Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2976: Heavenly robbery


Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature.

The image of these flamingos is similar to the legendary true spirit.

The real nine-headed bird Lin Xuan has never seen it, but he loves to read books. In the classical books, there are quite a few detailed descriptions.

Is this Lingbo Valley so much related to the legendary nine-headed bird?

Lin Xuan was shocked.

However, it was too late to think about it. This thought has just turned, and thousands of firebirds have been on the wings and overwhelmed like him.


Lin Xuan’s eyes are cracking, and Rao is his knowledge. This change is something he never dreamed of. The fireballs have changed into nine birds, but not only the same shape, but the power seems to increase. Ten times more than that, and it seems that there are laws and forces that come out.

Although the protective power of the blue water curtain is not trivial, in this case, Lin Xuan can be sure that there is no chance to block it.

At this moment, he has been locked up by the catastrophe, and he wants to escape with the magical powers of the nine-day microstep. It is purely asking for trouble.

Damn, the catastrophe should not be gradual, and the power is gradually enhanced. How do you see this before you, but it is different.

Lin Xuan was awkward, but he didn't have the mood to spit it down. The sleeves were smashed, and the Jiugong had to swim with the sword at the fastest speed.

Then he saw his hands waving like a butterfly, and the movement was fast. Even if he couldn’t see it clearly, the road was spurred out and the light was in front of him.

Hundreds of dragons were formed in front of them.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the aura of these dragons are different.

The deafening roar came into the ear, and Lin Xuan danced forward with both hands.


When the voice did not fall, I saw hundreds of dragons roaring together and screaming toward the top of the head.

Bailong's tooth!

The firebird in front of me is of course different, but the tooth of Bailong is the effort of the bottom of the box. Lin Xuan is confident to block it.


The next moment, the popping sound was loud, and the flamingo dragons bite each other together.

The whole sky is colorful and glazed. The power of the terrible laws makes the space shatter and twist.

The momentum was a dazzling, but it quickly came to a winner.

The tooth of Bailong is not the secret of Lin Xuan's bottom of the box. In the face of terrible catastrophe, it still has the upper hand.

After a few bites of effort, the number of flamingos was drastically reduced, and the rest was swallowed up by the dragon.

But then, a flash of lightning. It landed in the vortex formed by the robbery cloud.

Each of the roads has thick arms and is blue, such as a sword that cuts through the sky and falls.

This wave of lightning, about a thousand or so, is dense, like a sea of ​​lightning.

The tooth of Bailong was surviving, and soon it crashed into the sea of ​​thunder.

Unfortunately, things are not over yet. The day of the robbery ended the temptation, and this is really awesome.

Oh, but it’s a big deal. A wind blade with a diameter of more than ten feet spurred out from the robbery cloud.

Wherever he went, he crossed a white mark in the sky and looked at the power. Lin Xuan had no doubt that they could smash even the void.

And the same amount is very much.

After the wind blade, it is fire.

This time, it is still a fireball, but the diameter has grown to a hundred feet, each one. It’s like the sun hanging in the sky, its power, naturally no need to make more words.

After a wave of attacks, the dragon's teeth can't resist, and the screams of the dragon are heard into the ears. The disappearance of the strips restored the body of the Jiugong Shoujian sword, and the Lingguang seems to be faint compared with the previous one.

Obviously under such a stormy attack, the sword is on the body. How much has suffered some losses.

The magic of this life is the thing that the cultivator thinks of life, but at this moment, Lin Xuan also refuses.

His face was full of cold colors, his hands or points or pokes, and the spurs of the law were spurred by the fingertips. Then he saw the spirit of the surface of the sword of the Nine Palaces, and once again became dazzling and dazzling, and turned into three. Three turns into nine, such as magic, in the blink of an eye, the sky is a fairy sword.


Jianguang will rise in the wind and turn into an instant of more than ten feet.

Then they greeted the lightning, the wind blade, the fire, and slammed upward.

For a time, the aura was so loud that the popping sound continued to the ears.

To be fair, Lin Xuan is doing this, it is a bit arrogant and somewhat risky, but in his opinion, it is the smartest choice.

The catastrophe that I faced this time is terrible. If it is a defensive slogan, it is simply a thankless choice. It is more risk-effective to sacrifice the treasures to smash the sky.

Of course, if you change someone, even if you can see this, you may not dare to do so.

Without him, the heavens will be robbed and the treasures will be destroyed.

However, Lin Xuan is full of confidence in the Jiugong Shoujian sword. After all, in order to refine this treasure in the past, he spent his own efforts and countless treasures.

For a time, I saw Jianqi vertical and horizontal, lightning interlaced, and the flame wind blade shuttled back and forth in the void. The Jiugong Shoujian sword was really a small thing. Such a fierce violent robbery was blocked by him. So far, a lightning bolt has not fallen.

If there are other cultivators here, you can't admire the five bodies, but Lin Xuan is not so good, and his forehead is covered with fine sweat.

From the vortex formed by the robbery cloud, there are still new lightnings, flames falling, waves of attacks, closely linked, and never stopped.

But no matter how violent the robbery, Lin Xuan is as stable as Taishan, and he will give it to the next.


Time passed slowly, but Lin Xuan’s feelings were much slower than usual, and it’s not too much to say that it’s like a year.

No, where is the day, the shortness of a meal, the feeling of Lin Xuan, it seems that it has been a hundred years.

Fortunately, I finally passed.

When the last wave of robbing was spent, Lin Xuan sighed. At this time, not only was the forehead covered with fine sweat drops, but even the back was completely wet by the cold sweat.

For a little while, Lin Xuan felt that the mana of the body had lost nearly a third. He raised his head and looked up at the sky. His face was very serious.

The day of robbery has not passed, just the end is just an appetizing side dish. Just think of it here, Lin Xuan’s heart is also a little drumming. This time, the robbery is far more terrible than what I imagined. Can I survive?

Lin Xuan didn't know, but he quickly left behind this weak idea.

No matter how difficult it is, there is no way out now. If you don’t like it, you will have the opportunity to advance to the robbery period. You must never give up.

Lin Xuan’s eyes have become very firm again, no matter how terrible the following catastrophe will be, he will definitely bite his teeth.

Be sure to go to the robbery period.

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