Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2075: Three-headed poultry

The second thousand seventy-five chapter three three-headed poultry

Half a day's time passed quickly. In the past six hours, the looting of hundreds of attacks, but no effect, was solved by Lin Xuan's weightlifting.

There is nothing so rare, and Dong Xuan should not appear in the human world.

As time went by, the light of the five-colored clouds had faded a lot, and the robbery was about to become a thing of the past.

On the contrary, Lin Xuan’s face was dignified.

As a cultivator who has visited the spiritual world, his understanding of the catastrophe is far more profound than that of the general monk. This is not a witness, but there are many descriptions of this in the spiritual world.

The most difficult thing about the whole day of robbery is that at the last moment, Lin Xuan said that he is confident in himself, but he still dare not care too much. The Goshawk Bo rabbit still needs to do his best. He does not want to encounter such a thing in the gutter.

What is the advanced hole? Lin Xuan is not a person who is proud and complacent.

The road to the fairy road is still growing, and there is nothing wrong with being more careful.

Over the top of the head, the five colored clouds kept tumbling.

After a while, the clouds began to shrink and the area became smaller and smaller.

The vitality of the surrounding world became chaotic and then absorbed by the robbery cloud little by little.

Lin Xuan’s eyes were awkward. I didn’t know what to think about it. I didn’t stop it, so I stood quietly.

"French." The peacock is a little uneasy.

"Reassured, there are counts in the heart." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

See Lin Xuan as a pair of bamboo in the color of the chest, the peacock is not much to say, not to mention the understanding of the master of the husband, she is also confident in Lin Xuan, the husband should do so, should have their own considerations.

Time has slowly passed, and after half an hour has passed, the heaven and earth vitality of a thousand miles has been sucked up by the robbery cloud, absorbing so many amounts of heaven and earth, and the energy of the robbery cloud is no less than that of the heyday, but what is strange is Its area is much smaller and it is still shrinking.


The peacock was a little surprised. The description of the Sanjiu Xiaotian robbery, the number of people in the world is much less, and most of the language is unknown. The last blow, there will be such a great power, even more terrible than imagined.

If there is no husband on the side, and I want to spend it, I really hope that it is not big.

After a while, the roaring clouds of the robbery cloud became more and more fierce. Then a high-pitched Qingming sound came into the ear, and the clouds spread out, and a weird giant bird appeared in front of the eyes.

The wingspan was more than enough, and it stretched out, almost covering the entire sky.

The shape is even more incredible, and the poultry in transit is all very different, but the strangest thing is that the bird actually has three heads.

In the middle is a peacock, on the left is Dapeng, and on the right is a phoenix.

Of course, there is no such strange creature in the Xiuxian world. However, the catastrophe and the looters themselves are closely related. In Yuanyuan, there are three kinds of spirits of the poultry. At this moment, all of them have reacted.

The three giant birds swept their wings. Suddenly, countless fires fell from the sky. This time, Lin Xuan did not even sacrifice the light curtain, so too big.

Perhaps Yuanyuan has three kinds of true spirits. This day, the robbery is much more terrible than the imagination. Others don’t mention it for the time being. It’s just that this fire is enough to kill the late clutch.

Of course, it is not enough to threaten yourself, but this is only the first wave, so Lin Xuan does not dare to be too big.

A sash of gowns, the flash of light flashed, the shields of the seven-slapped size flew out, arranged in a fan shape, and Lin Xuan issued a law, each of which had a fascinating light, and a blue light curtain, a Tai Chi pattern. Flowing above, it seems mysterious.

Xuan Qingzi mother shield, with this set of treasures, Lin Xuan does not believe in the three-headed spirits in front of him.

Just listen to the popping sounds, those fires are just starting from the starting point on the light curtain, and there is no other effect.

Lin Xuan met, his face was extremely satisfied, but the three-headed spirits would not be willing to give up.

On the left side, the head of the Dapeng, the sound of the screams, and then the two claws, so gently grabbed toward the void, suddenly a cyan giant claw emerged out of thin air, the surface has numerous runes spray, arc blaze The eyes of the screaming screams came into the ears, which looked fascinating, but they fell to the bottom with the momentum of Mount Tai.


This time, Lin Xuan did not dare to care, raised his right hand and pointed to the front.

The next moment, the giant claws touched the light curtain of the Xuan Qingzi mother shield, and the roaring sound was heard into the ears, and the whole space was as if it was shaking.

Lin Xuan handed his hand and said the voice of his own words to the ear: "It's really interesting. The power of this day's robbery is no less than that of the Tao Xuan period."

The lineage of Yuanyuan Tiandi Lingyu, together with Lin Xuan assisted by the side, eventually caused a certain degree of variation in the robbery, the power, can already kill all human beings.

However, Lin Xuan was only moving, and soon he sneered: "How can you compare with Dong Xuan, think that this way, you can deal with this young master?"

