Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2251: Tart

The second two hundred and fifty-one chapter is bitter

Lin Xuan has been sitting on the sidelines, not glaring at the other side being robbed by the sky, to play the trick of falling down the stone.

Of course, it is not soft, or shows the gentleman's demeanor. The immortal only sees the result. There is nothing worthy of blaming for the danger of the deaf. Lin Xuan does not want to be burned by the fire.

The robbery of the robbery can't be intervened. The reason why the devil's fairy has fallen down is the trap that falls into his own cloth, so he was stared at by the sky. At this moment, if he does more, he will not fall into it. The same as the devil snake fairy.

Such a stupid thing, Lin Xuan certainly will not do it.

Now he just needs to watch the play on the side.

It’s not so good to be distracted. Even if this woman’s chance is coincidental, the luck is good and the day will be robbed. I’m afraid that the mana is running low. At that time, I’m going to shoot again, isn’t it the same as the effect of falling down the stone? ?

Man-made fish, I am a knife, things have developed to this point, the magic snake fairy has nothing to end, it must be left to kill.

So there is no need to be eager for a moment.

Of course, if she can't even support the catastrophe, it will save even more trouble.

Thoughts turned around in my mind, Lin Xuan in the heart of the calculation.

The outcome of a fight is not only determined by the strength of the monk, but also the fighting power and the wits are very important.

Of course, the reason why Lin Xuan did this is not to fear the strength of the devil's fairy. His own killer can be an unsuccessful one. Even if the other party has the Fubao made by the sacred snake, Lin Xuan also has the victory, but can save trouble. Why are you not lazy?

At this moment, there were cracks and sounds coming into the ears one after another. The power of the robbery that day was really a small thing. The shield in the three-layer defense has been broken, and the bricks and gauze are also faltering.

However, at this time, the black mist around the fairy of the devil snake turned up, like a fierce tornado, rising into the sky, but the thing came quickly, and the same quickly, and soon, everything around it was After sweeping away, the scenery was re-emerged in the eye.


Although I have just used Tianfeng, I have already seen one, but at this moment, Lin Xuan’s expression is still weird. If I change a mortal, I am afraid I have been scared.

The devil's fairy scorpion has a pair of armor, but unlike the ordinary armor, this armor is actually made up of a series of poisonous snakes.

And these snakes are still moving around, going up and down on her body, not only that, but the hair of the devil's fairy is also turned into a strip of poisonous snake, open the mouth of the mouth, and there is no tongue in the mouth. Instead, replace it. It is also a viper.

Lin Xuan sighed, the ancient demon is the ancient demon, this image is simply eye-catching, as if the devil snake fairy is composed of viper, her nickname, there is nothing wrong with it, its image, characteristics, all describe Clearly clear.

After wearing the poisonous snake armor, the whole body of the demon snake fairy has also been demonized. Therefore, her breath has increased a lot. Although it is still the peak of the cave, but the depth of the mana is much more than just a little more than half.

Whether it is the benefit of demonization, or what incredible secrets she has shown, Lin Xuan does not know, and has no mood to explore anything.

Even if this woman is getting stronger, it’s not so easy to survive. It’s just a matter of watching the show.

Lin Xuan's mood is very good, full of confidence in his own arrangement, since it has fallen into the trap, the magic snake fairy will not want to have to turn over and say.

Sun Monkey is unable to escape the palm of the Buddha.

Although the magic snake fairy is arrogant, but not stupid, things have developed to this step, of course, also found Lin Xuan's sinister intentions!

However, she is now riding a tiger, and what should be done in the future, has not allowed him to consider the choice, the most urgent task is to first pass the difficulties before him.

I saw that the woman raised her hands, like a butterfly-like dance, and the same method of smashing, along with her movements, the surrounding magic, was also sucked here, mixed with the magic in her body, it seems There are a lot of tricks to be performed.

However, at this moment, the cracking sound was transmitted to the ears, and the bricks and gauze could not be supported, but they were also destroyed.

As a result, even before and after the chain of Fubao did not withstand the efforts of dozens of interest, the gray smoke disappeared.

However, it is quite quite good, at least for the magic snake fairy to fight for breath.

The time is not long, but it is very important. In this way, she can cast her spells calmly. I saw the magical spirit that began to swell with the movement of the fairy snake, and then the snakes formed in the air.

These snakes are different in length and shape, but they are quickly covered with the sky above her head. They are entangled one after another, just like weaving bamboo poles, which are tightly aggregated by thousands of snakes. The shield appears in sight.

