Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2159: Warm boiled frog

The second thousand one hundred and fifty-nine chapter warm boiled frog

Here, Lin Xuan is not ready yet, above the top of the head, the sky's fire and rain have come down again.

Yes, it is really rain.

It is only a raindrop that is condensed by flames. If it is powerful, it can't be compared with the fire pillar just now. However, there is nowhere to hide. The ice wall that the illusion of the fire is condensed is weakened little by little.

Business on Lin’s face is a touch of color.

How did this wave of attack suddenly become gentle, of course, this is relatively speaking, but it is easier to deal with than just the flame.

Is it a precursor to the storm?

Lin Xuan thought so in his commonly thought, his face was full of vigilance.

Waiting for a terrible attack to land at any time.

However, as time went by, except for the next non-stop fire casting, there was nothing at all.


Lin Xuan’s face showed a bit of strange color, secretly self-deprecating, but the vigilance has not weakened.

The day of robbery can be said without a tiger's head and tail. According to reason, the more behind it, the more difficult it is to deal with. In the middle, is there any secret that is unknown?

In this way, the time is like a white pass, a dazzling, three days passed.

Lin Xuanyang started, drank a drop of lingering milk, looked at the jade bottle in his hand, his face showed a pity, only the last few drops.

Think about these three days of experience, Lin Xuan is really afraid of the extreme, at this moment, the sky is still under the fire of the sky, but Lin Xuan does not despise it.

Yes, on the power, it really has no way to compare with the fireball, but wins in a row.

It’s terrible to cook the frog in warm water. On the surface, there’s nothing wrong with it, but it can kill you a little bit.

In the past three days, the fire and rain have not stopped at all. Lin Xuan has already collected the magical skyfire. Although the ice wall has more defense against fire, the mana cost is not trivial. In the immediate situation, It is obviously unwise and uneconomical to use this kind of magical power.

The Xuan Qingzi mother shield is the best choice. Now Lin Xuan is sitting cross-legged, grabbing a piece of the best spar in his hands, and recovering his mana. His face is also red, and there are a few empty ones around the body. The gourd, these days, in addition to Wannian Lingru, high-quality spirit wine, Lin Xuan also drank a lot.

Otherwise, mana should have been emptied.

And his amount of alcohol is not so good, so there is already a bit of drunkenness, but the knowledge is still very clear.

Around the body, the blue light flows, but the light curtain is also somewhat dim.

After all, Lin Xuan has been insisting for three days.

To know that this is a catastrophe.

Although the fire and rain attack is slightly weaker than before, but note that this is only relatively speaking, Lin Xuan’s current robbery, but the enhanced version, in terms of real power, this fire and rain will never It will be weaker than the ordinary monk's late monk.

If you change one of the same level of immortal, and Lin Xuan off the ground, but the spike is not, but under the continuous bombardment of the fire, but at most insist on a tea.

There should be nothing wrong with this estimate, so you can infer how Lin Xuan's strength.

In the middle of the ordinary Dong Xuan, the cultivator can only insist on the enthusiasm of a cup of tea, and he has suffered a full three days.

Moreover, Lin Xuan is rushed to rob.

Of course, Lin Xuan is rich in his own family, and he is a treasure that can be encountered in the spiritual world.

The effect of Xuan Qingzi's mother shield defense, even if it is not as good as the real Tongling Lingbao, there should not be many differences.

Not to mention the illusion of the sky, this kind of flame that can transform the property is more acrobatic.

Coupled with the combination of Shuangying and Dan, the degree of mana deep and honest, in any case, is not comparable to the same level monks.

When all kinds of conditions are added together, Lin Xuan can stand still under the fire, but there is always a limit to anything.

At this moment, Lin Xuan’s mana is not much, and the Wannian Lingji that he saved as much as possible is only a few drops away.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan was forced to the point where the mountains were running out of water.

At this moment, its scope has further narrowed.

Covering only this square, the volume is less than one tenth of the beginning... No, it should be one percent.

However, although there are not many robbery clouds left, Lin Xuan’s face is full of dignified colors.

Because it is much brighter.

Lin Xuan released the knowledge, can feel the pressure, the mana contained in it, but highly concentrated.

"Is it finally time to the last moment?"

Lin Xuan whispered the voice of his voice into the ear.

I haven't eaten pork, this pig run must have been seen.

The robbery is also divided into several stages. The process of the front and the middle is not mentioned for the time being. Lin Xuan has already passed through, and each day is also different.

And this last stage is much the same.

It's not that the way of attack differs as if it were, but no matter what level of catastrophe, the attack in the last stage is the fastest.

If you can pass it, congratulations, the success of the robbery.

Waiting for you, it will be a great advantage.

If the unfortunate disaster has failed, there will be no more choices in the outcome. There is only one remaining road, and it will fall.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is a robbery or a catastrophe, it is the most feared thing of the monks, and it is almost the same as going to the ghost gate.

Relatively speaking, the demonizer does not have to go through this disaster.

But don't envy, as the saying goes, every family has a difficult experience, the same reason, the same is true.

Although the demonizers do not have the temptation to rob, but they themselves advance, it is hard and deep, far more difficult than the same-order cultivators.

What's more, without the looting of the temper, it means that it is impossible to wash the marrow and prolong the life of the Yuan. Fortunately, there are countless treasures in the spiritual world, and they have found the Shou Yuan fruit that is useful to the demonizer.

This thing is also known as the demon fruit, because this spirit is useless to the immortal, or ordinary mortal, but the demonizer eats, Shouyuan can increase a lot.

It is a pity that this kind of anti-day thing is not easy to find.

And the more high-level demonizers, the more demanding the requirements of the demon fruit grade, which is a major constraint for the demonizer.

All thoughts turned in my mind, Lin Xuan did not know, why I was in a hurry, why would I think so inexplicably.

In short, at this moment, for myself, it is also at the most critical stage.

Success or failure is here!

From embarking on the road of cultivation of immortals, to flying in the spiritual world, before and after more than 1,500 years, I have experienced countless storms. Even in the face of the ice sorcerer, I have come over, how can I fall here?

Lin Xuan’s eyes are so glamorous, and a powerful business idea is shot from his body.

This day, in any case, I have to spend it.

Ps: Continue to ask for ***, thank you all.

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