Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3364: Outraged

"Golden corpse king!"

Lin Xuan smiled, and his face showed no disdain and hostility: "He counts something."

The language is not amazing and endless!

When this is said, let alone the goddess of the gods, it is the apricot and the five ghosts and ghosts, the same is stunned, almost thinking that their ears are wrong.

It is true that as a cultivator who is loyal to the moon, they are hostile to the corpse of the Golden Dragon.

The corpse king betrayed Ashura and said that it would not be an exaggeration to wear them with them.

But this is true, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, even if they wish to smash the soul of the corpse, but on the surface, they never dare to disrespect and smash it.

This is not because of fear, but because of the respect for the strong in the cultivation of the immortal world, the king of the golden corpse is the top figure in the three realms, and the district has no qualification for the existence of the **** level.

Therefore, even if they hate the corpse of the golden corpse in their hearts, on the surface, they must maintain the most basic respect. This is the rule of the celestial world. Unless you can defeat the strong, the smashing of the words behind it will be regarded as Weak.

A slightly identifiable monk also disdains to do it.

But the people in front of you can say so well.

As if in his eyes, the golden corpse is really just an ant.

He can use his strength to refine his soul!

Is this guy crazy?

I have seen arrogant cultivators, who have never seen them, dare to be arrogant to such a degree.

Depending on the gold corpse corpse is nothing, even if the scent of the demon king, the true devil ancestor, is not so much a big breath.

Who does he think he is?

The lord of the past, is the true immortal coming here?

Everyone in the place is stunned and looks like Lin Xuan’s expression, just like watching a monster.

That is, Apricot has also widened its eyes.

Sure enough, it is the person who makes the king cherish.

Don't mention anything else. It’s just that you’re so discouraged, and when you look at the Three Realms, few people can match it.

"what did you say?"

After a moment of stunned, Tianfei Zun is a great anger. He is one of the generals under the scorpion king. It is naturally revered for the corpse king.

The eyes are on fire, and I can’t wait to sculpt Lin Xuan.

However, his anger, Lin Xuan turned a blind eye. The smile on the corner of the mouth is full of disdain: "Lin, of course, knows what he is talking about. One day, I will take down the head of the golden corpse and let the old monster regret the betrayal of the moon."

Lin Xuan's voice tone. Of course, it is a matter of course.

That's right, he is now playing the golden corpse.

But then, how about it, one day, I will stand on the top of the Three Realms.

Don't say that there is a gold corpse in the district, even if the real fairy wants to kill the moon, let him drink it here!

For so many years. Lin Xuan defeated countless strong men. He believes that one day, Kim Jong-King will regret the stupid choices of today.

"Good, good!"

The face of Tianfei Zun is full of grievances. In the face of this unrecognizable person, he knows that the root of speech is useless.

"Little guy, dare to be rude to the golden corpse, today. I want you to splash five steps!"

"Splash five steps, can you do it?"

Lin Xuan's mouth corner. It is unconcealed that it reveals the contemptuous color. It is true that today’s self is a golden corpse, but he is not in the eyes of one of his districts.

No matter what the reason is, as a ghost and a ghost, betray the king of Ashura, then you must have the consciousness of being smashed.

Lin Xuan is not a cultivator of cruelty and killing, but for the enemy, there will never be any feelings.

"Okay, okay, the ancestors have to look at it. What are you doing, dare not say so much."

Tian Fei Zun was so angry that he was trembling, and he did not scream with Lin Xuan, and rushed toward Lin Xuan.

His body was originally fat, and at this moment, he did not know what secret technique he had applied. On the basis of the original, he actually doubled more.

Looking from afar, it really seems to be a difference with a meat mountain. However, Lin Xuan’s face has no fear, and he wants to be close to me, thinking that the young master is afraid of you?

This guy's fat armor is really outrageous, but he is also good at refining.

A mana can't be ignored.


Lin Xuan screamed loudly, and his voice exhaled. The cracked bones of the cockroaches passed into the ear and punched forward.

No treasures were used, but this punch made the world discolored.

The original dark void suddenly turned into a gray color, and the punching force visible to the naked eye extended toward the front, accompanied by the law of the power of silk!

The void was torn, and Lin Xuan’s understanding of the power of the law has entered a new realm.

On the face of the fat sage, there was also a hint of surprise.

It is not uncommon for the existence of the robbery period to drive the power of the law. It is not surprising that the people in front of us can look so thin, and they can still grasp the law of power.

Dare to speak up, it really has a few things.

But what about that?

Does the District Power Law think that it can be relied upon?

too naive!

He still doesn't blink, he is confident in his fat armor.

Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed a strange color and breathed deeply. In this punch, he added two points!


The popping sound is transmitted to the ear, since the other party does not flash and does not hide, this hit hits the target naturally without suspense.

The other party was actually hit.

The scene is hard to tell, and the power of the law is absorbed by the layers of fat armor.

There was a trace of pain on the other's face, but it was quickly replaced by a sly expression.

Lin Xuan’s fist does not say that there is no use at all, but it is indeed a hundred thousand miles away from the enemy.

And taking advantage of this effort, Tianfei Zun has already rushed to the vicinity.

The right hand stretched out, and the dragonfly fell toward the front, and a huge force emerged.

Although the other party did not comprehend the law of power, but with a thick fat, the power exerted is not inferior to the law of power.

At such a close distance, Lin Xuangen can't hide, let alone sacrifice the treasure.


As if the thunder was crossed in the void, Lin Xuan’s palm was also solid.

Like a broken kite, Lin Xuanfei went to the distance.

"Boom" is like a mountain peak.

As the stone fell, Lin Xuan was deeply embedded.

"Little Lord!"

Xing Er was shocked, but the face of Tian Fei Zun was flashed with a glimmer of color. This guy, who is also an unreasonable person, immediately rushed over.

How quickly his dawn was in the blink of an eye, and it was near the peak.

However, at this moment, a long scream of screaming into the ears, eating so much bitterness, Lin Xuan was also angry in the heart, as the whistling spread, the entire mountain, also crashed down.

Ps: A chapter written very early today, these days are even less, sorry, I will try my best.

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