Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2313: The younger brother of the Mozu

The eyes of the treasure snake are full of doubts, and there is still some envy.

Her mood is understandable, although the true ancestor is far more powerful than the average ancestor, but the name of the glory of the ancestors, at least the strongest into the robbery period.

During the robbery period, it is the last realm of Xiuxian. Once you enter this threshold, even if you can't make further progress, the longevity of Shouyuan is also remarkable.

It’s easy to live for millions of years, like the power of the dragon and the real people, even the two world wars that have been experienced millions of years ago, it’s easy to imagine how long it will take.

In short, the robbery period exists, although it has not reached the point of immortality, but because Shouyuan is too long, it is similar to eternal life in the eyes of ordinary monks.

Moreover, their strength is even more incredible. It is a big gap with the previous realm. It is difficult to describe in words and the peak of the peak of distraction. It is very likely that even an incarnation in the early days of the robbery will not be able to beat.

Of course, the avatar mentioned here is not a body that Lin Xuan met, but a body that was just taken away. This kind of incarnation is carefully refined by the old monsters during the robbery period.

But no matter what, even the avatar can not beat, you can see the existence of the old monsters and the peak of distraction during the robbery period, how big the gap is.

Therefore, the ancient demon can advance to the robbery, can be called the holy ancestors.

The area of ​​the demon world is extensive, and it has accumulated for millions of years. However, the number of ancestors is still not much. It can be said that among every 100,000 devils, a demon monk can be produced, but tens of billions. Even in the hundreds of billions of ancient monks, it is possible to have a holy ancestor.

Therefore, every ancestor is the darling of heaven and earth. The real power exists and the status is extraordinary.

Although there is still a big gap between the ordinary ancestor and the true ancestor, even the true ancestor, in general, it is impossible to have ordinary ancestors.

After all, even the ancestors of the early days of the robbery were also the existence of the dominating side. They themselves had gone through many hardships and hardships, and they had to go into the robbery period. Why should they listen to the instructions of others?

So when I saw Tianyun appear here, the Baozi was so surprised.

Hail sister is worthy of being the top three in the real ancestor of the true devil, and can actually let the ancestors work for her.

However, it is not only because of admiration, but there should be some twists and turns in the middle. Although the spirit of the snake is curious, it is also a taboo to know the secret of others.

Tian Yuan, although she is not in her eyes, but the first ancestor of the ice is not even willing to offend her.

In particular, the relationship between the two is not bad, it is even more inappropriate to be guilty of this little thing.

The thoughts in my mind have turned, and the sacred ancestors of Baozi have left this matter behind their heads.

"Is your sister hail?"

"Hail adults are retreating."

The Confucian monk retreats to the side. Obviously, he also knows that the relationship between the snake and the owner is good, and there is no intention to block it. Moreover, he really wants to stop, and he can't stop it.


When the treasure snake stays, with the strength of the hail, what is the meaning of retreat, isn’t she doing a special skill that is not so powerful?

Of course, she is even more difficult to ask about this question.

"No wonder, something happened that happened, and my sister didn't get the news. It turned out to be a retreat." The sacred sacred singer spoke to himself and then turned his head: "Is that sister may see you?"

"The adult told me before the retreat. If it is normal, it can't be disturbed naturally, but the Lord of the Snakes is here. Naturally, the exception is." The Confucian monk said that although his face maintains a calm color, his heart is still in his heart. It’s a great deal to pick up the waves and the waves that can stun the ancestors of the real devil. Is it necessary to reopen the battle between the two worlds?

In my mind, the motion in my hand was not slow at all. A black brilliance flew out from his fingertips and went straight into the depths of the sky.

"Oh, is my sister still practicing in that different space?" The treasure snake's ancestors had a slight eye, but the tone was flat.

Tianyuan has no interface. After only a few hundred feet of interest, there are a few feet in front of them, and the air suddenly fluctuates without warning.

Then there was a jade hand out of thin air. The hand was long and beautiful, and the fingers were slender, as if there was no force to tie the chicken. However, it was lightly raised, and then it was like a side, and an incredible scene happened. She even tore the void. As if the broken void is the master of this hand, it is as if there is no difficulty in eating and sleeping.

Then the fine footsteps were heard in the ears, and a beautiful girl came out of the void.

It was a silver-haired woman. In addition to the color of her hair, this woman looked at it in the same way as the young girl of the human race. Although it was a nationality, but she did not have a half-mana, it looked like an ordinary virgin. With bare feet, the feeling of giving people is a bit pitiful and thorough.

