Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3944: Wonderful space

First here, the knowledge of God has been greatly suppressed, and the distance of detection has been shortened to only the inside. This kind of process is about the same as that of the monks in the late Yuan Ying. It seems that if you want to find the moon, you will add a lot of variables. .

Secondly, the laws of heaven and earth here are quite different from those that I have ever touched. It can be said that there is no such thing as the same.

With his own strength and understanding, he was unable to enlighten himself. It was like a force between the law and himself, separated by a layer of fog.

As a result, there is no way to drive.

After all, even if you can't see it, how can you use the power of the law?

And this is not the worst.

What makes Lin Xuan's face ugly is that the field has lost its effect.

I am the master of my field, but in this cave of the real thing, the field is imprisoned by a mysterious force.

As a result, your strength can be greatly reduced.


The only thing that is fortunate is that the mana is running flawlessly, because the air is full of strong fairy power, and the power that can be exerted by the supernatural powers seems to be one or two minutes larger.

But no matter what, it is very unfavorable to meet a strong enemy in this situation.

Fortunately, the real person of Huayu is definitely not here, but the wandering fairy in this place is definitely more than just one.

The thoughts in my mind turned, and the expression on Lin Xuan’s face has returned to calm. Although there are some unfortunate factors, it is not the worst result.

It is imperative to find the moon first.

Thinking so in my heart, Lin Xuan’s body was made up of green and man, and then it was again converged, turning into a gray light and flying to the horizon.

He has shown the technique of tempering, in this case, a low-key, always necessary.

Sometimes it is dangerous. It’s not that hiding can escape.

Lin Xuan flew about less than a meal.

"Hey, hey..."

A loud noise came into the ear.

Like a gong and drum, but the earth is shaking, Lin Xuan's eyes are slightly stunned. Look around in the direction of the sound.

I saw a dust rising in the distance, and a huge person rushed out of the dust.

Really a giant, tall and full, muscle knots are incomparable, the skin is silvery, the teeth are exposed, but the eyes are on the forehead.

It is like the size of a lantern, and there is only one.

There is no spiritual pressure on the body, but Lin Xuan has a dangerous feeling.

The clothes worn by this giant. Obviously it was made of animal skin, and on his shoulder, he still had a dark mace.

A wild smell came over and it was very dangerous for Lin Xuan.

This place should not stay for a long time!

Although I don't know, it is an enemy with this giant. However, Lin Xuan does not want to stay and communicate with him. It is better to have more things than one thing. Lin Xuan’s body is green and he wants to go away like a distant spur.


A thunderous roar of the roar into the ear, the giant's face flashed a trace of twilight, the mace in his hand raised high, and headed for Lin Xuan's direction.

The two are separated. There are still a few miles.

From the surface of the mace, there are countless fogs that have risen into a sinister sky.

The sky is one of them!

The evil rushed forward, even ignoring the distance of the space, came to the place where Lin Xuan was in front of Zhang Yuan, and the blood basin opened wide. It was a light wave like Lin Xuan spit.

Such a close distance is so sudden,

Lin Xuan simply couldn't hide, and was swallowed up by the light.

The giant's face flashed a glimmer of joy, and there was a faint violent breath in his eyes.

One hand is empty. The mace was lifted again by him, and a black light suddenly appeared. No, it should be black inflammation. The whole mace was wrapped, and he fell again in the direction of Lin Xuan.


A black bark emerged, covering most of the sky, but it quickly shrank in the process of falling.

The bar becomes more solid, and the power naturally rises, and the slamming slams above the flame.

However, the sound of gold and iron symphony was transmitted to the ear, and then a hurricane rose out of the air, blowing the flame away, revealing the face of Lin Xuan.

A golden law appeared behind him.

The eighteen arms were combined and lifted up, just blocking the shadow.


The sound of the tsunami in the mountains and the sound of the giant cymbals came into the ears. Seeing that this did not defeat the prey, the expression on the giant's face was obviously dissatisfied.

He suddenly raised his head.

A green-green beam of light emerged from the lantern-sized eye.

Lin Xuan saw a cold face, a flash of body shape, has disappeared into the horizon.

The pillar of light that the giant shot suddenly fell into the air.

Lin Xuan still does not want to entangle.

After all, even if such a fight wins, there is no meaning to himself. He came here to look for the moon and Xiaodie.

Can hide as much as possible!

Lin Xuan’s plan is good, but his move without a fight has completely angered the giant.

Raise his head, make a roar, and use his two fists to keep his chest.

With his movements, Lin Xuan felt the air around him solidify, and the speed of the dawn dropped a lot, and the giant took a step to catch up with a jaw-dropping speed.

"It’s really confusing."

Lin Xuan saw this scene, his face could not help but flash a trace of anger, he was only in the principle of more than one less thing, I retreated slightly, but it was really weak as a deceit.

"So I want to fall, then the young master will send you to Huangquandi."

Lin Xuan’s face flashed a stern color.

The right hand was slightly lifted, and suddenly a silver light appeared. A thin, flapped fairy sword appeared at the fingertips. Lin Xuan held it and waved forward.

Suddenly, "嗤嗤" sounded loudly, and countless silver filaments broke out from where Lin Xuan stood, such as squally showers, rushing toward the other side.

Lin Xuan moved the real fire, and the shot was the secret technique of turning the sword into silk.

In this mysterious space, although it is impossible to drive the power of the law, there is no way to open up the field, but the rest of the magical powers are unaffected.

The giant human body is the best target.

Seeing countless swords to wrap themselves, the giant's face flashed a touch of color.

Put the mace in your hand, open your hands and lift the top.

A layer of golden light is scattered from his palm.

The expansion of Jinguang turned into a small golden lake.

Yes, the lake is high above the top of his head.

Lin Xuan met and was not shrunk, and such a strange spell was widely seen by him, and he had never seen it.

Is it the secret of the fairy world?

What is the relationship between the giant in front of him and the real person?

These thoughts turned in my mind, and the golden thread was already densely rained, and the "噗噗噗" fell into the small lake.

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