Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3361: Lin Xuan's determination

Looking at it from a close distance, the scene became more and more shocking.

The inexhaustible ghosts and ghosts, like ants, are layering and rushing toward the city. The original fairy city is like a boat in the stormy waves, and it is possible to overturn at any time.

There are more smelting corpses, and these are unconscious things. They don’t know what to fear and fear. The ban in the city is not a small one, but it will not last long.

Lin Xuan’s face is ugly, and the expression of Xing’s is not much better.

Originally thought that only the transfer point was exposed, I did not expect the situation has deteriorated to such an extent.

"It’s the golden corpse king!"

The voice of Xiaotoutou is full of anger, but the fear of it, in any case, can not be concealed: "This is a sinister land, a myriad of strange and powerful, but can gather so many corpse army at the same time, I am afraid that there is only the guy who is the king of gold."


Lin Xuan took a sip of cold air, and his expression suddenly became dignified. Although he was a self-respecting figure, he was never arrogant enough to think that he could compete with the power of the six kings.

If the Golden Dragon King is here, isn’t it really dangerous for the month?

Lin Xuan sucked cold air.

But fear is fearful, but there is absolutely no retreat.

How can you beat it?

Even if it is true, I will not let him hurt the moon anyway.

Even if you use the five dragons, even if the secrets of the blue Xinghai are exposed, even if the soul is scattered here, you must protect the moon.

Lin Xuan’s eyes are determined to be extremely strong, and the powerful gods are released.


Sure enough, a huge burst of sound was introduced into the sea.

About 100,000 miles away from here. The strength of the heavens and the earth has become chaotic, and the bursting sound is endless in the ears. At that level, if there is no sensory error, there is definitely a presence of a robbery level in the fight.

It’s a bit strange, if it’s catching and killing, oh, if the corpse of the golden corpse is here, unless the king of Ashura is resurrected. Otherwise, no one can compete with him on the moon.

Is it still loyal to the ghosts and ghosts of the moon, which actually have this level of power?

It’s incredible. It’s far from being able to compare even the ordinary period of the robbery. At least there must be a dragon or a hundred flowers fairy, in order to compete with the six kings of the Yin.

After listening to Lin Xuan’s analysis, Aunt’s face showed a strange color: “Less Lord, you want more, although Xiao Yan said that the army of the corpse king came here, but it does not mean. Wang himself, also personally arrived."


Lin Xuan passed the head and the voice of Xing's voice continued to spread: "The golden corpse is widowed. But his identity is indeed respected, how can he easily come here, this corpse army, mostly It was his men who brought them to the ground."

"It turned out to be."

Lin Xuan sighed. Only then did I know that I had considered the situation too difficult.

As long as the corpse king did not personally come here, there are some other strong robbery level. I can think of ways to cope.

In my mind, the thoughts turned, and Lin Xuan, who was in the same position as Qingneng, flew past the place where the volatility of the day was fierce.

And Lin Xuan is so close to the distance, naturally it is their own consideration.

If the fairy city in front of you is not mistaken, I am afraid that it is the shelter of the moon. At first glance, the situation is not good enough. It is not exaggerated to say that it is precarious.

Around it, there are countless ghosts and ghosts, and there are countless smelters of various ranks. I want to do everything I can to break the city.

At first glance, the situation is generally correct.

You can take a closer look, but you will find the mystery.

On the surface, Xiancheng is in danger of being squandered. In fact, it is not a trivial matter to ban its ban. If it is not wrong, it is the King of Ashura.

Therefore, although there are many enemies, there is no way to break the ban in a short period of time. Moreover, there are also cultivators in the city. Although the number is far from the corpse king army, there is no ban, and there is nothing to insist on for three or five days. questionable.

Therefore, even if the month is really in the city, there is no need to be busy with it. Lin Xuan is not a cultivator who has entered the immortality. He knows how to do things from a global perspective.

Don't look at the fierce battles here, but what really can guide the situation is the fierce fighting in the distance.

The strength of the immortal has reached a certain level, even if the number is difficult to cover up the gap between the realm.

As long as it can kill the ghosts and ghosts of the other side, the crisis that Xiancheng encounters can naturally be solved.

Lin Xuan saw the situation very clearly, so with the apricots did not hesitate to fly away in the distance.

100,000 miles, for ordinary people, it is out of reach, but with Lin Xuan's current strength, the speed is full, and the time spent is just a moment.

Soon it was, I saw the aura flashing in front, the sullen sky, all kinds of magic weapons flying in the air, and the light towers passed through the air, several battle groups, all battles were fierce to the extreme.

Sure enough, it is a level of robbery!

Lin Xuan released his knowledge and even displayed the Tianfeng gods. He felt that no other strong enemy looked around, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Xing's words are justified, Lin Xuan is also worried that Kim Jong-King is a person who is uneasy and unruly. If he really comes here, he will have to plan, and how to escape the birth with the moon.

Fortunately, the worry is superfluous, the old monster did not come here, so Lin Xuan sighed and began to concentrate on the current situation.

There are five enemies.

All are the strongest of the ghost level.

The repairs are different, some are early, some are medium.

As for the ghosts and ghosts of King Ashura, the number is even more numerous, and there are actually nine people.

Four of them are also strong in the level of the robbery, or to sacrifice treasures, or to display secret techniques, and the four men of the corpse king, catching and killing.

However, the other five...

Lin Xuan’s knowledge was swept away, and he almost doubted whether he was mistaken.

The five guys are nothing but distracting. Although they are the peak of distraction, compared with the old robbery, the gap can not be traced.

It’s a bit too much to say that the number of people is too much, but most of them are here because the men on the other side of the month are not enough. There are not enough masters to block the other’s strong, so only five ghosts of the distraction period can be sent.

Originally, Lin Xuan thought so, but he swept his eyes, but he widened his eyes, because they faced a middle-aged old monster.

If it is a last resort, shouldn’t they be asked to choose a weaker opponent?

Lin Xuan was amazed, and some of the two monks couldn’t figure it out.


Hey, take the baby to the hospital this morning, actually it is bronchiolitis, crying, the doctor said that the first infusion, see if you can get better, if you can't, then you have to be hospitalized, my poor baby, the magic rain is very distressing, these two The day update will definitely be affected, but I will try to ensure normal updates, ask for a ticket, and the baby's illness will be better soon!

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