The voice did not fall, Lin Xuan was a sleeve robe, and the magic weapon of numerous willow shapes flew out.

Then a flash, the lasing is like the front, the next moment, the three birds have been penetrated.

The other person's body shape is too big, and he can't avoid it at all. However, Lin Xuan's face is not smiling, but his eyes are slightly stunned, because the strange birds in front of him are not real spiritual birds, but they are gathered by the heavens and the earth. A flash of aura flashed and quickly recovered.

Lin Xuan sighed, but did not worry, it seems that such a small injury, can not destroy the day, to cast even more powerful magic.

"Really, the three-nine-day catastrophe in one district has to force itself to use real kung fu."

Lin Xuan muttered a word, the voice did not fall, the silver light flashed, and the nine-day moon ring had swept out of the sleeves.

Lin Xuan stretched his hand and held it. The mana of the body was like the water of the dyke. It was infused with madness. This treasure was flashing and screaming. Hundreds of hail and fire dragons appeared in front of them, flying in the side of their bodies. The dragon humming sound is constantly coming into the ear.

If you can't kill the three monsters, you can use the powerful tricks.

Lin Xuan’s hands flutter like a butterfly, and the dragon is turned into seven. It also blocks the sky and flies toward the huge three-headed monster.

During the time, all kinds of screams came into the ears, and the dragons and the birds sang, and they mingled with each other, but they only lasted for a short time. The teeth of Qianlong were not the same, and the birds were beaten without a moment.

Lin Xuan’s heart was a joy, and several different laws were played. This time, it was a white hurricane that rose from the air, and soon the scary strange bird was rolled in.

Then Lin Xuan raised his right hand again, and a red-colored Zen stick appeared in the line of sight.

Tongling Buddha treasure.


Soon, the time for a cup of tea has passed.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand and then swayed the quaint long-growth. The sound of the thorns was loud, and a fierce temperament came out, accompanied by countless runes from Chang Ge. The surface is looming.

Immediately after the words flashed, they formed a circle, and a strange and delicate array appeared in front of them.

Then the crescent-shaped light blade emerges immediately!

Wherever it passed, the space seemed to be somewhat distorted. The snoring came into the ear, the strange bird was smashed down three heads, and then numerous swords flew out of Lin Xuan’s sleeves, looking at the middle of the joint, a terrible The giant sword appeared.

The thorns made a big noise, and the remains of the demon bird were also split in half.


Throughout the process, the peacock has been accompanied by it. It is a stunned look. After all, she is only a clutch. This level of fighting can't get involved. The eyes also show a little admire. The original Xuan period monk is so powerful.


A slight voice was introduced into the ear, but Lin Xuan’s knowledge of how powerful he was, naturally escaped from his induction.

In the eyes of the silver awns picked up, looking at the past, it is a three-headed strange bird, but the length is only a few inches.

Heaven and robbing!

Lin Xuan was overjoyed. In this case, when he was in Yunzhou, he met once. The robbery cloud that turned into a human face, after years of tempering, has turned into a psychic thing, but he did not expect the robbery cloud in front of him. Only when it is shaped, can it be. I want to come here and the true blood of the peacock should have a big relationship.

This kind of thing, but it is very useful, for the illusion of the sky, it is a big supplement, Lin Xuan naturally can not let him go.

The body shape flashed, and the nine-step microstep was applied. It was followed by the first move.

After intercepting his retreat, Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and a large piece of Qingxia flew out. The flame essence was naturally unwilling to be trapped. The left and right sides suddenly protruded, but it did not work. Lin Xuan released a few Qingxia. , it was completely wrapped, and finally became a fist-sized cyan ball.

Lin Xuan reached out and the ball fell on his palm.

Even for Lin Xuan today, this is an extraordinary treasure. The essence of robbery is that it can be met and not demanded. Lin Xuan looks at the ball in front of him. After playing for a while, he reaches for a shot and takes out a bag from the bag. The jade box comes, the lid opens, and the ball is placed inside.

Later, Lin Xuan took out a few forbidden signs, and after they were posted, they were happy to put them back into their waists.

After doing all this, there was a strange roar in the head and passed to the ear. Waiting for a moment, the sky became more and more gloomy. Finally, I couldn’t see my fingers, but there was a white spot.

At first, but the size of the fingernail is a little bigger, then it gets bigger and bigger, and finally, it turns into a whirlpool of diameter.


"Don't worry, I haven't experienced it myself, but the description of the classics has still been seen. This is the passage to the spiritual world. Let's go." Lin Xuan turned back and said calmly.


Peacock is not a timid woman, but she wants to fly to the upper bound, and she is nervous.

Then Lin Xuan took the hand of Yuan Yuan, and fell into the green mang, wrapped up his wife and flew in.

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