Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3129: Admit defeat

Although he lost the lake of the eye, as long as he defeated the little guy named Lin, he would spend the crisis in front of him and naturally have the opportunity to regroup.

As the saying goes, the worms of the hundred feet die without being stabbed. Although the Jianhu Palace has suffered heavy losses successively, it has been inherited since ancient times, and its foundation is deep and profound, far from being comparable to the ordinary Zongmen family.

If there is still hope for the Sword Lake Palace, why should these sacred cultivators stay here, and with their strength, the world can do it.

From this point, we can also see that the sword lake palace is extraordinary, and for a Zongmen family, it has long been a tree.

However, although this is true, those who are left in the distracted elders are still in the heart, and the field of the sword is certainly not the same. However, the strength of this Lin Xiaozi is unexpectedly extreme. Can the door survive the current crisis? Too good to say.

At least not fully grasped, they have a lot of risk to stay here.

"Master brother, can you see that the uncle can win the Lin Xiaozi?" Finally, some people couldn't help but speak, their voices were full of embarrassment.


The old man of the sacred wind bones listened, and his face couldn’t help but reveal a bit of hesitation. He only sighed for a long time, and his voice was full of uncertainty and silence: "I don't know."

"do not know."

Other distracted monks were shocked.

Although the realm of the realm seems to be the same, the strength of the head is far more than that of the same generation. It is said that Mu Xiu Yulin is not an exaggeration. As the most distracting person who is likely to enter the robbery, the vision is also very small, but the two The victory or defeat, but even the master can not see it?

The old man of the sacred wind bones said this in fact, in fact, he is deep inside, and why is it not full of embarrassment, when he first tried to seize the treasures of the cloud sect, he thought that it would make such a result.

I knew why it was the beginning of today. It is a pity that this has not been the case.

The most important point now is whether the door can survive the current crisis. If the uncle can win, the door will have a chance to make a comeback...

Otherwise, the Million Lakes Palace, which has been inherited for millions of years, is really going to be destroyed in its own hands.

Therefore, although he was dissatisfied with the uncle's engulfing the lake of the eye, he could even say that he was guilty, but deep down, he hoped that he would win.

I hope that is true. It can't be decided if he can do it.

The level of this battle is far more than they imagined. The only thing that can be done now is to wait quietly.

As a cultivator, the original patience is extremely good. Meditation for a hundred years, for them, is just a snap, but at this moment, everyone feels like a year.

Finally, the time for a cup of tea has passed.


In the original calm sky, a sudden blue sky suddenly came.

wrong. The loud noise, even if it’s sunny, is not worth mentioning.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye swayed in a circle in the void.

Then the bright light ball. Suddenly there were countless gaps, and the light beams with thick arms were transmitted from the inside.

This sudden vision made everyone stunned. Those old monsters that are distracted, one by one. More revealing and surprised look.

Looking forward to it with a bit of fear.

Waiting for so long, finally have a result, is the paradise they are looking forward to, or is it a desperate hell?

do not know!

Unknown is fearful, but fortunately, it is finally the moment to reveal the mystery.

The old man, including the sacred wind bones, all waited with a sly mood.

It didn't take long for more and more light beams to be ejected from the gap, and the field of the sword was finally broken into nothingness.

After a glare, it disappeared completely without a trace, as if it had never appeared in this world.

After the halo, the nearby heaven and earth are also chaotic, and there is a vaguely blurred shadow appearing in the line of sight.

can not see clearly!

Everyone's heart refers to the eyes of the blind, but in this case, there is nothing to do, only stupid to continue waiting there.

This process is complicated, but it is only a few breaths.

Soon, the vague figure was clear.

It is an ordinary boy, but his expression is like the emperor of the world.

Lin Xuan!

"This guy is still alive!"

"Impossible, the uncle swallowed the lake of the eye, and the help of the field of the sword, still lost to him?"

"Is there a mistake, this guy is not a revival of the early cultivators, is he so embarrassed?"

For a time, the suspicions sounded one after another, and it was full of incredible.

Although they have not fully grasped it, no matter from which angle, they still feel that the uncle has more wins, otherwise, it will not be stupid to stay here.

Originally filled with the heart of the heart, I did not expect that the end is such an ending.

Everyone’s expressions are incredible, but they have more flustered expressions. Now even the uncles have lost and fallen. What should they do with these people?

Is the inheritance of the Jianhu Palace really stop here?

Many people could not help but turn their heads and look to the head of the brother.

It’s not that they don’t want to escape, but they’ve just tried it. In the face of an old monster of a robbery level, they will run away and will only be broken by each and more quickly.

Therefore, even if they are afraid of their hearts, they are only waiting in the same place.

Lin Xuan turned his head and his eyes swept over their faces. In his heart, it was not easy to win this battle. He was forced to use the five dragons and face the other side of the sword. The last blow, even if the five dragons have won the battle, Lin Xuan now thinks, there is a feeling of embarrassment.

Sure enough, I can't look down on the heroes of the world.

This is Lin Xuan's biggest gain in this battle. In the early days of the robbery, the immortals will push themselves to such a degree. If they encounter the old monsters in the middle or even the later period, Wu Longzhen does not dare to say that he can do a blow.

But no matter what, the immediate crisis has finally passed, and the resentment of the sword lake palace can draw a happy ending.

Well, I can't say that, there are still some finishing things that need to be dealt with.

Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a smile, and he did not rush to open his mouth. It was just a look, and it brought the pressure of the distracted monks of the Sword Lake Palace.

These guys have been panicked. Of course, there are many people who are calm. For example, the old man with the windy bones, the expression on his face, is gloomy and extreme, his eyes flashing, and he does not know what to think about.

The two sides succumbed to this strange silence.

For a long time, the head of the Jianhu Palace sighed and said to Lin Xuan deeply: "Please also ask the seniors to show their mercy, we admit defeat."

"Put away?"

Lin Xuan stayed, but then sneered: "The head is so angry, but you want to admit defeat, admit defeat, is there such a cheap thing in the world?"

Ps: Please let your friends move the precious little hand and cast a valuable recommendation ticket for Bailian. Thank you!

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