Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3876: Meeting in the narrow road

The wise man, also known as the multi-smart god, is the most trusted confidant under the illusion.

That's right, it's the fan-wool towel, which is full of wisdom, and asks you to deal with the monster of the Fairy League.

To gain the trust of the illusory demon, the whole demon of the entire North Dragon Road is the only one.

It is no exaggeration to say that the spring breeze is proud.

Then the multi-smart **** went to the office with joy.

However, it is a coincidence that, since he was ordered to deal with the Fairy League, the route of travel and Lin Xuan will not be much different.

After all, the headquarters of the Fairy League is now in the vicinity of Yunyin.

Then... double convenient to meet head-on in the middle of the road.

In the flat, this is a coincidence.

In advance, no one expected.

Both sides were shocked by this encounter, but it is naturally impossible to ignore the other party.

Even if you don't want to, you can only fight for your life.

And this multi-intelligence demon, although it is the ultimate, can be used in the encounter, smart and how many uses, in the final analysis, strength is the fundamental thing.

A bit of a fight, the result is naturally no suspense, no district, a magic deity, how could it be Lin Xuan's opponent?

Was beaten and lost his armor.

Fortunately, he is not a vain character, but he also has a field, and this level of power, there is no shortage of life-saving techniques.

Although he played Lin Xuan, he also took the time to empty the soles.

No matter what, first escape your life.

This miss is very good, but how can Lin Xuan make him wishful?

As the saying goes, it hurts to beat the dog, and the cooked duck will let him fly away?

So Lin Xuan chased after him.

Poor this multi-smart demon is a very sad, like a housewife, was chased by Lin Xuan.


Here is a wasteland, the sky is a little dim, the thunder of thunder is coming from the top of the head from time to time, after a while, dense. Falling the raindrops of the size of soybeans.

The fog is so sullen, the rain is so bright, and the opposite figures become unclear.

Suddenly, a muffled sound of "呜" was introduced into the ear, and a black line appeared in the far side of the sky, and then the abnormally fast flight to this side.

It was a black shocking rainbow. It is as fast as a teleport, and it can be seen carefully, but it is found that its flight path is somewhat curved and swaying.

Just like a drunkard, he drank too much alcohol.

Later. With a ray of light, a monk with a fan-wool towel came into view.

No, this person is not a cultivator, it should be a demon outside the domain, the magic of the body, thick to the point of shocking.

The strong in the demon.

But at this moment, he is full of scars.

Large and small injuries are difficult to count. Some even reached the point where the bones were hurt.

Bloody, the most shocking thing is that his left half of the body, flew away with one hand and one foot, the blood did not even stop, and still braved out.

"No, this body is almost unable to support it. Forcing him to escape will only be a self-restraint. It seems that he has to give up."

The voice of self-talk is introduced into the ear. However, the words of Duo Zhi Tian Mo are filled with too much helplessness.

The extraterrestrial demon is different from the three monks, but it is not a last resort, and who is willing to give up the flesh.

If you don't do this at the moment, waiting for him will be the result of the fall.

The two powers are taken lightly, and even if they are reluctant in their hearts, they can only make choices with a hard scalp.


This thought has not been turned, and the sky is shining in the distance. A group of silver light emerged and slowly flew in this direction.

It seems to be very slow, but every time it is shaking, it seems to be shrinking into size.

"Damn. That Lin Xiaozi once chased tighter than once."

The multi-intelligence demon was shocked and angry, and the situation was so severe that he could not hesitate.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

With a slap in the face, he suddenly danced in the same place.

There are no movements in the rules, but it is inexplicably full of a simple atmosphere, and the mouth spit out a curse.

Then from his head, there was a deep magic.

The magic gas was slightly overturned, and it instantly became a man's face.

The five senses are the multi-intelligence gods, full of ambiguous colors.

The extraterrestrial demon is different from the three monks. Because of the different forms, most of them will not condense the Yuan Ying.

Once out of the body, it exists in the form of a demon soul.

The devil is a kind of intangible thing, changing a lot, especially good at winning.

At this moment, he left his body, but he did not immediately look at the wind and fled, but in the hustle and bustle, the curse of the cockroach swallowed.

With the sound of screaming in the ears, the body that he abandoned was actually rising in the storm.

However, in a flash of time, it became a huge monster of the size of a mountain.


The huge body has grown countless arms, and there is a treasure in the palm of each arm.

As a strong field, this guy's body is naturally rich.

The sword and the sword, this treasure contains almost eighteen weapons.

Not only that, but his body still has a large and small monster.

These new eyes have no pupils, and just a glance, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

After doing all this, the demon soul turned into a gust of wind and spurred into the distance.

At this time, Lin Xuan is far away from him.

It sounds quite far, but for the monks in their realm, it is just a snap.

With his knowledge of the gods, the other side’s actions naturally looked clear.

I want to smash the shell, hey, it’s too naive!

In front of this demon robbery, the supernatural powers, the magical power is quite good, and finally he was beaten to death, Lin Xuan naturally will not let the dying enemy.

The sleeves are glanced, the silver mans are full of heaven, and the Jiugong must be smashed out of the sleeves of the fish. If the wind and the showers are caught, the thunder will be screaming toward the other side.

And Lin Xuan’s means, of course, will not only have this.

Then he held both hands.

Ronaldinho’s law appeared in the back.

Nine heads and eighteen arms, violent to the extreme.

Also in the twinkling of an explosion, the size of the mountain, the nine heads whistling in unison, turned into a golden light, the speed is even above the Jiugong Shoujian sword.

Then the illusion of the sky fire also emerged, turned into a winged phoenix.


After three consecutive attacks, Lin Xuan did not spare any effort. The purpose was to cleanse the enemy and kill the other party here. Lin Xuan did not want the other party to continue to escape, so that what was born outside the festival.

A loud bang of the "Boom" was introduced into the ear, and the two behemoths slammed together. Then the Nine Palaces had to squat and squat, and they had surrounded the other group, and then became the illusion of the phoenix.

The body of the multi-intelligence demon turned into a monster full of eyes, and the magical power may also have its own uniqueness, but Lin Xuan’s attack came too quickly.

Like a flood, quickly drown him.

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