If you don't say it, who knows that this seemingly weak woman is actually a sacred ancestor who has let countless spiritual circles talk about it.

People can't be seen, sea water is not measurable, and here is the hail.

"Seeing adults."

Tianyuan is going to salute, and hail will naturally not let him go down, raise his hand and help, and Tianyuan will be dragged by a strange force.

Then the hail turned his head: "Sister of the snake snake, Mi Lai, I am in the palace, what happened?"

The sound of the hail, such as Huang Peng's out of the valley, is pleasing to the extreme, but it brings a few cold feelings out of thin air, as if the cold will blow into the soul.

"If there is nothing to do, Xiaomei naturally does not leave the Baozi Palace. My sister knows that the seal is loose and the three eyes have escaped."


The hail suddenly changed color: "Do you say that your eyes have escaped?"

These words, Tianyuan heard clearly at the side, three eyes, the name is familiar, can make adults also move, is it the legend, the million-year-old who was personally sealed by the general commander millions of years ago Zuzu?

The origin of this three-eyed ancestor is not the same. It is said that not only is the first ancestor of the true demon, but also the younger brother of their saints, but they do not know what it is because they will lead the adults to anger and be sealed by their brothers. .

"Three eyes are getting rid of the bondage, is this news really true?"

The hail is the ancestor of the true devil who has lived for millions of years. The qigong is also a first-class one. After the initial surprise, he quickly recovered.

"This kind of thing, if the younger sister is not fully grasped, it may be so irritating to disturb her sister." Baozi sighed, his face smiled, it was called bitter and incomparable: "Sister should know, little sister In the hands of the former commanding adults gave a magic device, this treasure and seal three eyes of the guy's formation is closely related, but now it is inexplicably destroyed, in addition to three eyes to escape, the younger sister can not think of other reasonable explanations It is."

"It turns out that the three-eyed ancestor seems to have really got rid of the shackles of the great commander. There is nothing so strange. Although the cultivation of the leading adults is thorough, it has already fallen into the fire with the real fairy. In the past few hundred years, the time has passed, and the mysterious prohibition is useless. The three eyes are the ancestors of the true devil. If you can’t get out of trouble, I have to suspect that his name is not true.” wire.

"Sister said that he is not in a hurry, the three-eyed guy can always deal with us. If he waits for him to restore his strength, even if my sister is not afraid, it is also a big trouble!" The treasure snake stayed, the voice tone, and more A bit of resentment.

"Anxious, I have something to worry about, this is a good thing."

"Good thing?"

The treasure snake and Tianyuan couldn’t help but look at each other. After a few moments, the sound of awkwardness came into the ear: "The little girl is stupid, and she asks her sister to solve it."

"Sister Baozi, how smart you are, a confused, three-eyed ancestor, is a character that you and my sisters want to be and then fast, but the area of ​​the holy world is too big, the seal method laid by the general commander Array, there are hidden effects, so for so many years, even if I want to find out his whereabouts, smashing the roots, it is not available, now he is out of the trap, is not the opportunity..."

"Sister is saying..."

The treasure snake is not stupid, just for a moment, no hail thought so far.

"Yes, although he was sealed and imprisoned, but the cage is also a shelter, otherwise you and I have already let him out of the smoke, and now how to get out of trouble, the other party will go out of action, always revealing whereabouts, not to mention being sealed for so long, you think Was he still the three-eyed ancestor of the prestige?"

"My sister said it was good. Three eyes made a big mistake in the past. Although the commander of the great man spared his life, the body was destroyed, and after being sealed for millions of years, the old monster would not fall. But the strength is also inevitable, but..."

"But what..."

"We want to prevent him from winning. Although the three eyes are not the same as before, the falling phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken, but where is his foundation, if it is able to win a suitable magic body..." Baozi said here. The sound is cold.

"Hey, my sister, you have to worry." The sound of the hail is full of disapproval.


"Yes, it should be known, the three-eyed guy, and the great commander are not only brothers, but even the magical skills of cultivation, but also the homologous art."

"Of course, this little sister knows that the nine magical martial arts they practiced are the top secrets of my sacred world." The treasure snake said here that his face showed a hint of envy. Obviously, this nine magical power is It is a higher grade than the practice of her cultivation.

"That's right, three eyes may be able to find a suitable magic body to win, but to restore the power of the past, but it is not so easy." Hinged mouth with a hint of sneer, meaning I have an open mouth.

"The younger sister understands that although the power of Jiuyi is extremely powerful, the conditions required are even more demanding and require the body of five spirits..."

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