Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2991: The body of the true spirit (on)

How to expel the fire of the real spirit, Pingxin said, Lin Xuan has no bottom at all, after all, before this, he has never had a similar experience.

Everything is only starting from scratch, try carefully.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is not the same as before, it is the cultivator of the level of the robbery, the strength has increased a lot compared with before the promotion, so although he is embarrassed, but really want to say fear, but it is somewhat exaggerated.

After all, just like that sinister, I have been rushing all the way. How can it make him sail in the gutter?

Even if you eat some bitterness, you will be able to save yourself.

For this, Lin Xuan was full of confidence, so he started to try.

Breathing deeply, Lin Xuan began to mobilize the mana in the body.

The sea was calm and waveless. At this moment, the waves surged one after another.

The spiritual power of the dragonfly, the five-coloured glass, exudes a gentle and pure atmosphere.

With Lin Xuan's movements, those spiritual forces gathered in the middle, and then a large, colorful hand appeared in the line of sight.

The surface runes are thin, and there are a few mysterious arrays that emerge from the esoteric anomalies.

The big hand came into view, and it was as fast as lightning. The five fingers were clawed and one was pulled forward.

The goal is the fire of the real spirit, and the other party has no intention of avoiding.


I was caught in the big hand, and my hand was in the palm of my hand.

So smooth, far more than expected, but Lin Xuan's face is not too much joy, on the contrary, in the depths of the bottom, but a little bit of taboo color flowing out.

The following scene, but the big hand changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It gradually became blurred, as if the sword was silky, and a filament appeared on its surface.

Not surprisingly, it was originally gathered by Lin Xuan's mana, and naturally it can be changed.

Soon, the big hand disappeared and replaced by countless silky threads.

Then intertwined and shuttled into a shackle, firmly tied it inside.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a hint of joy, and the expression seemed to finally loosen a sigh of relief.

The force will wrap the fire of the real spirit, and then expel it from the Dantian gas sea.

The idea was good, but the next moment of change made Lin Xuan stunned. He didn't even have time to move, and he saw that it was melted.

There is no power to resist, and all mana is easily swallowed up by the fire of the real spirit.


Lin Xuan was shocked, but fortunately, the fire of the real spirit swallowed up the cocoon that was made by the mana, and did not continue to attack himself.

Lin Xuan sighed and did not give up, and then replaced the mana with God's knowledge and made another attempt.

No use, still ended in failure, this time, the gods were swallowed up, Lin Xuan still ate a lot of bitterness.

But it doesn't matter, the advanced is the versatile cultivator of the robbery period. Lin Xuan is not only a mana, but also a lot of knowledge. This kind of loss, although it makes him quite painful, is far from being hurt.

Just trying to end up with failure as a result, Lin Xuan is also annoyed, what should be done to solve the immediate problems.

He did not dare to act rashly.

After all, the fire of the real spirit is also extremely terrible. If you try this way, you may be in great danger. Lin Xuan can't guarantee that he will always have such good luck.

Be careful not to make a big mistake. It’s okay to act rashly, but it doesn’t matter if you let go.

For a time, Lin Xuan was caught in a dilemma. What should he do? He was a little confused.


Just passed the tea work.

Lin Xuan still doesn't know what to do.

At this moment, the coincidence happened.

Lin Xuan mobilized the mana, but because of the urgency, busy mistakes, let a little silver light drifted over.

And met the fire of the real spirit.

Just now, the mana is good, and the gods are worthy. When it comes into contact with this thing, it immediately melts away.

However, at this moment, the silver spot did not repeat the same mistakes. When I saw this scene, Lin Xuan’s heart moved, and the idea could not help but live.

Since the silver spot will not be swallowed up by this thing, can you use it instead of the mana to wrap the fire of the manager and then expel it?

The 100% success rate is not dare to say, but in the current situation, it is very reliable.

Think of it, Lin Xuan immediately tried it.

As if to purify the treasure, with the drive of Lin Xuan's mana, the rotation of the Xinghai is gradually accelerating, and the light spots of one glimpse are flowing out from inside.

A brilliant band of light gathered in silver, surrounded by the fire of the real spirit, and then wrapped it layer by layer.

This time there was nothing wrong with it. Lin Xuan’s face was faintly revealing happiness. If it was not wrong, this time should be successful.

In this way, after a tea break, Lin Xuan’s Dan Tianzhong showed a huge glory.

This first step is going very smoothly. The next thing to consider is how to expel it. This is not difficult. It is regarded as purification. Let it follow the strange path and naturally flow. To the palm of your hand.

As the saying goes, there are many long night dreams, and the thoughts in my mind have turned. Lin Xuan will release the gods. However, once exposed to the light, he will be bounced off easily.

Lin Xuan's brow wrinkled, naturally it is impossible to be so discouraged, slightly hesitant, he enhanced his knowledge.

However, it is useless and still the same result.

Lin Xuan was angry and angry. He finally wrapped the fire of the real spirit, but the gods could not carry it out. Lin Xuan began to increase the intensity of his knowledge.


After a while, this time, the gods were finally not bounced off. However, Lin Xuan was too late to rejoice, and the light suddenly burst open, turning into countless pieces, Dan Tianqihai, Qijing eight veins, all of which were lighted up. The debris is coming.

To know that the inside of the package is the fire of the real spirit, Lin Xuan was shocked, and the cleverness was wrong. This time it was over.

He didn't have time to remedy anything. The countless pieces didn't go into the sea, and they didn't enter the ecstasy. Note that this time it is no longer left in Dantian, but directly into the spot.

All the fires of the true spirits have disappeared and are completely integrated with their own bodies. The result is that Lin Xuan had never dreamed before.

Then the huge pain was attacked by the cockroaches. It felt unspeakable. It was far better than the pain of just consuming the marrow. This time, it was not the mental toughness that could solve the problem. Lin Xuan directly fainted.

In the middle of it, he feels countless things, like his own mind, inheriting memories from ancient times, and knowledge from generations of true spirits, all appearing in his own mind.

PS: Recommended tickets are urgent, ask for a ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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