Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3927: Call for help

Breathe the mountains and rivers!

The shock brought by these Mozus is really a big deal, and they are just forwards.

Then, the bleak horn sounded into the ear, and countless Warcraft flew out from the other side.

Dense, like a locust.

Not only is the number of people astounding, but the appearance of each Warcraft is also different, some are like insects, others are like wild beasts.

The suffocating suffocating sighs of the sky, rushing toward the front, like a moth, but the momentum is really astounding.

The attack started!

The face of the Jubilee girl was gloomy and extreme, and an order was issued. The Masters manipulated the ban and began a strong counterattack.

Although the defensive group is both offensive and defensive, in this case, the offense is the best defense.

Otherwise, blindly defensive, must have low morale.

And relying on the ban, you can maximize the other party's living power to eliminate here.

The idea of ​​the Jubilee Girl is very clear.

As the saying goes, good people don't come, people who come are not good, and now the smartest choice is to stay awaiting help.

The Xiandao League Conference has ended. With the character of the two younger brothers, there will never be more delays outside. At this time, it is already going to the Zongmen.

The Jubilee girl is so tempted to look at it, but it is inevitable to show the color of worry on her face. She sighs in a sigh: "It’s a pity that the news can’t be sent out. Otherwise, the speed of Lin’s return will definitely be faster.”

"Sisters don't have to worry, if only pass, Xiaomei still has a way." Ouyang Qin's voice was heard in his ear.

"What, brother and sister, do you have a way to contact them?"

The jubilee girl could not help but be overjoyed.


Ouyang Qin did not say much, and the sleeves were smashed, and a scorpion flew out of his fingertips.

This symbol is similar to the size of the palm, but it is as thin as a flap, but it is translucent, and the rune is mottled. A mysterious breath spread out.

"this is……"

The silver eagle girl has widened her eyes.

"This is a communication charm that was given to me before I left. It is said to have been made from real materials. Even if it is separated by thousands of miles, it can be instantaneously, and it is almost impossible to intercept it. Possible tasks."

The voice of Ouyang Qin’s heart was introduced into the ear, and then the jade hand was lifted up. One finger pointed at the symbol, and with her movements, Fu Yu actually had no wind and spontaneously ignited.

In the flames. There is a line of text that appears faintly, slightly flashing, and then disappears.


At the same time, thousands of miles away, a thrilling rainbow rushed, and looked carefully, but it was a flying boat. Lin Xuan and the surnamed teenager sat in the bow and were drinking fine wine.

This goes to East Yuguo. Participation in the Xianmeng Conference, although some met with some twists and turns, but in the end it was smooth, Lin Xuan got the ally.

Just like the speculation of the Jubilee girl. The two did not delay and returned to the main rudder.

This way, the mood is naturally very good.

The two took out the wine and drank it at the bow. While chatting and enjoying the scenery, Lin Xuan also pointed out some of the tricks of the young surnames of the dragon.

The other party naturally benefits a lot. Lin Xuan is more grateful to Dade.

He is now a small robbery period. Although it is impossible to break through in this life, but Lin Ling’s reciting experience can be improved on the basis of the original.

Even Shouyuan can be extended a lot.

For Lin Xuan, the brothers and sisters have always been good to themselves. With Lin Xuan’s character, if they can, they will not return them.

The two were chatting happily, and suddenly, Lin Xuan frowned.

"Lin Shidi, what happened?"

The face of the young surname of the dragon showed a curious color, and he did not feel anything wrong.

Lin Xuan did not open his mouth, but a sling of his sleeves. Suddenly, a fire came out from his palm.

In the middle of a gathering, a thin, fluttering symbol emerges, mysterious to the extreme.

Then a line of text appeared on it.

Lin Xuan saw it clearly, and his face suddenly changed.

"Teacher, what happened?"

The dragon surnamed on the side is still a confused color. Of course, the instinct also notices that it is not appropriate, and the heart can't help but mention it all at once.

"The total rudder has a large number of extraterrestrial demon, and now it is at stake." Lin Xuan's voice was heard into his ears.

"What, the general rudder has a big demon army, how is this possible?"

The surname of the young surname of the dragon is stunned, and his face is full of incredible colors: "If the foolish brother remembers correctly, near the Yunyin Mountain, the Mozu strongholds in the millions of miles are all razed to the ground. Those extraterrestrial devils are from Where did it come out?"

"You ask me, I know where else, but since the sound of the piano has sent a message for help, there must be no mistake." Lin Xuan’s voice sighed into the ear.

"What do we do now? Now it is far from the total rudder. It is far from being thirsty. The younger brother is now the master of the Immortal League. Can you order the other forces to go to the vicinity of Yunyin Mountain?" Said.

"This is not appropriate." Lin Xuan shook his head.

"Why?" The young surname of the dragon is now concerned about chaos.

"Senior brother, you calm down, and don't say that there is no strong Zongmen family nearby. Even if there is, I can't order them. After all, Xiandao League is just a loose union of forces, and it has just been established, even if it is The lords can't do anything to say that they want to help the Yunzong sect. It is tantamount to moths and fires. It is too difficult for people to be strong."

Lin Xuan sighed and said that he has seen the problem and has reached the point where he has seen the blood. If he does, he will not only receive assistance, but will easily lead to resentment.

"That... what should I do?" The long-awaited boy’s worried opening, he is now chaotic.

"How can we get back to the rudder as soon as possible, but this flying boat can't be used anymore. We use the light to hurry, meet Xiancheng, and try to use the transmission array."

"It can only be like this."

Without further ado, in this case, the two naturally did not dare to delay, Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, but when Qing Xia flashed, the flying boat was closed.

Then Lin Xuan was in the green mang, and wrapped the dragon surnamed teenager into it, and smashed it into the sky.

The reason why this is done is because Lin Xuan is fully committed, and the speed of dawn is twice as fast as that of the young surname of the dragon. As the saying goes, saving people like firefighting, Yun Yinzong is in danger, and rushing back at a moment, the hope of being rescued by the same door, It will be bigger.


Lin Xuan’s situation on the road is not mentioned, let’s say Yun Yinzong, the battle is fierce.

In the face of the impact of the extraterrestrial demon, the defensive group was fully opened.

From the clouds, a beam of light is ejected, and there are countless thunder fires, such as rain and bananas, scattering toward the enemy. (To be continued...)

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