This shield is completely composed of venomous snakes, which looks horrible, and the head of the snake is facing upwards, rising high, facing the falling catastrophe, suddenly opening a **** mouth, a The venom is ejected from the cavities.

When they gathered together, they suddenly became a water curtain, colliding with the falling thunder.

"Not bad!"

The sound of sputum was introduced into the ear, but Lin Xuan, who was standing in the distance, slammed his hand, and his face was still a bit of admiration: "The devil snake fairy, the name is not false, 妳 these few tricks, you can see Out of the real kung fu, it is indeed far better than the same level of cultivation of immortals, Lin admire."

Lin Xuan’s words, voice tone, that are quite sincere, but listening to the ears of the fairy snake, but with the bitter irony.

The reason why I will fall to the present level is that this wicked boy is in front of him. He is like an outsider. He is abominable. It is really tolerable and unbearable.

"If you are surnamed Lin, don't be too proud of it. If this fairy does not fall today, even if it is repaired and damaged, it will make you look good."

"It’s a big loss, oh, that fairy is not more competitive. It’s not beautiful, it’s even a bit ugly, it’s ok, so it’s OK, so Tian Xiaojian is willing to pay attention. I am repaired to be a big loss, hey, my little sword brother, what kind of romantic is that, I am afraid that when I look at it, I will not be interested in it. The devil world is countless, I said fairy, I like Xiaojian. Brothers, they simply want to eat swan meat."

Lin Xuan’s voice was introduced into the ear, and his eyes were so poisonous. Although he did not know the friendship between Tian Xiaojian and the demon snake fairy, how about it, but from all sorts of clues, guessed it was so a bit, so deliberately said, purpose It is to irritate the demon snake fairy, or to make her distraction more suitable. After all, the strength of this woman’s performance is really very small. If the day is robbed, the mana is not exhausted, and then the treasure snake is holy. The Fubao that was given, it is really difficult to deal with.

Although I am not afraid, but it is still a sentence, more than one thing is less than a thing!

However, he can't fall into the stone and attack the devil's fairy, which is shrouded in the sky. Otherwise, it will ignite and fall into the same situation as her.

Is it just like watching, stupid doing nothing?

Listening to the fate is not Lin Xuan's choice, he is very clever and alert, good, can not be hands-on, but the mouth is always ok, ridiculous, bitter and sarcasm, as long as the other party can be distracted, their purpose has been achieved.

After all, the robbery is also very terrible. If you concentrate on your energy, you can talk about it. If you are mad at the smoke, it will be strange.

Therefore, Lin Xuan’s intention is that it is very savage and poisonous. Do you still need to be merciful to the enemy?

The devil's fairy is the demon of the peak of the cave. In his heart, the mind is also quite firm. The general discourse may not shake her mind. Lin Xuan’s purpose is that she actually expects a few points. It is.

It is clear that it is one thing, can it not be affected, and that is completely another matter.

In particular, the other party actually said that he was ugly, so Xiaojian’s brother did not accept it, although he was unwilling to admit it. However, this sentence is undoubtedly the soft underbelly of the magic snake fairy. Otherwise, why did Xiaojian’s brother treat himself in these years? It’s not cold or hot, if it’s left, isn’t it abandoning your own appearance?

For this, the magic snake fairy is not very confident, she is certainly not ugly, and can even say that there are a few points, but it is only a few points, from the legendary beauty, it is really far away Unreachable.

And Tian Xiaojian, strength, heart, appearance, which is not the choice of the mountain, his conditions, it is really incomparable.

If you must say that you have only strength, and the identity of the descendants of the sacred ancestors of the snakes.

This problem, the devil snake fairy has been lingering in the heart, just not willing to face up.

But the faint, has become her heart disease, at this moment, but Lin Xuan did not hesitate to uncover, and salt in the wound, can imagine, she will feel.

Although Ming knows that Lin Xuan is doing this, it is to distract himself and let himself be hit by the catastrophe. However, some things are simply involuntary!

Despite seeing it, it is inevitable that it will fall into the trap of the other party. At this time, there is a voice echoing in her heart: "Stupid girl, Xiaojian brother simply dislikes and grows ugly, the reason why he is right away from you, It’s just to take advantage of the identity of the descendants of the sacred sacred ancestors, which can bring him many benefits.”

"No, no, Xiaojian brother is not such a person."

The other voice was screaming and exhausted, desperately denying it, and this distraction, bang, and robbery of the robbers, the shield made up of serpents suddenly vanished.

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