Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3406: Rex Rabbit Three Caves

The root of the fire, also known as the fire of the source, is a kind of anti-theft magic that the monks in the robbery period have. In a nutshell, there is a similarity with the origin of the true spirit, the usual moment, that In any case, it will never be used. (Baidu Search Literature Museum)

Only when the situation is unreasonable, for example, when the life is threatened, the fire of the source will be ignited. It is similar to drinking and quenching thirst, but it can make the mana and repairing in a short time, and it will skyrocket.

However, the consequences are also very small, but the damage consumes a lot of life, and it takes a long time to retreat. In addition, it falls directly to the realm, and it is turned into a distracting level.

Moreover, this kind of realm has fallen, and it is difficult to re-cultivate it. If you want to re-enter the robbery period, the bottleneck will be more than several times that of the year.

If it is only the consumption of life, it will not be acceptable. The longevity of the existence of the robbery period and the retreat of the year are not necessarily unacceptable.

However, there is a danger of falling in the realm, and it is difficult to cultivate it. This one will make any one of the great powers discouraged, and the moment of life and vitality will never ignite the fire of the source.

Lin Xuan naturally does not understand the interests of this, but at the time, facing Huang Quan's ghost mother, Lin Xuan really did not have a better choice.

Wulong can not be easily used, only the fire of the roots can be used to use the real sword.

At that time, the situation was in crisis, and it was impossible for him to slowly fight with each other in one stroke. Otherwise, if something went wrong in the month, he would regret it.

Compared with the safety of the moon, the cost of igniting the root cause is nothing.

And my own situation is in my heart, igniting the root of the fire, the vitality of the injury is inevitable, but the realm of falling is not.

This possibility is very small, and it is negligible for use on oneself.

But no matter what, his own life. It did hurt a lot.

The soul of the sword is not the same as the burden on the body!

After defeating Huangquan's ghost mother, he reunited with the moon, and let Lin Xuan's original nervous nerves relax all of a sudden, and under the great joy, the burden on the spirit was even heavier.

It is also Lin Xuan, the gods know far better than the same level of immortals, for the general robbery period old monsters, at that time, most of them have been unable to support.

Then Lin Xuan turned the tide again. With the blood fire ants defeated the army of the King of the Golden Scorpion, millions of people, looking at the understatement, playing between the fingers. The powerful enemy is flying away, but at the same time manipulating hundreds of millions of blood fire ants, the consumption of mana and gods is extremely amazing.

To see the snow and the ink feathers defeat the strong enemy, this crisis has passed, Lin Xuan heart Panasonic. Can no longer support, directly fainted.


In my mind, Lin Xuan has already understood the beginning and the end of the matter.

Under the body, there is a feeling of powerlessness, and the irritability of the chest is also difficult to get to the extreme. More than I thought.

The only thing to be thankful for is that his own realm has not fallen. Today is still the cultivator in the middle of the robbery.

Lin Xuan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although for him, to ignite a fire of the source, the possibility of falling on the realm is negligible, but whoever makes it clear is clear. If it is really bad luck to the extreme, there is also a chance that there is nothing.

At that time. I only think that I am unlucky.

Fortunately, it is superfluous. It is just a matter of damaging some of the life. For others, it is very troublesome. But for yourself, you don’t need to retreat for a long time. You can take some panacea and restore it. It’s not necessarily impossible. Ground.

At this point, Lin Xuan sighed.

Turning around the head, I saw the look of the moon full of fear.

"Young master, how do you feel?"


It’s a bit of a hassle to recover, but Lin Xuan doesn’t want to worry too much about the month: “How long have I been in a coma?”

"It has been more than ten days."

"What, how long?"

Lin Xuan was shocked.

This is much more than what I had originally expected: "Where are we now, still in the city of Xian?"

After hard work, although the plot of Jin Zangwang was defeated, the location of this hiding place has also been exposed. The King of the Golden Skull will never be willing to fail. It will definitely send another army here, even if it is not in person. impossible.

If this happens, even if you ignite the root cause, or even use the five dragons, I am afraid it will not be useful.

One of the six kings of the Tang Dynasty, the strength is comparable to that of the scattered fairy, far from the district Huangquan ghost mother can match.

Lin Xuan is not in a hurry.

"You don't have to worry about the young master. We are no longer in the fog and swamp, but we are in another hiding place." Yue smiled and said that she knew what the young master was worried about.

"Another hiding place, is that safe?"

"You don't have to worry about the young master. This hiding place is tens of millions of miles away from the original smog and swamp. It seems to be prepared by me in the past. If it is reasonable, there should be no problem."

The gentle voice of the moon was introduced into the ear, telling me.

Lin Xuan finally understood the beginning and end of the matter.

Millions of years ago, King Ashura was shocked. It seems that he had already anticipated the end of the battle with the real fairy, so at a very early age, he prepared for the reincarnation.

She understands that the human heart is unpredictable. Although she is the owner of the yin, but after the reincarnation, the strength is weak, and it is inevitable that there will be people who are guilty.

So I prepared a lot of backhands.

For example, the hiding place, nature is far more than the fog and swamp.

As the saying goes, the three caves of the Rabbit, the owner of the Tang Dynasty, how can the eggs be placed in a basket?

The shelters she prepared, each one is secretive, easy to defend, and can be transmitted to each other.

However, the transfer of the person after the reincarnation, personally hosted, can start, otherwise, the rest of the five kings of the Yinsi came here, facing the mysterious transmission array, only hope that the ocean is sighing.

This kind of preparation was already foolproof. However, this time, the enemy came too suddenly, and the month was retreating.

When she came out, the entire city, surrounded by the army of the Golden Skull King, a few emperors of the snow and other levels of the robbery, had to split the enemy.

In this case, although the transmission array is hosted by the month, it is naturally impossible for her to start alone.

The month of the month fell into a great crisis. If Lin Xuan arrived here in time, he would show off the power and kill the Huangquan ghost mother. The result was really unimaginable.

Understand the beginning and the end of the matter, Lin Xuan could not help but be awkward, but for the description of the month, you can be sure that the current security should be innocent, and hundreds of thousands of people will be transmitted in a distance, the means of King Ashura. It’s really admirable.

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