would be a little troublesome. Fortunately, the worry is superfluous. The remains of the Moyu people should still be good.

Lin Xuan flies in the depths of the mountains. While flying, he releases a powerful and profound knowledge. Because he does not know where the specific position is, he needs to find something.

This time, Lin Xuanfei's speed is much slower. Any clues are not missed. In a blink of an eye, two hours have passed, but nothing has been found.

Lin Xuan is not in a hurry. This kind of patience still has land. As long as the ruins are in this mountain range, there is no reason to find it.

Continue to search slowly, suddenly, Lin Xuan brow a pick, like what was found, the face flashed past, then flew over the left side.

It will be very soon.

Lin Xuan landed in a small valley, then looked around and turned around to look at the surrounding environment.

"Yes, it is similar to the description of the fairy goddess in the jade, which is 80% similar."

Lin Xuan said to himself, although it is not similar, but think about it, the middle of each other for a million years, even if the prohibition of protection, the terrain will have some changes.

It should be that it is right here. What you are looking for now is the entrance to the ruins.

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over, and soon he found a weird array of methods. The thing looked like a bunch of rocks. If it wasn’t for the description of the fairy goddess, Lin Xuan’s formation would not be seen. It is a transmission array.

The camouflage is so subtle that it is amazing.

Lin Xuan reached out and took a shot. Several pieces of the spar flew out and pointed the micro-elastic, which was embedded in several unobtrusive grooves.

Then Lin Xuan played a law, but there was no reaction at all. Lin Xuan stayed and his face was ugly.

"This is the law... it won't be broken."

The remains of the Moyu people are also in a small space that has been opened up, and this method is the entrance.

Lin Xuan checked it again and again, and finally sighed slightly. This method did have problems, and it was difficult to repair. The Mohs’s method of tactics was unique. It was not the same as the one he had been involved with before, so Lin Xuan also took him.

If you change a fairy, you may not be able to meet this situation. However, Lin Xuan is different. He has already been involved in a little space. The problems in front of him are troublesome, but they may not find a solution.

The thoughts in my heart turned, Lin Xuan closed his eyes, and he sat down in the same place. After rushing for so long, he was somewhat tired. He first restored his mana and spirit.

After half an hour, Lin Xuan raised his head and saw silver in his eyes. At the same time, he released his knowledge and looked for the weakest part of the space nearby.

This process is quite difficult, Lin Xuan is not too sure, but always try, as long as there is a little hope, he will never give up.

Hard work pays off, finally, Lin Xuan found the weakness of the void, only the size of the fingernail, unstable, has been repeating the process of collapse and self-repair, and very hidden, it is no wonder that they have spent a lot of money The strength finally found its trace.

The heart was overjoyed, Lin Xuan raised his right hand, and a simple and long-looking style came out. Lin Xuan did not hesitate to inject the mana. A bright crescent-shaped light wave appeared, and the shackles were in the void.


The space shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a space gap of one and a half feet appeared in the line of sight.

But soon, the crack began to heal itself, and the space was self-healing because of the laws of heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan had prepared for it, naturally he wouldn’t sit still and watch the gowns, and the illusion of the sky emerged. The blue surface appeared more glaring than before.


Lin Xuan pointed to the whole flame four-color glaze, and then all turned into a cold color, a long scorpion dragon appeared out, and flew toward the gap in the space.

Centering on the gap, the whole space was twisted and twisted by the cold, and then it seemed to be broken. Due to the effect of the cold, the self-repair of the space almost fell into a halt.

Lin Xuan is overjoyed and enters more mana into his hands.

A larger crescent blade emerged, and the thorns made a big noise, and the space crack finally became a passage that could be passed by one person.

This result made Lin Xuan satisfied with the extreme, and fell into the green mang, and flew in.

However, I haven't seen what is inside. The five colors in front of me are doing a lot, and the unexpected attacks actually arrived on schedule.

"Wait, five colors of light?"

Changed the warehousing, however, Lin Xuan’s reaction has always been very rapid, people do not commit me, I am not guilty, some people dare to come to the tiger, Lin Xuan is naturally ready to return, the right hand has been lifted, but there is in my mind The flash of light flashed, the five colors of the aura, how familiar is it, can you say...

Thinking in my heart, Lin Xuan naturally stopped the action in his hand. At this time, he just had a space crack. He did not dare to use the nine-day microstep. However, although the attack was fierce, it might not hurt himself. Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned and suddenly opened the nine-day shield.

Ps: update at night, when it comes to doing, the 9000 word burst is completed, double the period, *** competition is fierce, the magic rain fights very hard, please also try to support, vote for me, tomorrow Will continue to erupt 9000 words.

Again, ask for ***.

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