Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3225: Wonderful fairy

"Well, what do you think of the fairy, you can say that Lin can guarantee that you will get your mouth, and that I will never let the third person know."

Lin Xuan’s voice was quietly open, but in the tone, it was difficult to hide the eagerness.

He did not think that there would be such a coincidence, just to the Tianyin world, he got the clues related to the piano heart.

The only thing that is heart-wrenching is that the situation of the piano heart seems to be a little bad.

However, since I have come, no matter what dangerous twists and turns she has encountered, I always have a way to make it dangerous.

This confidence is still there.

After all, today’s self is not the same as it used to be.

Although I dare not say that the world can do it, there are not many things that can help me.


The face of the palace girl showed a hint of difficulty.

"Why, is there any concern for the fairy?"

"I..." The girl bit her teeth and her face finally showed a decisive color: "Well, I said, things have to start from a thousand years ago..."

“A thousand years ago?” Lin Xuan’s face showed a thoughtful color.

"Yes, the younger generation was only a small clutching period, I was born in a Xiuxian family."

"The family of the younger generation is not big, but it is inextricably involved with the Tianyin Palace."


Lin Xuan's eyebrows moved, his face also showed a bit of a clear color, this woman said that most of the family is created by the disciples of Tianyin Palace.

This is normal in the Xiuxian world.

Some disciples with limited qualifications returned to the world after they had no hope of progress, and they married their children and created the Xiuxian family.

If the disciples of these Xiuxian families are still qualified, it is much easier to join the original sect.

This is the case for this woman.

"The predecessors guessed it."

Qing Xianzi nodded: "After the advanced generation, I want to join the Tianyin Palace."

"The faction is very strict, but for the sake of the ancestors, it is a good time to join."

"And the younger generation was at that time, knowing Qinxin’s sister."

"You go down in detail..."

Lin Xuan’s face also showed a concentrated expression. I have been listening for so long. I finally heard the clues related to the piano heart. How could he not be upset?

"You said yes, Qin Xin also joined the Tianyin Palace?"

"Yes, Qin Xin’s qualification is much better than mine. Although it has no connection with Tianyin Palace, it has been selected very smoothly."

The girl's eyes are somewhat blurred, obviously caught in memories: "At first, life is very calm, just like this, after about a hundred years, but a chance coincidence, Qinxin sister is a too The elders fancy and accept the apprentice."

"Accepted as an apprentice. Is this not a good thing?"

Lin Xuan brows a wrinkle, his face reveals a few unexpected colors, you must know that the Tianyin Palace is eye-catching, it can also rank in the top five, the strength is strong, it is difficult to say clearly in words, it is too elder. no doubt. It is a period of catastrophe, and it can be accepted as an apostle by this kind of existence. No matter from which angle, it is impossible to meet.

But the other party said that the situation of Qin Xin is not very good. For a time, even if Lin Xuan has extensive knowledge, I don’t know clearly. In the middle, what kind of secret is involved.

"I saw the same as Qinxin's sister, and she was like a sister. She has such a chance. I am also happy for her, but she is also a teacher of the wonderful sound fairy, and the chance of meeting us is also awkward. Until a hundred years ago, my relationship with Qinxin sister. Coincidentally, once again, she is frowning."

"My heart is curious, Qinxin's sister has advanced to the distraction period. Although it has just been promoted, but the district has been in the past for more than a thousand years, it can be such a speed of cultivation. It is already shocking. To tell the truth, the younger generation is awkward and embarrassed. Why is Qinxin’s sister not happy, I have repeatedly asked, Qinxin’s sister finally said the details...”

"Is there any twists and turns?"

Lin Xuan’s expression is more and more concerned.

"Yes, there are twists and turns in the middle, and the reason is that the heart of the piano is also discovered by chance."

"It turns out that the wonderful fairy is not really taking the heart of her sister, but treating her as a treasure of a strange commodity."

"What, the heart of the piano as a treasure of the strange goods?" Lin Xuan stunned, his face flashed a hint of haze, no matter what, Ouyang Qin heart is his wife, this wonderful sound fairy is in the heart, not wanting to the heart, but also Is to be an enemy of yourself.

For those who dare to hurt their own women, Lin Xuan will never let go.

But now...

It is necessary to first clear the truth of the matter: "You continue to say, what exactly is the other party's intentions, and what is the difference between the piano heart and the other party's fancy?"

"This secret is also unexpectedly discovered by Qinxin’s sister. It turns out that although Qinxin’s sister is only a general practitioner of the alien roots, she has a nine-lingual body.”

"Nine spirits, what is that?"

Lin Xuan's brow wrinkles, after all, there are countless special qualities in Xiu Xianjie. Even if he is widely informed, it is impossible for every one to hear about it.

"This kind of physique is not clear to the younger generation, but it is very useful for the wonderful fairy."

"Oh, please tell me more."

"This wonderful fairy, cultivation has a mystery, the body of the heart of the heart, can be used to be used by her to perform the heavens and the sea, transfer the day."

"Transfer the day?"

Lin Xuan stayed, originally he guessed that the role of the piano heart, but when the other side of the robbery, assisted from the side.

In this way, although dangerous, but far less than the point of nine deaths, if you are lucky, after the baptism of the robbery, you can still get some benefits.

The so-called "blessings and sorrows of the sorrows and sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of

If this is the case, Lin Xuan will not be particularly angry. This kind of thing is not much in the Xiuxian world, but it is often there.

In any case, the piano heart has received a lot of help from the wonderful sound fairy, and the cultivation of immortals, it is inevitable that there is danger.

However, the real situation is quite different from Lin Xuan’s guess.

It can be said that there is a very big discrepancy, and the role of the heart is not assisted by the side when the other party is robbed.

Instead, he was treated as a substitute by the other side.

In other words, when the singer of the wonderful sound fairy landed, all the power of the slain will be borne by the piano.

The sound of the fairy is safe and sound, and the end of the piano heart can be imagined.

During the robbery period, how powerful is the power, it is not too much to say that destroying the earth and destroying the land. Such a robbery is a part of the monk who can afford it.

The heart of the piano is undoubtedly undoubted, so that is it not to become the opponent's ghost? (To be continued...)

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