Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2223: Jiuyi Zhenmao

The second two hundred and twenty-three chapters nine nine true magic

The thoughts in my mind have turned, but the surface is not evenly revealed. I didn’t see it as an incarnation. This is indeed my own misstep, but there is nothing to be annoyed about this.

The wise man must have a loss, even if it is a god, it is inevitable to make mistakes.

In any case, this round, you are still the winner, first show the soul of the soul search.

Although the emotions and memories carried by distraction are limited, not as complete as the second element, but it does not matter, more or less always get a little clue.

However, at this moment, a loud bang of "Boom" was introduced into the ear.

"not good!"

Lin Xuan suddenly raised his head, but it was already late, only to see the magic gas swarmed out, Tian Xiaojian's body outside body actually boasted.


Lin Xuan was furious, and when he was in a hurry, his face seemed to be raining.

Damn, why didn't you guard against this embarrassment? Tian Xiaojian, the **** guy, was too determined and determined. Once he fell into the enemy, he immediately chose to blew himself. He hesitated and did not bring it.

Lin Xuan silently said that if he was to go with him, the reaction was no different.

"It's hard to get to such a point, it's just a ‘good brother'.” Lin Xuan took a deep breath, then his face calmed down, and the bamboo basket was hard-working, and the two ended up playing a tie.

But it doesn't matter. When I come to Japan, I laugh at the end and I am the winner. The story of myself and Tian Xiaojian is far from over. Now I don't have to worry about what I have to lose for a while.

The hurricane did not dissipate, but it still raged in all directions. However, the strength of Lin Xuan’s body was naturally not affected by it. The body shape flashed and Lin Xuan flew toward the center of self-destruction.

Although the scope of the spread is so large, Tian Xiaojian is unlikely to make a fake. However, for this guy, Lin Xuan does not dare to care about it. In case the other party has cultivated something incredible secrets, he can cross the sea...

Although this possibility is not enough for one percent, Lin Xuan still has to confirm it personally.

He released the knowledge of the gods, and found that it was not right for thousands of miles, and the atmosphere of the incarnation had completely disappeared.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, a few Qingxia flew out, wrapped in a roll around, and soon, some pieces were reflected in the eye.

"It’s a good brother. It’s really thorough to do things. Even the storage bags are deliberately destroyed. Don’t say anything worthwhile, even a piece of magic stone is not left for yourself.”

Lin Xuan shook his head and sighed. The fear of Tian Xiaojian was a little more, but there was nothing to fear. It turned into a shocking rainbow, flying away in the distance, and soon disappeared into the distant sky.


At the same time, tens of millions of miles away.

This is a meandering mountain, twists and turns, and I don't know where it extends, but it is magnificent and the surrounding magic is very rich.

Deep in the mountains, some unknown cave house.

A painful voice came into the ear, and a figure that was meditating raised his head.

Although there is no sun, the gemstones inlaid on the stone walls of the cave can still be seen clearly. This is a young and handsome guy who can be described as a good boy.

That's right, here is the secret cave of Tian Xiaojian.

"Sword, what's wrong with you, why is it so painful?"

A low voice came into the ear, and there was no sign of it. A tall ancient demon emerged from the body of Tian Xiaojian... No, it was not an ancient demon, just a virtual shadow without a body.

"I sent out the distraction." Tian Xiaojian breathed deeply, and the normal color was restored in a moment. The plain tone was introduced into the ear, as if to describe a trivial thing, but there was a flash in the eye, but It is not so calm to reveal that his mood.

"Oh, this is not surprising. After all, the news has already leaked out. The person looking for that thing is not the only one. Your distraction is just a clutch. It should be destroyed by other people." The voice of the shadow is not passed on. ear.

"Maybe, but my distraction is not to die from the enemy, but in the end is self-destruction."

"Self-explosive?" That glimpse of the shadow, and then with the hand to pay: "This is a little bit of meaning, I teach you the law of the body outside the body, is from the "Nine Miles Real Magic", and ordinary The avatar outside is very different. Its final result is both self-destructive. It should be able to send you some news. What is it?"

"The righteous father said that it is good, but unfortunately there are too few things to come back. I only know that the person seems to know me." Tian Xiaojian said a little weird.

"I know you?"

"Not bad."

"This is really strange, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, it just loses a bit of distraction. The body incarnation you refine is far more than this one. Then send one out."

"Is it also an avatar?"

"What, sword, do you have any opinions?"

"Father, I don't know why, I always feel that this thing is not as simple as it seems, I want to go in person." Tian Xiaojian slightly hesitated, a slow voice into his ears.

"You want to go out, this is absolutely impossible." The shadow of the shadow brows, the sound is absolutely abnormal opening.

"Why, I know that I have cultivated to the peak of the middle of Dong Xuan. From the later breakthrough, there is only one pass left, but then how, even if it is now out, it will break through in the next few years, and that thing is absolutely There is no loss."

"Sword, the righteous father is now a glory with you, and you will lose everything. If you can lift the sky, my **** will be able to recover and become the leader of the demon. How can you be a father, you can In just a short period of more than a thousand years, I cultivated to the peak of the middle of Dong Xuan. The qualifications are strong. Compared with the father, I have never let it go. It is the body of the true devil, but the body of the true devil actually refers to the qualification. Not the real true devil."

"The real true devil, what is that?" Tian Xiaojian said with a wrinkle.

"The real true devil can not invade the water and fire, the invulnerability of the sword, the double revision of the body, and the freedom of the three realms. When the father is in full bloom, it is the body of the true devil."

"It turns out that this has something to do with my customs clearance?"

"Of course, there is a relationship. When you are advanced, you are also tempering the body of the true devil. If it fails, it is like when you are alchemy, you add impurities, which is very damaging to the body of the true devil." Said.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that every time you advance, the righteous father must be fully prepared for me, only success, no failure."

"Well, this "Nine-Year Real Magic" is extremely powerful. The only harm is that every time you fail, the true demon body will be worse. In the past, I lost from the smart to the robbery. The body of the true devil has a flaw, otherwise my strength will be inferior to the true fairy, I am afraid that King Ashura will be defeated."

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